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Posts posted by Walker1

  1. I tried convince myself to want kids--stared at babies and everything--and it didn't work, hence my sig. However, on the off-chance Mr Right came along and wanted one, I'd do it for him. That's where egg freezing comes in. Creating a kid from the frozen eggs is a long shot, but that's the only option. My only hesitation is the possible side effects--everything from weight gain to serious illness.




    He sounds identical to the guy my friend described. I almost wonder if they are the same person. Do you think he'll eventually get a hot Swedish au pair that the kids love and marry her?

    I don't think so, the guy I know is in healthcare and makes big bucks, but works long, long hours. Just too scared to take on a wife, massive alimony, child support etc. This just worked out for him and sounds like he gave it a lot of thought. He did give me inspiration though!


    Liek someone above said-life is too short, just go for it. Time goes by so fast. This decision has cut down on my sex life and hiring frequency. But hey there are people in their 70s still hiring, so I aim to be one of those.



  2. So I just talked to a guy I'm sorta dating. His best friend, a straight finance guy, decided to have kids on his own. He bought some eggs, hired a surrogate, and is now expecting. He already has a team in place to raise the child(ren), including a nanny and a coach. He said it's cheaper than a wife.


    Wow. Anyone can understand why a straight woman would get pregnant on her own when she's almost out of time. For a gay man,likewise. But a straight guy who is under no time pressure and can find a wife quickly in any case?

    Actually that is how I got started. A friend of a friend -straight as they come-went through the same route. I met him at a mutual event and started talking. Good looking ,very successful and I could not for the life of me understand why he choose this route, when he always had a bevy of beautiful women he hung out with. He said primarily the court system-alimony, child support, child custody etc. He said in his line of work, which is crazy hours-plenty of his colleagues are on 2nd or even 3rd wives and many rarely get to see their kids after the divorce and are paying through the nose . One they are already busy and two with separate households-just becomes too difficult. So he decided, since he never met the right woman, to have kids the new fashioned way, full time nanny, other help and still enjoy his life. I thought it was rather selfish reason-but hey who am I to be judgemental? That was the reason he gave too-way, way cheaper than a wife-rich people problems!! But he was saying at his level, many wives just hire nannies anyways while they end up being social butterflies and spend tons of money-way above my paygrade!


    Me of course my problem is "mechanics". I am just also getting attracted to women, but still haven't gone all the way and am getting older. Unlike him, I can't afford an army and so very grateful for family -the religious kind-who for some reason just stepped in without even me asking. That was a shock. It is one of the reasons I am mad at Obamacare-the cost is horrendous for people like me who don't get subsidies and yet am not rich. When you are a middle class person, every penny counts.

    Taking to the single guy and several other straight guys, I hear the ratio of straight single guys is almost 30%.-which is astonishing to me. One of my greatest regrets was the kids not having mom, but now have enough busybody families jumping in, so they have some strong female figures in their life.


    Through this journey, I have heard of numerous combinations. Apparently there are several women in their 40s whose eggs are no good anymore, so they actually have egg donors, sometimes anonymous sperm donors and sometimes their partner, implant it and then have the baby-I don't understand that either-but hey all of us are different.

  3. Yes from the religious brigade of my family. They didn't know, so the homophobia was just in general, but felt terribly guilty. I moved away, haven't really had much issues as I usually live in gay friendly areas. I did sit next to a guy in a plane-very, very hot muscle guy and he started talking-not sure if it was the alcohol- about gays should die, he hated gays, they were taking over etc. I just stopped talking-it was a long international flight. Weird, but otherwise not much.

  4. The struggle is real! It's better than it used to be, but I agree it's an unspoken reality in the gay community. Growing up, I think "Long Duk Dong" (played by Gedde Watanabe in the '80s classic Sixteen Candles) did a lot of damage to emasculate the Asian American image. But I'm encouraged there are more Asian American characters in TV and film these days, and even some good looking ones in leading roles.


    By the way, your "no fats, no fems, no Asians" tagline reminded me of the brilliant Kim Chi.


    Yup. There is Ken jeong as Mr Chow-the typical small dicked Asian on the Hangover movies.


    But then there is this hottie Lee byung-Hun Oh My




  5. Interesting, body wise what was considered to be sexy for men was the normal lean body. I wonder how the muscle bound look got started? There were bodybuilders before-but they were bodybuilders, not the expectation for the average joe.

  6. I love Asians and Latinos. It is a pity, one of the hottest escort sessions I had was with a muscular black Somali immigrant. The initial -looks are important, but after that what he is able to do for you is important. Having said that I may not be able to get over my "preferance" and hire a 400 pound escort, but within moderation, I am finding there is an elusive something that seems to make it great.


    Of course the escort being drop dead gorgeous and your "type" helps.

  7. One of the reasons I am a little touchy about this, is the changes in my family after I made my decision to have kids on my own. But the ones I have supported through thick and thin more or less turned their backs on me-just disappeared. I guess it was a one way street. Made me realize they probably thought of me as the eccentric lifelong bachelor uncle who probably will bequeath my moderate possessions on them after I am gone. The stranger thing is the family I didn't have much relationships with-mostly because they were very conservative/religious and I for a long time just believed anyone conservative/religious was close to evil-jumped in to help, free babysit, advice and were the least judgemental of my choice. Go figure. they are still conservative/religious and I don't agree with their views, but actions are different I guess-not sure what to make of it. Just still smarting from the whole thing and how little we actually know about those closest to us and to be honest about ourselves too!

  8. Strange thing is when I was younger, I never wanted kids. I would hold friend's kids for a few minutes and give them back. Then I guess aging, not sure what-maybe men have a biological clock too- I started looking at kids in a different way-in a yearning, wish that was my kid sort of way. It wouldn't go away-I realized I wanted to have my own kids. Unfortunately never fell in love with anybody-men or women, just lot of relationships and now hiring. I decided to go the scientific route-figured if I was dealing with kids and all the troubles-might as well be my own biologically. It is still very fresh and got a lot of flack from family who I had supported over the years , so not willing to talk as much about it for now. It has been overwhelming and great-gave my life a whole new purpose. I was getting melancholy, lonely and now barely have any time to ponder such things as the meaning of life!

    Caring for someone else and being responsible for someone and watch them grow before your eyes is a whole another experience. You still have time to enjoy hiring-in fact hiring is perfect,as I just don't have the energy to invest in a relationship.

  9. I don't to masseurs. I like a good massage, not the rub and tug variety. So if the masseur is not attracted to me, it does not matter as long as he gives me a good massage. I have a few who give a great massage and add a sensual element-pure bliss.


    Escorts I do give my err-dimensions. Some never reply-which is good, but others are fine-which is better.

  10. I forgot not to generalize all of my beautiful providers, I have my very two regulars in NYC right now that never disappoint me but I wanted to try with someone new since my favorite escort in the city was out of the country, this guy came to my place and within 2 mins he was naked and hard, for me

    It means he wanted to get rid of me in an eye blink.


    I think I know what you mean. I like massages, there is a masseur I used to go to, real nice massage. But the guy is built awesome, beer can dick and hard throughout the massage. He would let me play, but once "play" started, the focus turned to getting me off and fun. Then 90 min massage was over in 60 min or 70 min. I rarely go back and then after a while think of that big fat dick in my hand and then get pissed again I got 15-20 min short :mad:


    Maybe next time I will talk to him, already asked him if he escorts and said no.

  11. Snow doesn't really bother me now that I don't commute and can afford to pay someone else to shovel.

    But you could always slip and fall. I have already fallen twice, once in my driveway and once in a friend's place. As mobility gets weaker, I will be trapped indoors during icy weather. Some places snow melts in a day or two-which would be fine-nice actually. In other places, just stays on the ground weeks and weeks.

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