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Posts posted by Funguy

  1. As an aside . . .

    My MacBook Pro is about to die - 11 years old. I was ready to get a new one but I can't get consensus re: key board issues.

    Anybody have any advice?

    PS - I love the one I have but when it goes - hasta la bye bye!

  2. Just so that prednisone and another form, prednisolone, dont get a totally raw deal here: when allergies really flare (as with the super blooms we are experiencing here in CA), conditions such as asthma, conditions which the doc knows 5-6 days will be enough there is a "dose pack". You take a decreasing dose every day spread out pre- breakfast to bed time and it works well. This formula is not meant for long term and by virtue of the schedule it is taken, it is automatically tapered from 24 mg day 1 to 0 on day 7.

    With my leukemia I developed some fluid in my lungs and a cough. Chemo discontinued, prednisolone dose pack taken and by a week later all was back to where it should be and chemo restarted. ?


    Steroids are not all bad.

  3. :eek:

    I will be in Room 112 at Canyon Club Would be happy to meet you Sunday AM. Robster and SoCal Guy will be there as well as well as others. So come on in. Don't come aknockin' if 112 is arockin', just open in the door and join in. :eek:o_O:rolleyes:;)


    Sounds like fun!

  4. I'm finally going to make it - to the pool at least!

    Because of prior commitments I cannot make it until Sunday AM. I figured I would hang out somewhere, maybe meet some new friends at Canyon Club in the morning then onto party.

    Already checked in with Oliver.


  5. I'm coming this year - at least to the pool party. I'm all checked in with Oliver. I will drive from LA early Sunday morning and just hang until the party, maybe at the Canyon Club. Perhaps renew a few friendships, make some new ones.:p

    Unfortunately, I must return Sunday nite and be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for work on Monday, bright and early.

    Truly looking forward to this. Last year's cancellation was a bummer in a whole lot of ways.

    See you all there!?

  6. By all means, if you're wanting to get fucked for any amount of time please prepare properly.




    I had two guys over the past month both want to bottom, each spoke highly of their skill in taking dick like they were auditioning for the lead role in a Kevin Spacey docuseries, but whaddya know: Only one of them- the one who took the time to douche-out- was clean enough to eat a French Laundry tasting menu out of. The other became an unfun situation real, REAL fast.


    I always try to make it clear that if certain kinds of play are expected, I have my own expectations for the prep work. It's no different than asking someone for a round of piss-play and they show up not having consumed one drop of water in the past few hours.


    Or asperagus!

  7. I have a friend - alas as straight as they come, who discovered a fantastic leather maker in Florence and had a black leather suit made (regular suit design) of thin, butter soft black leather that I would RIP off his body if I wouldn't get arrested.

    I went into prying mode and gingerly asked how much it cost. $5,000. If I could afford it my measurements would be on their way with the $. I think that's cheap!

    It's cut so you can wear as separates, together, as a Formal (= tux) or informal regular suit. He wore it to a Black tie wedding with a black tux shirt and black bow tie and the men AND women were all dripping wet!


    That was/is leather at its finest! ?


    I am in heavy lust and hard every time I see it and he is oblivious! (Thank god). It even smells like testosterone!

  8. I know there have been some other threads on "loneliness" but wanted to start a new conversation.


    I'm 46 and alone, with few or no friends. This article, while giving me some solace, also makes me very sad. Why are so many of us so alone?




    Wouldn't mind chatting with others about it.


    Post here or DM....




    Come to Palm Springs Forum Gettogether in April!

  9. My primary physician won't do the things necessary to test for these. He's nearing retirement and isn't interested in keeping up on PrEP. As such, I see another physician in the office for anything related to sexual health.


    I am one of four patients in the office she sees for PrEP. She swabs for both oral and rectal samples. I find it amusing that she assumes that the rectal swab might cause pain and she apologies every time for needing to do it.


    Is she apologizing for the pain/discomfort or the embarrassment/discomfort? Hers or yours?

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