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Everything posted by kaboom35

  1. OK I can’t seem to forget about this guy. And now he’s coming to New York when I’m there. Although the last seven reviews on rentmen are all by the same person. Not sure if that a good sign or bad sign.
  2. For what it’s worth I’ve been with him twice and he was always able to perform, get hard, and cum. With that said it’s been about five years or so since I was with him.
  3. Anyone been with him? https://rentmen.eu/joeyfrost
  4. This is true. But he quickly deleted them from the thread so I didn’t get the greatest look at them. Seems like his privacy matters to him and didn’t want his pictures out there for long. I barely got a loom of his face but I would still willing to take the plunge here.
  5. kaboom35


    Lots of talk about him. Search with an extra “n”. Nywolfmann I’m planning to meet him next month. I’ve heard great things and he’s easy to chat with.
  6. Anyone? https://rentmen.eu/Gingerish
  7. kaboom35

    Hungmatt NYC

    Saw one thread on him but not too much information. Anyone been with him? Seems to have great reviews https://rentmen.eu/HungMatt/
  8. Anyone been with him? https://rentmen.eu/clippersm
  9. This guys ad is gone. Anyone know where he went?
  10. Any updates? I’m curious too
  11. He never responded to me. Texted him three times and I was cordial and nice. No clue what his deal is.
  12. Bumping. I like this guys look and profile. Anyone ?
  13. do you ask to see their vax card or you just believe they are telling the truth when they say they are vaccinated? Just curious.
  14. This guy looks like he'd be a bit devious in bed. Anyone ? https://rentmen.eu/DuaneTrade
  15. was just looking at his ad. I'm curious too.
  16. Anyone been with him? Usually younger than what I go for but I'm intrigued https://rentmen.eu/DBiddies
  17. For those who met him, you sent him a 50% deposit before meeting? I just read through his whole website and it seems like he requires that. I’ve never spent that much money on an escort but I’m thinking about it. He knows how to sell himself and not one bad review...
  18. hmm...so lets say for argument sake I could only afford one of these guys, do you recommend Kiddo or MascDude? .
  19. Ok lots of talk about his cock. Ha. Does he kiss? Cause obviously I’m not bottoming for him so wanted to make sure he’s fun regardless.
  20. Anyone been with this guy? Only saw one other thread and some forum members were confusing him with another guy ginger so didn't seem there was any feedback. https://rentmen.eu/BigDick_Ginger
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