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Everything posted by Walker1

  1. LOl-I have seen cows , horses and dogs give birth. When a calf gets stuck , dear Lord the bellows from the cow -I think any man contemplating pregnancy ought to watch a "natural" birth. My mom was in labor 14 hrs with me -and she never lets me forget it. Women/females of the species are strong!
  2. Very erotic -group of men ordered to cum with no hands! https://www.xvideos.com/video37464939/cum_with_no_hands
  3. What a load indeed! https://www.xvideos.com/video24913951/muscular_guy_jo_s_huge_cock_and_shoots_massive_cum_loads
  4. Not an escort, but I think just sign of the times.
  5. Looking at the gallery, I wonder if there was a king with a harem of men?
  6. This one is so exotic looking. he reminds me of a Romani provider I used to hire a long, long time ago. or at least he claimed to be Romani.
  7. Not that hard and rough - but different. Now where can I find this doctor and have my insurance pay for it! Or I can be the nurse and assist the patient and the doctor! https://www.xvideos.com/video41088165/doc_i_need_your_cock_-_ace_era_rego_bello
  8. I think most men would be scared of pregnancy! It is not easy and I don't know how octomom carried so many at one time!
  9. I think I get what the OP means. When I was going through the process of having kids, I had to select from tons of egg donor profiles. Nice looking and decent family/accomplishments. But it would be nice if technology was possible to select a man-like say a Pavel Novotny or Goran of course with a degree and decent family! Imagine having kids with someone you really desire! With the women it felt like looking at a sister or aunt-but in a way it was good, as good looks was a minor cosnideration, I looked at other aspects more -family history, medical, accomplishments etc and of course looks too. If I had a cataloge of insanely hot men and was hiring them too, my choices would have been influenced by my dick-Haha! We are entering interesting times. I was reading fish changed their gender due to heavy pollution?
  10. In the Oval office in the White House with a cigar- a gay scene though!
  11. What an awesome specimen and what a great smile.
  12. Then there is that hottie lee Byng Hun from korea too-hot scenes in red 2. I wish Indonesian actor Iko Uwais would do more hot scenes!
  13. Do they let you carry food through security?
  14. You guys can mock all you want. Doesn't change that men are men and strong studly amsculine men are strong studly masculine men. I love Star Trek. Kirk is man and so is Picard. janeway is a woman-all three captains and I like all three. For me it is a tie-between Picard and Janeway. Both are awesome. Now if they made a remake and put a woman as Picard -that is dumb, New franchise/same concept-great! It is funny today a certain side has become very arrogant, will not debate and think they are absolutely right-JUST BECAUSE THEY DEEM IT SO. very similar to the religious figures I grew up with-mock doctrine and they thought you were a fool or heretic . Sigh-some things never change. With that I will stop as this will be banished to the pits of hell in the politics forum. My point is that I am perfectly fine with women in action/lead roles-just don't hijack existing ones. No-all the Bond movies are just that-BOND. The female Thor is a minor diversion. But hey -continue on-anyone having a different opinion must believe in dinosaur saddles .
  15. Yup, the studly face, beard, beautiful eyes and those veins!
  16. So that I can enjoy looking at them ?
  17. Apart from my priamry choices, Tom Welling from Smallville . Though I recently saw him in something and he is on the chunky side! I had a huge crush on Sylvester Stallone in the Rambo days-though many people do not seem to like him. He has a nice body and ass, as did jean Claude Van Damme. I also like Indonesian action star-Iko Uwais -though he does not go shirtless enough-what a yummy stud!
  18. Chris Hemsworth -I have a crush on him! His latest movie MIB- what a disaster, they made him into a bumbling fool and the newbie as some heroine who saves the day. No wonder it flopped-it has to make sense. I used to like Mel Gibson in the Mad max days-he hasn't aged well. I also like Daniel craig from James Bond.
  19. James Bond is retiring and it is just transitory to this person in the movie per reports. That is not James Bond being in the movie. It was james Bond 007. The entire story was about JAMES BOND 007. Many men have come and gone -all have played the same character-James Bond. Bring in a black man, hispanic man, asian man-fine -but a debonair handsome studly man. You can bring this new lady and use that as a spinoff. Like the multiple Law and order spinoffs or the real housewives spinoffs. Don't change the original and pretend it is all the same. I want a fit stud coming out of the ocean in his underwear, not -oh well. Create a new franchise with a woman in the lead.
  20. Create a new character. Xena the Warrior Princess, Wonder Woman, lara Croft and Zoe saldana in Colombiana was awesome. One woman army wiping out hundreds of drug lords and goons and taking on the CIA and FBI-so believable and nice movie-I loved it. But don't do things just to make a statement. Bond has always been this casanova studly guy. It is james Bond-not Jill Bond. Make a new character about a deadly vixen, look at the colombiana-beautiful movie -one woman taking on the FBI, CIA, drug lords and winning! Angelina Jolie in maleficent, Famke Janssen as the Dark Phoenix, Uma Thurman and the other women in Kill Bill and so many other women who can kick ass, save the world. Maybe it is just a larger thing-don't destroy everything that exists to build something up. Create something new that all can enjoy.
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