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Posts posted by MasssageGuy

  1. For the most part masseurs/escorts would prioritize their regulars for the fact that they are regulars. They know them and know how much $$$ they’re getting. Tips in particular. They know what they want and what to expect. Not so much with new clients let alone someone from out of town.

    An absolutely reasonable approach.


    Marketing 101 teaches RFM. Recency, Frequency, and Monetary value of customers/clients. We value are regulars because they are recent, frequent, and provide a steady predicable (for the most part) revenue stream.

  2. It wasn't until I was 58 that I hired, and was with a man for the first time. It was my try before I die thing, and am glad for it. Have met a few others. No regrets. Now in my 60's, I'm beginning to be more conscious of living without regrets.

    That's a beautiful thing to share. I'm so glad you are not really "bashful".


    I recently watched this video by Bertrand Russel as to what Christianity does to us and how it fills us with guilt.


    Live without regrets my friend.




  3. Bertrand Russell’s Advice For How (Not) to Grow Old: “Make Your Interests Gradually Wider and More Impersonal”


    He wrote this when he was 81 years old. I'm not there yet. About 10 years away.


    It would be interesting to hear advice from others in this forum on how they approach "growing old".


    Actually, isn't it interesting in that we refer to it as GROWING old. It implies we are still growing in our interests and learning.


    "The best way to overcome it [the fear of death]—so at least it seems to me—is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life. An individual human existence should be like a river: small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past rocks and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. The man who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue. And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will not be unwelcome. I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do and content in the thought that what was possible has been done. "


    Full read is here.


  4. Big Sugar gets no love from me, but there was a guy named Ancel Keys who made his career putting forward the dietary fat = body fat hypothesis and Big Sugar was just happy to help suppress any evidence to the contrary.


    Ancel Keys: The Sugar Controversy



    In 1972,
    was published, written by
    for a lay readership. Its intention was to summarize the evidence that the over-consumption of sugar was leading to a greatly increased incidence of coronary thrombosis, and that in addition it was certainly involved in dental caries, probably involved in obesity, diabetes and
    , and possibly involved in
    and some

    Yudkin ended the first Chapter: "I hope that when you have read this book I shall have convinced you that sugar is really dangerous." This message was extremely unwelcome to the sugar industry and manufacturers of
    . The final Chapter of
    Pure, White and Deadly
    lists several examples of attempts to interfere with the funding of his research and to prevent its publication. It also refers to the rancorous language and personal smears used by Ancel Keys to dismiss the evidence that sugar was the true culprit.


    The efforts to discredit the case against sugar were largely successful, and by the time of Yudkin's death in 1995 his warnings were, for the most part, no longer being taken seriously.

    Yudkin's arguments and evidence for the dangers of sugar were the focus of several articles in the
    of 19 January 2013.

    In 2009,
    , a pediatric endocrinologist of the University of California, San Francisco, Medical School who has a special interest in childhood obesity, made a video called
    Sugar: The Bitter Truth
    . Lustig had independently re-discovered and confirmed Yudkin's findings and, taking aim at Keys, asked his audience, "Am I debunking?"

    Thanks OldNBusted for recommending this book.


    I ordered both the paperback and audio book versions.


    This book exposes the truth and harmful effects of eating sugar. It also documents how the sugar industry fights to keep those facts hidden with similar tactics the tobacco industry did.


    I have removed all sugar from my diet. The benefits are amazing. I have lost weight simply by removing refined sugar and eating whole foods.


    Just look around and you can see the disastrous effects on people's health.


    Thanks again OldNBusted.

  5. Before Masseurfinder changed its policy, Ty ran two ads: one for therapeutic massage and one for sensual/erotic, with fairly detailed descriptions of both. He also went by the name Daka Frey. My experiences with him have all been of the erotic type, but I think he’s no longer offering that, at least with new clients. Someone on this forum wrote me that he recently booked a massage with Ty and got a very nice, but definitely therapeutic only massage. He has an inviting, intimate massage space; he is very handsome and has a rock hard muscular physique; and I’ve always found him to be extremely pleasant and sexy. As for the massage: YMMV, as they say.

    This was also my experience. My take is that he is being very cautious most likely because he ran into issues.


    Well worth the experience.

  6. Having managed large IT systems, you cannot stay on outdated and thus unsupported versions of products.


    Operating systems, data base systems, hardware and software are all interdependent.


    You must constantly be upgrading and stay current or you run the risk of platform instability.


    At IBM it was called RAS. Reliability, Availability and Serviceability.


    Daddy is to be commended for his IT expertise.

  7. It still our fault. We make our own food choices. And the information that will allow people to make better choices is out there for anyone who's interested.

    I'm not sure it is 100% our fault as the deck is stacked by food industry paying huge sums of money to lobby and influence lawmakers to weaken laws that protect our health. Corporations also fund "research" that favors outcomes that downplay health hazards in products they produce and sell.


    However, at the end of the day, we decide what we put in our mouth and what we choose to eat.


    Should we put sugary drinks in schools? Should we have Dominos Pizza provide school lunches?


    We all pay for the cost in lost productivity and skyrocketing health care costs from sugar laden processed food.

  8. Sweet Revenge Turning the Tables on Processed Food (no vegetarian/vegan propaganda)


    For years we have been told that type 2 diabetes, liver and heart disease are caused by eating too much--it's all our fault. Dr. Robert H. Lustig explains that the problem is the quality and not the quantity of the food we eat. The real culprit is processed food, loaded with added sugar and stripped of its natural fiber and nutrients.



  9. ’m convinced that I can still control the amount of belly fat that accumulates by the choices I make.


    Great Job! There is so much added sugar in all the processed foods we consume. Amazing results from eating whole foods and reducing added sugar consumption.


    Thanks for feedback on your quest.

  10. This is a very interesting article.


    Essentially, eating processed food is killing our ancestral microbiome.




    "When he fed mice a fiber-poor, sugary, Western-like diet, diversity plummeted. (Fiber-starved mice were also meaner and more difficult to handle.) But the losses weren’t permanent. Even after weeks on this junk food-like diet, an animal’s microbial diversity would mostly recover if it began consuming fiber again."

  11. Sugar is killing us. Sugar in fruits is equally bad. My physician told me that the old motto "fruits and vegetables" is "vegetables" only. She says that I should treat fruits like candy. A very small portion rarely. She suggests a diet of protein, salads, vegetables and natural fats.

    I disagree with your physician. All sugars are not to same. All the fiber in fruit is very beneficial and eating an apple will satiate you much more than a fizzy drink.

  12. I don't understand that. Insulin is produced by big biotechnology companies like Genentech from genetically modified bacteria in big fermentation vats. If you need more, bring more production facilities online. Especially since they just got more than 10 years' advance notice of the need.


    Interesting video on how it is manufactured.


    Yes, you need to wonder if supply is being kept low to drive prices up. There are only three manufactures from what I understand.

  13. Type 1 is difficult. I know of some people who got off medication from type 2 by a strict diet and exercise and losing weight. My cousin and a few acquaintances. Also know a few people who no matter what they do, never get off type 2 either.


    Type 1 is tough though-I know one person who got it as a teen. If they ever make insulin shots in the form of a pill-it might be easier!


    Is the World Running Out of Insulin? Shortages Could Leave Millions of Diabetics Without Treatment

    Millions worldwide may be unable to access the drug by 2030, scientists predict






  14. I keep hearing diet is just as bad-why it has zero sugar and no carbs-is it the other ingredients and how does it affect?


    I have a simple philosophy that helps me determine what food I eat. If I cannot pronounce the ingredient, i.e. aspartame, etc., I don't consume it or buy it.


    There is growing evidence that the artificial sweeteners are screwing up metabolism.






    Of course, the beverage industry will say no it does not. Just as tobacco industry did with their products.


    And so it goes.

  15. And I'm a distinguished M.D. As a distinguished Ph.D., Dr. Campblell should know better than to write an article without referencing studies to back up his claims. I cited one, but there are others which show that vegetable oils have positive health benefits. Yes, and some (such as olive) are probably better than others. An article which someone merely espouses an opinion is not the same thing as showing a study based on facts and scientific inquiry.

    Show me fact based research that claims we need additional oil in our diet other than what occurs naturally in plants. We simply don't need it. We keep eating refined products that have deleterious impacts on our health.




    The topic of the post is Sugar, BTW.

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