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Everything posted by caliguy

  1. I actually saw that on a show one time. The escort attempted that and the vice cop aggressively resisted. Nothing happened to him after that. Very smart advice. If anything just to piss the cop off.
  2. This might be naive but doesn't law enforcement have to identify themselves if asked?
  3. I would find it very weird for someone to just come out say yes to that. For me it has to be organic and not forced. What if the guy's a toad or has bad breath. ..Lol
  4. I think it's fair to say he's going to want more then just a roof over his head.
  5. What kind of arrangements are these "sugar babies" looking for then? I kind of equate sugar as meaning ..$$.
  6. That's what I originally thought too.
  7. Well, of coarse. The street goes both ways. You're sizing up their sexual prowess while they're busy sizing up your financial generosity. I've heard of cheaper deals where Trophy Boy just needs support through school. Roof over head, books, tuition, etc. I've also seen the more expensive ones where he may or may be going to school but requires a nice hefty allowance and a sparkily new luxury car to go with it. Then there's another situation that I have currently with a friend who is paying for all of that and giving the Trophy Boy a controlling interest in his very successful real estate business in Newport Beach. Now that of coarse is the best offer of all since he's in his 70's and the Brazilian kid will eventually inherit it all and easily be a multi-millionaire before he hits 30. Of coarse either way a 5 star living is the norm.
  8. Ha. I think you'd have more then a few angry emails when they figure out what you're up to. I think of this as an interview where they're expecting a much bigger pay off down the road. Like your idea though:)
  9. "Here For You. If you're cheap don't bother". I love his headline. I guess it all depends on the definition of cheap. Lol
  10. caliguy


    The goal is to grow the company as fast as possible and destroy any competition like Lyft. Their end game is to get an IPO. That way Travis and his underlings will make Billions. At this point they don't give a flying fuck how half assed they are to get there. They let their greed take priority and now it's catching up to them.
  11. caliguy


    Their new motto is..my own private felon.
  12. Whenever there's a post about May/December couples I usually get beat up for saying the same thing. Apparently, people don't like hearing reality. I always get a kick out of the mind games they'll play sometimes. I always say just take away juniors allowance and will see how far that love goes. However, if the guy is a bit older and/or established it's different. You know. Maturity and all. So I try to make it very clear it's about the age range/type (young guy lust) and not just the difference.
  13. Apparently he was raised up in a strict Christian upbringing along with being a conservative Teabagger today. Knowing that it's no big surprise. The guys totally fucked up in the head.
  14. Not really my issue. It's really only an issue for those that chase the barely legals. However, If you find yourself going.. "Damn. He looks 14" then maybe time to delete and log off no matter what they say.
  15. Wow such a hunk too. Interesting and a good reason never to visit any site that is even questionable.
  16. I hear you. I would've been disgusted myself in my twenties. However, getting older has brought a different understanding and appreciation for experience too. Twenties it's going to be strictly about he cash unless it's a fetish. After that most men change and acceptance and appreciate men of all ages. Ha. That sounds like BS. Might just be me and wishing gay men were better then they really are. Lol
  17. Happened a few years ago. Interestingly, the guy castrated him too. That's a special kind of statement. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/model-renato-seabra-accused-killer-castration-slay-journalist-lover-carlos-castro-court-article-1.137697
  18. Reminds me of these two love birds. How is it that anyone could partner with someone that's disgusted by you and probably themselves is beyond me. Clearly there's signs but hey you get to be with that hottie. I don't pray or find sympathy for any of them either. It's just dumb.
  19. Just say "I like you too babe". You're a good friend.
  20. When someone claims to be in shape like going to the gym or in his case riding horses then you can believe 100% that their totally out of shape. An action does not represent a level of fitness. Ok maybe a pole dancer or professional skier might. fully dressed on a horse ..meh.
  21. "a non judgemental person so I can hang around homosexuals without feeling uncomfortable." Wow. Who knew a straight in shape guy (he rides horses) could hang around us "clean homosexuals" and not feel completely repulsed. Sounds like a real keeper that one.
  22. There were some better concerns like cancer and photosynthesis issues. You'd think they were wanting to build a nuclear reactor there.
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