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Posts posted by Frequentflier

  1. On 11/22/2023 at 9:27 PM, Bokomaru said:

    Unlike most of the country, South Florida has a bright line beyond which it cannot develop. It’s called the Everglades and it’s the reason that Ft Laud is now building UP. The lack of property for development will very much help support the market there, which has a supply shortage. Prices might be inflated, but the days of a huge, cyclical crash are nowhere to be seen.  
    Insurance increases are certainly a real issue. But please note that home owners are protected from large increases in their  property taxes. A 3% max increase for your primary residence has been state law for decades. So no one is getting priced out of their home due to tax increases from increasing valuations.

    Unless I'm reading incorrectly, the 3% cap is annual so property taxes could go up 3% each year forever. That is still good for existing homeowers of course. I wouldn't own property in Florida because of insurance issues, storms/flooding (there's no point buying inland in that state) and the unmentionable topic. 

  2. About 10 years ago I had two kidney stones. The pain was unbelievable and ended up with me in the emergency room. Fortunately they passed on their own so I didn't have to go through the removal procedure outlined by the doctor. 

    I was told to reduce eating foods with high oxalate content. Google those - that change was not difficult and worth it to reduce a repeat experience. 

    I was also told to drink at least 3 quarts of water a day which I've been doing. Now that I'm going through Chemo I find that water intake beneficial as well.

    The doctor told me that most people who have an experience with kidney stones forget the pain fairly quick and don't change their eating and water drinking consumption. They are prone to be reminded again and again :)

    And sure, there are some people who won't do anything different and won't get stones again but I see no downside to more water intake and limiting (not eliminating) foods that challenge your kidneys.

  3. This article points out that businesses (LLCs, etc.) can also buy I bonds.  A way to invest beyond the $10,000 (or $15,000) annual limit for individuals.  Unless I'm missing something (which is possible) that seems legitimate.


    Another one:

    "You may also buy more I bonds through businesses, trusts or estates. For example, a married couple with separate businesses may each purchase $10,000 per company, plus $10,000 each as individuals, totaling $40,000."


  4. 2 hours ago, rob.cran93 said:

    I met with him a few months ago. He is very handsome though his body is more normal-looking than one might think from the pictures. Although he was very nice, he also struck me as flaky and moody, and as someone who really needed the money rather than a professional (although he wasn't inappropriate about demanding payment or anything). He was very specific about what he did and did not like. We spent a day together and he would constantly strike up long conversations with this family and friends over the phone. He was in NY but told me had to leave soon because he was on a tourist visa, so I'm thinking he must have left the US early this year and not come back. 

    You must have great patience. If someone I was with constantly struck up long phone conversations with others while we were together he would have quickly found himself without the blessing of my companionship :)

  5. 2 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Anthony Stefaneli is an Instagram model who goes by Gymnastkid and previously advertised on RM as such.

    Logan_D is using Anthony's photos in the private photo section.

    So ...either this profile is fake or Anthony is advertising in a more discreet fashion.

    Anthony himself is sexy for sure. But also well aware of what he's got going for him and charges a premium for it.

    Kudos to you for your investigation skills. You're an asset to others who could have been taken advantage of.

  6. Looks like people are going to need something else to complain about other than gas prices. Today's prices (Gasbuddy):


    Houston $2.43

    Denver $2.74

    Dallas $2.36

    Los Angeles $3.89

    Charlotte $2.56

    Atlanta $2.53

    New York City (Bronx) $2.79


    Paris, France $A hell of a lot more :)

  7. Wasn’t there a pilot a few years ago that purposely crashed a plane killing more than 100 people onboard? Afterwards we learned he had been struggling with his mind for a while. Shane should be grounded and not allowed to fly again unless a bunch of professionals with big liability insurance policies say otherwise. As with bad cops, I think hiring processes stink. Rage like we heard from this pilot was likely evident before. I am not flying on a Southwest flight.

  8. Reporter stopped by TSA agent who didn’t know District of Columbia is in US


    It's sad when blue-collar idiots reach positions of power and ruin your day... We need to make natural born citizens pass a test just like the one immigrants do when they apply to become citizens... and this was before the "fake news" madness took over Middle America.


    I hadn't heard about the DC license fiasco for that traveler. Doesn't surprise me. American voters were stupid enough to vote crooked/racist/rapist/incestuous Trump as the Electoral College President. The stupid f*ckers still chant "Mexico" and "Lock Her Up" at his human scum/trash rallies. Mexico hasn't paid a dime, results of a Republican led investigation into Secretary Clinton's email said she committed no crime, a lot of Trump cabal members have plead guilty/been indicted/convicted/actually locked up and Trump (who has already exceeded 13,000 confirmed lies) is most likely headed to prison sometime after January 2021.

  9. I always meet someone in a public area. I don't see how that could make anyone awkward. Whether in a lobby, restaurant, whatever there's nothing awkward about two people introducing themselves or saying hello along with a handshake. And if you're meeting someone at their home its completely normal for them to have an additional step to safeguard their privacy/home.


    As for flakes, there are some on both sides. This is a great site to be informed about flakes, learn when to doubt a providers legitimacy and stay out of trouble.

  10. For many of the reasons already stated I think the OP handled this encounter wrong and there were signs he should have left long before the shower started. However, whether its a pellet gun, kitchen knife or other item employed as a weapon or to intimidate someone to do something its armed robbery and there's no excuse for that. Tony could, and maybe should have been arrested, had the OP called the police. I'll bet Tony has acted improperly before and is more likely than not to end up in jail and then prison. Someone who acted as he did is more likely than not a repeat offender.


    Who among us hasn't been shorted some money more than once in their lifetime, whether in business or in our personal life? We don't like it but the remedy isn't violence. Don't do business with them again, small claims or regular court, collection agency, etc. Threatening violence is never right. Similar to so often we read or see people commit acts of road rage, stop a stranger walking down their street or into their condo/apt complex and "interrogate" them. We are not all members of law enforcement and its not everyone's job to enforce the laws or in particular (like road rage) become cop/prosecutor/judge/jury all in one.

  11. Just be aware that text messages themselves are not proof that anything went on and without a direct witness, no criminal charges are going to be levied, Now if you are a high profile individual, a celebrity or a politician, then just having texts on his phone could get you convicted in the court of public opinion, as these things have a way of slipping out. But if you are just a regular Joe Blow, I would not give it a second thought. I would look for another regular though.


    I'm not a lawyer but wouldn't verbal or text communication, depending on content, be soliciting even if the two people didn't meet up? And solicitation is illegal. I think a lot of law enforcement in this area takes place when people meet because at that point the evidence is the strongest and those involved more likely to plea to a charge and avoid the inevitable harsher sentence if they opt for a trial.

  12. Ha. This isn't like a drug bust where they're looking for the king pin. Going through the phone would require a court order and they'd have to have good cause for that.


    A search warrant for a phone would only be needed if the person arrested doesn't consent to the police reviewing whats on it including text messages. I'd guess its not hard for the police to obtain a search warrant for a phones content if consent isn't given. MOST people (Roger Stone may yet reach this point) arrested want to cooperate in any way possible hoping for leniency or complete release without charges, even though complete release without a charge is often unlikely. As difficult as it would be, the advice to obtain an attorney before talking is the best.


    Good advice is to use a prepaid phone that your name isn't attached to and don't text details that you wouldn't want read out loud in a court room.


    Beyond that, I'd hope most law enforcement agencies aren't focused on adults voluntarily offering themselves as escorts who decide what they will or won't do and receive compensation for their time directly (no middle men involved and no coercion). Running a brothel or similar establishment like where Robert Kraft got himself into trouble is very different.

  13. I tried to set some time with him. We had a couple exchanges but then once I sent a picture of myself, get went totally MIA.


    The professional thing (to me) would have been to say “thanks but no thanks....”. Not just drop and never reply.




    You obliged and sent him a photo of yourself? So he was going to be paying you for your time? :)

  14. The world has lost another great one. Amazing how many friends and family members (even the young ones) I've talked with in the past 48 hours has nothing but good things to say about Aretha and were playing her on their iphones and home sound systems. She truly had a voice that reinforced there is a God. Adding to the melancholic feelings, I watched some of the online videos scenes with President Obama and her. One showed him calling out "Hold on Queen" and rushing across a stage to position a foot stool properly for her. I miss having a President I can be proud of. He's not alone in shedding a tear or more when listening to her.

  15. It used to be considered impolite to talk about money. There's another very practical reason for not talking about money. If you don't talk about it, people don't know how much you have and are a lot less likely to hit you up for assistance.


    Well said. Plus, whenever I think I'm ok money wise I:


    * remember that however much I've saved in retirement money I need $1 million more than that. At least that's what I've heard from any financial adviser I've spoken with. And that $1 million more applies even if you have $10 million already

    * remind myself that, assuming no catastrophic illness or freight trains hitting me, even men are living longer so savings have to last longer too

    * read some article about how much we'll need for post retirement health care costs, even with Medicare

    * read some article about the cost of home health care or a nursing home where you actually get care


    Feelings of "I'm going to be ok money wise" quickly dissipate and I find myself adjusting the thermostat and reading with a flashlight. :)

  16. You're going to meet in person someone you've never met before. Then you're going to be alone with them, and perhaps often vulnerable during the session. No sane person should do that after a text exchange remotely like the original poster shared. Heck, after reading this post, I'd never go near Ryan North. I've been fortunate to never have been in a violent encounter with anyone in my life. Even when I was robbed in my 20's it was over quickly and I wasn't injured.

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