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Everything posted by marylander1940

  1. His company has paid for other things before and after and he only had cover the copay.
  2. Thank you @samhexum https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F7Ug4ujbAAAEHL_.jpg:large https://ei.phncdn.com/videos/202401/17/446640251/thumbs_5/(m=eafTGgaaaa)(mh=ZPqgTH559K4KAJiI)1.jpg
  3. When it comes to banks in this era the bigger the better. I keep it simple and I only have 2 accounts at Bank of America and Wells Fargo.
  4. Kayak now allows you to filter the plane... How To Use Kayak’s Boeing 737-9 Max Filter | Kiplinger WWW.KIPLINGER.COM Online travel site Kayak offers an enhanced filter that allows you to exclude the Max 8 and 9 planes from your search.
  5. Marc Jacobs escorts? 😏 Kidding... I can't remember his name; the experience wasn't memorable, but he did brag about his ex to me.
  6. In that case he doesn't have to be very interactive, face down and take it like a man! Sometimes guys who look like models just can't escort....
  7. Could the investigation make his insurance company drop him?
  8. Spice Girls? I'd rather a picture of my dog, or a relative! U.S. Postage Photo Stamps - Here Are Fun Ways To Use Photostamps & Clever Ideas For Personalized Photo Postage Stamps | The Photography And Camera Guide PHOTOGRAPHY.THEFUNTIMESGUIDE.COM Did you know that you could put your own personal photos on U.S. postage stamps?... It's true, you can create your own personalized photo stamps and use them for...
  9. Possibly but he is still charged monthly, and he had a couple of referrals by his PCP for other visits and only paying a Copay.
  10. Taking this slightly off subject.... Can we please avoid using the W word? We don't want escorts calling us: losers, socially awkward, old, out of shape, johns, etc. Fat shaming in 2024?
  11. Let's say his employer doesn't pay for his insurance. Next time you want me to suggest editing a thread please contact me by PM. I think by now it's too late.
  12. He decided NOT to contact his insurance company because among other things his social doesn't match his name and belongs to a friend's cousin who had Down Syndrome and passed away in May of last year. He's afraid of placing a phone call, being unable to verify/answer certain questions and having his insurance cancelled. He did have a couple of other Dr. visits preapproved by his primary care physician and he had a small copay at the moment and no surprised bill after.
  13. In July of 2023 he was visiting a city and woke up with sciatica pain. Went to the University hospital, received treatment and assumed that as usual his insurance would cover the entire bill but unfortunately that wasn't the case. He started getting bills for a total of 4,200 in December of last year and now he got the final notice. If he doesn't pay within 15 days a collection agency either USCB America or Professional Credit Services will take care of his debt. What should he do?
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