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Posts posted by Walker1

  1. I think we must be very careful when we use the word discrimination. Unlike black people, fatties were never enslaved with their children bought and sold or after freedom told to go sit in the back of the bus or separate toilets etc.

    Unlike women fatties were allowed the vote , owned property etc.


    In some culture fatties were preferred as a sign of wealth.


    However there is a prefernace. Am I going to pay someone who is 500 pounds to massage me or escort -no. However that goes for extremely homely people too-I ain't paying either.


    Plus being extremely fat does have medical consequences. Now as a former fattie and as someone who is still considered fat by gay standards-normal by regular standards, I don't care. This whole fat shaming concept is deluded-I got plenty of action when I was fat. Admittedly not by many 10s, but hey when you look like a land whale, don't expect Chris Hemsworth to come sweep you off your feet-you might crush him!


    I think today's concept of comparing micro aggressions, personal preferances etc to the struggle of civil war, ending slavery, womens right to vote etc is frankly insulting to the old heroes who faced terrible consequences for their actions. Someone say fighting for the women and gays in Saudi Arabia or Iran has tremendous courage.


    I did face a lot of insults in the gay world-just let it roll off like water of a duck's back. Apart from that, never did face any "discrimination". Someone not wanting to sleep with me is not discrimination-that is just preference. For long time, I did not want to sleep with women-does that make me a misogynist?

  2. I have worked with quite a few guys that have been abused, raped and sexually molested, both by males and females. Some of the guys were technically molested, but have no resentment or trauma, but for most it does create major issues around touch, intimacy and owning of one's body. There are certainly fantasies around rape and incest, but the reality isn't sexy.


    Yeah in my case it was my boss-yes the old fat Chinese lady. She was notorious for this-probably in her 50s at that time. She hired young male college students for jobs under her-part time only. She hit on them constantly -I guess out of 5-10 if one gives in-she scored. In my case, there was a lot of unwanted touching, lot of discussions surrounding sex etc and quite often "accidental" touching of my privates. Never any grabbing.


    The thing is at that time me and my friends talked about it and we just laughed. But she was my boss and signed off on my time card and could hire and fire me and at that time, that job was very important to me. I could work in college, part-time and got a discount on many things. I played the "dumb blonde" and pretended she was not behaving that way and just smiled and pretended I did not pick up her signals. Eventually found another part time gig in college and moved on. Especially the dynamic-it never occurred to me a man could be sexually harassed by a woman. Now with all these allegations-many of which seem quite similar to mine-it just makes me wonder, how many men have suffered the same and because of men not being vicitms etc never thought of it as abuse or reported it or will never even admit it to themselves?To be honest, only now after all these allegations, it triggered my old memories and makes me realize I went through something similar and it was not ok.


    Maybe because of the macho man image, maybe no one ever considers a man can be a victim. Even in many of the crime show series, the police make fun of men/suspect getting raped in prisons and servicing all the prisoners, being the prison bitch etc. This is fully accepted in our society, if a male detective were to threaten a female in the same way-I am talking TV only not real life-imagine the uproar. IRL I don't know but TV is popular culture, that this is accepted is interesting. Culturally it seems male suffering is tolerated or even not considered-even by men themselves.


    Sometimes I wonder if being good looking is a curse more than a blessing?

  3. But seriously, I do think a lot of guys will make the trade a bit more willingly due to the compartmentalization issue. I think it's pretty widely assumed that all the guys in those boy bands of the 90s let their creepy managers fondle/blow/whatever them, some were bothered by it and others don't seem to have given a shit. Plenty of straight guys will do gay porn on camera for less than $50k per year and that's for the whole world to see, wouldn't you think guys exist who would be willing to do a producer behind the scenes for a chance at millions?

    You pretty much described all of Harvey Weintein's victims. Does that make it ok?

  4. Frozen eggs

    Wonderful, go for it. At least with frozen eggs, you have a choice and passage of time won't diminish your chance of a genetic child-to me and that is just me, that was important.. Maybe one of the gents in the galleries might be available for "donation". :D

  5. "American white" isn't an ethnicity. I think you intended to say "If you cast an American actor of non-German descent..." As a descendant of Germans, Prussians, and Poles I would not be offended.


    Yes and no. What I meant was there is no homogenous white . There are German, Poles, Russians etc etc. Asians are not that different-China, Japan, India, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mongolia, Malaysia etc etc. In Asia people do not identify as Asians-more country, regions, religion and how ever many local divisions-more or less like Europe.


    Once they move to America, Asian descent seems to be a moniker. But someone from the Phillipines has very little in common with someone from Saudi Arabia. There is no one Asian group, just as whites or even blacks are not one big monolithic group-except maybe in America.


    In Africa a masai has very little in common with other tribes.


    All though with globalization and the internet, divisions are slowly receding.


    Race is another thing-white, black , etc.

  6. If you cast an American white as a German-would that be offensive? I know some Hispanics that get offended when they are called Mexican-they could be from El Salvador or Panama .


    I think it stems from ignorance-people just don't know.

  7. Aggressive like send an email on a Saturday...hoping they'll catch your response without ever actually giving one.

    Or maybe they are just shy, felt horny and sent emails to a few people and caught the first one that responded. You can respond to emails in your phone.

  8. I love massage. For me though, I need a real good strong massage with the massauer getting in deep. I have had massage from women-but really prefer strong muscled men. I typically like 90 min or more with the last part turning sensual. But without a solid massage, I don't like the rub and tug. I would rather go to an escort. Massage keeps me healthy and nice and have always loved a good massage with a sensual/teasing element to it-of course with the HE.


    When I hire a massage therapist, I am in the massage zone, usually with a few mild aches and pains and by the end come out great with a nice HE. Escorting is different-after trying to mix the two-have kept the two separate.

  9. Yeah this was humiliating. She kicked him in the head, rubbed her dirty feet on his neck, called him gay in front of others and twisted his nipples hard.


    That is the thing, if the roles were reversed, people would support her . I can't imagine as a gay person still in the closet and from what appears humble background-how he must have felt.


    I really don't understand the comments here and his heartfelt post on Facebook. Some support, but others just mock.


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