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Everything posted by Andy2

  1. Is this too good to be true? New ad, no reviews. https://rent.men/Latinstudnyc
  2. Way too much drama with this one.
  3. Very hott guy, with almost all great reviews. Any experience with him? https://rent.men/JohnSaints
  4. Very hott body, great private pix. Relatively new to the scene--Any experience with him? Or insights from the ad? https://rent.men/Markmasculine
  5. Derek Adams (Maximum NYC early 2000s) Tristan Baldwin Bradley Black Ryan Chambers Talvin DeMachio Mike Gaite (I saw him when he advertised as "Muscle Mike") Rick Hammersmith A.J. Irons Rich Reynolds Todd (New Orleans PT) Todd (LA, went under several names)
  6. Face? Reviews? Any history? Always a risk with new, unreviewed providers who provide very little information via pix and bio. Proceed with caution?
  7. Tristan Baldwin was a BG East wrestler under the name of Aryx Quinn--and Tristan really can wrestle, has singlets etc. He remains friends or is in touch with other former video wrestlers, many of whom remain pretty hot. Disclosure: I am a huge fan of Tristan, both as an escort and as a video wrestling star. His video with A.J. Irons is a classic domination scene, and I also enjoyed his gut punishment of the handsome Z Man.
  8. Andy2

    411 on TreyDC

    I enjoyed PJBs and never had a bad experience--partly because I would insist on a live phone conversation with the JockBoy. "Butch" would accommodate, and I am sure I was always talking to the actual JockBoy. And I found them truthful with me anyway. Never met Trey, but he is very cute and I like his swimmer's built. SOME of his pix are dated, however. Ask for recent shots?
  9. Literate ad, hott pix, but no reviews. A newbie: Any thoughts? Experience with this man? https://rent.men/HOTMUSCLSTUD
  10. Literate ad, hott pix, but no reviews. A newbie: Any thoughts? Experience with this man? https://rent.men/HOTMUSCLSTUD
  11. FWIW, he has 60 RM Reviews, mostly from established Reviewers, and they all give him 5 stars and confirm that he looks like his pix. Some pix may be dated, but he seems like the real deal. And a theme of the written reviews is that he is easy to deal with, and tries hard to please. Chemistry means mileage may vary, but this one sounds like a winner.
  12. This account by a "newbie" pretty much kills my interest in this provider. I exchanged emails with him, and he made no mention of "real pictures." The photos on RM are quite specific. If he wants anonymity or discretion, why not just post body pictures? Why lie about what he looks like? Assume he is goodlooking--he is still being deceitful in the ad. AND then we learn he is not actually in Stamford? That was a plus for me, as I didn't want to drive into NYC. Too many red flags for the provider and for his newbie enabler.
  13. This Hott-looking Latin is in Stamford, short distance from NYC. Very nice body. Corresponded with him, and he says he is into a lot of sweaty roleplay fun. Tempted here, but thought I'd do recon here. Any experience? Is this guy legit? https://rent.men/LatinfireXL
  14. I concur with Items 1-6 and would add a #7: Always engaged my roleplay ideas with intelligence, imagination, and verve. Sometimes with costumes as well.
  15. The texts of the RM reviews are over the top positive. Most were from "trusted" reviewers. I have never seen so many reviews with detailed texts, almost all following the same pattern: Lorenzo is handsome, a real sweetheart etc. Great kisser, but no one goes into details of any real sex Professional, five star hotel etc. Had the best time ever. Usually followed by a note from Lorenzo So many reviews, with so much text, following a pattern. . . . . I am happy to believe that Lorenzo is the real deal, but the pattern of reviews does require an explanation--something is going on.
  16. Me, too. Has anyone met Colton? Anyone in Michigan, where he is from?
  17. Dutchal, thanks for the astute find. This guy's contact number (734) is Michigan, and he is in Kalamazoo right now. I would not knock him for mobility. He was in NYC for a while, and I was hoping he would return. In the interest of full disclosure, I exchanged emails with him before he left NYC. He was responsive and considerate--but he rarely checks into RM and so our communication was strung out over many days.
  18. Colton King was in NYC, now in Michigan but presumably will return to NYC or environs. Awesome body and good reviews so far on RM. Has anyone met him? Does his face match his super body? https://rent.men/ColtonKing
  19. Andy2


    I also saw Eli 6-8 years ago--and he was awesome. Great looking guy, passionate, intelligent, and really into a sweaty roleplay that turned me on. I bet he is still in great shape, but yes I'd ask for current pictures. I believe he does Twitter or posts Videos that are more recent and that suggest he has aged very very well.
  20. I had an interaction with him earlier this year, where he was kind of a jerk. Not super-dramatic, but I formed a very preliminary impression that he was a prick on several levels.
  21. He seems like the real deal--dreamy looks, great shape, strong reviews. If not for COVID, I'd go for him in a heartbeat. As the numbers spike this fall/winter, I worry about people like Eddie. Even if you have already survived COVID, some people catch it again and it is worse the second time, or the lingering effects can be worse.
  22. Andy2

    411 Kode Daenger?

    How sad. Fits with the bad RM review. Many guys are great in the sack when they are relatively sober, but disasters when they are high. Sounds like there is a Daenger of that here.
  23. I have always found his buff body and Daengerous attitude very sexy. He is gonna be in NYC later this month. Has one terrible review on RM (client says Kode tried to rip him off), so that's a red flag. But still intrigued. Any ideas or experience with him? https://rent.men/KodeDaenger/#platinum
  24. And it's kind of surprising that he has no Daddys reviews and only two RM reviews. Maybe this is just a hobby or fantasy for him?
  25. I think I know what he looks like. Earlier in the summer, LeanMuscleJock's ad included a Video of his doing sexy pull-ups--and at the end he walks toward the camera. You can see his handsome face and buff slender body. Clean-cut, blondish look if I remember correctly. I corresponded with him and loved his intelligence and flex attitude. I have been celibate during COVID, and he is the only one to tempt me. He was very polite about my COVID reticence. So I only have very positive things to say about this fellow.
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