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Everything posted by Daverwr

  1. There was a very old cartoon that I tried to find but I just couldn’t. In the first frame, a man was giving praise to his dog. The thought bubble for the dog was “I I I I I I Rover I I I I I I “. The second frame was the same man praising his cat. The cat’s thought bubble was “________________________ “. Some days I think that’s true.
  2. I always wear a mask outdoors. My outdoors usually involves public activities, shopping, errands and such. I do it because it’s the law and it feel right. Plus it gives me a sense of community. I can see how fights break out when people don’t wear them. It pisses me off to see maskless people walking around.
  3. It doesn’t appear that this topic has been discussed recently. I’d like to address the subject of clients with disabilities a little differently. Recently, I had a provider cancel on me when he learned of my disability. While I can appreciate his honesty (I guess), I did think it was extremely rude. After all, I was going to pay him almost $500, before tip. The least he could do was buck up! Actually, I have never had a provider say “Never Mind”. What I’d like to know is What are some disabilities of your clients you have dealt with? What disabilities were involved if you ever said, “Never mind.” What would be on you “Never Mind” list?
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