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Everything posted by sincitymix

  1. well there is a hotel/casino in vegas with a curved wall that seems to be zapping death rays at people during the day. http://abcnews.go.com/Travel/las-vegas-hotel-pool-sunlight-swimming-tourists/story?id=11739234
  2. I think I need that when I get together with some of the REALLY endowed escorts
  3. This does remind me of some news articles I read way back when. A southern town was on a ban all the books crusade. the school librarian went in to defend the books, they kept overriding her, so she said I found a book in the library. it contains mass slaughter, rape, incest. the town council went ape shit, started screaming that the book needed to be banned right now! how dare the school allow such a horrid sinful thing to be introduced to the children. Without even knowing the name or title of the book they banned it. While they were congratulating themselves the librarian said I have the book right here, tossed it on the table. It was a Bible. They banned the Bible. Another article was you guessed it, southern city was on a ban crusade. teacher walked in, started talking about a horrible substance that that was deadly to human life. It was caustic in gaseous form, it is so caustic it can corrode metals, just think what it would do to the human body and highly flammable and explosive if it combines with other chemicals. It is highly addictive with no cure. The city council banned it.
  4. not to mention in liquid form! my god! I heard even a relatively small amount if inhaled could kill you! it needs to be banned!
  5. Is... is this real? really? Oh my god.. *shakes head* I think its time we let natural selection take its course.. and let nature start to weed out these kinds of people. or stop saving them when they make toast while soaking in the bathtub. really.. geeze. Idiocracy is coming people!
  6. anyone else want to jump out of those bushes, pull him in, and ravish him with bush shaking fervor?
  7. I suddenly want an orbitz
  8. That's the problem nowadays. oh its outdated, demolish that beautiful building and put up a modern (at the time) monstrosity). They should have just renovated and upkept.
  9. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a fetish for sticking lights up ones ass:P I am afraid to check, as the last time I did I was horrified to learn a certain fetish did exist.
  10. wow that's a WHOLE lot of condoms. I think the air around those trash cans could get someone pregnant.
  11. wow. I think I want to be on santas naughty list
  12. omg. this picture just turns me on in all sorts of ways.
  13. Good lord! I just googled you. WOW.. I think next time I visit my sister in CO, im going to have a very long layover in Denver, instead of going directly to CO Springs.
  14. sincitymix


    I recently used Uber. I initially called a Taxi company to get to the airport, didn't want to park in long term parking. I first called the day before, seeing if I could schedule a specific pickup time, they said no. I called the day of the flight, really early in the morning (I like to arrive early), explained to the dispatcher I had to be at the airport at a very specific time. They said no problem we will dispatch someone to your residence right now. 1 hour.. no taxi.. 2 hours no taxi. now im panicking as the flight deadline is approaching.. granted I still had about 3 hours to go.. no taxi after 3 hours..so I downloaded uber, set it up, and boom had a driver within 30 minutes. Got to the airport, gave the driver a very nice tip and headed on through the horrible check in and security checkpoint.. which took over an hour in itself and barely made my flight. While I was sitting at the gate, I got a call from the Taxi dispatcher, wanting to know were I was, that the driver was waiting for me outside. I apologized for not calling them to cancel the dispatch,(not really sorry, i was pissed.. but im polite:p) Told them i was at the airport already, No i didn't go with another taxi company, i went with uber. on there is nothing you can do or offer to make it up to me. I was very disatisifed with the taxi company, i would not be ever using them in the future, and would be recommending uber to everyone.
  15. Unless the escort you hire is not the one in the picture.. then your brief respite will be a most memorable time of horror and or terror
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