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Everything posted by Walker1

  1. Aah the infamous swedish meatballs-for a moment I thought you said Swedish Balls!!!
  2. My how time flies. I think I hired him more than a decade ago! He was good, but any mutual was reserved for the end. But good amssage and even then he had a good body.
  3. I wonder if the escort was trying to squeeze the client. Maybe he thought 30 min before the appointment , just when the client was aroused and waiting would be a good time to squeeze and egt the full amount. I usually don't negotiate, but never have I paid 100 bucks on top . So just odd story, I think escort probably expected the OP to come back and say ok I will pay you full price and that is it and he would have accepted. Perhaps he was expecting OP to think with his little dick.
  4. Walker1


    It really depends on their tone and the way it comes across. If it is just one tidbit in your whole conversation that lasts a few seconds-let it go. or if it bothers you enough, have a conversation with them that it is getting old and would rather not talk about that topic. If they are grilling non stop and trying to shame you etc-yeah then take it seriously. Perhaps cut them off-those are not healthy people.
  5. Walker1


    The resemblance is amazing-even the eyes.
  6. So just noticed Massagem4m is gone. Was going to try a new masseur. But masseurfinder seems to have no contact details-do you have to log in now to get that?
  7. I was half wondering if this is surgically enhanced or camera tricks! Nice specimen either way! Though I don't think I can take that. https://www.xvideos.com/video26555519/gay_hunk_jerking_big_cock Another one! https://www.xvideos.com/video25743761/tmp_16307--1574470452
  8. How do these foreign destinations work out for the elderly with mobility issues or declining mental capacities-espeically since medicare/medicaid will not support there?
  9. A 300k mobile home-do they actually own the land? if land is owned fine, I know someone here who bought one of those prefabricated homes and put it on their land-it withstands the winter pretty good.
  10. I am surprised-under 300k? Anything wrong with the house. That is anice house for the price in CA-I always thought CA was for the gazillioanres? I looked at San Luis Obispo-seems like an idyllic town. I would still need to work till I put the kids through college, but can find work most places. Ventura county seems to be more or less ideal for me-if I can afford housing-I think the part I liked-except the prices- they call it the Conejo valley. It is way unaffordable to me-though I hear housing is slowing down. My kind of jobs are there and looks like a family place for kids-they are no longer at a stage where they need someone constantly running after them. I trade a lot in stocks though-so I guess state taxes would be horrible-especially after the Trump tax cuts-as I can't deduct against federal past the 10k SALT deduction. Which for me the property tax and state income tax pretty much gets consumed and any gains I make are fully taxed at state levels. I guess I am looking for more of a move rather than retirement-but the cold is getting to me. Every winter, my aches , sinuses , headaches seem to get a little bit worse. I go for a week or two to a hot place and they are gone! Humidity is a killer too and my sinuses and headaches come on again. Dry heat seems to rejuvenate me.
  11. I doubt it. I believe he was getting either state money of federal money to run those centers? If so he is just a hustler(no pun intended) . If the money is good, he would probably run a gay brothel!
  12. You are brave . I am a scaredy cat. Just standing outside of a high rise balcony and looking down spooks me. I can't imagine doing it out on the balcony. The reason I braved it at the cemetery was I knew it well and used to cut across it often and had someone else I knew. It felt safe until we got into playing with each other and suddenly I wondered if the spirits and ghosts would be looking on and finsihed up fast and he went his way to his house and I ran back to mine! But on a moving train-no way!
  13. Is this a real question in today's #Me too environment?
  14. I saw this video on xvideos- nothing special-but two guys on a moving train at the door/entrance enjoying themselves. Scary, scary-I would be terrified of falling. It just got me thinking-the scariest place I had sex was at a cemetery-not full on, but just jacked each other off. It was deserted and nobody came through and it was with someone I knew-but I was terrified of the ghosts and ran back when I was done. https://www.xvideos.com/video37969547/tamil_train_gay_fun
  15. I first read Bermuda and thought Bahamas-I was like pride in the middle of a hurricaneo_O
  16. Hope this trend does not take off in porn!!
  17. Did you teach George Bush by any chance:p
  18. Horses spook, no matter how well trained they are and can kick and bite. I was kicked by a small pony when I was a kid- very painful. Dogs do less damage-unless a Pit bull or rottie.
  19. The first time I lived a few months in a hot place, I was so happy-I could feel the heat in my bones. Where I live is just horrible, humid, cold and frozen for part of the year. I also have somewhat creaky joints in winter-whenever I go to hot places they seem to go away. I definitely can't spend retirement in cold places. probably be locked up all winter-not to mention the bad sinuses and headaches. I definitely can't afford Los Angelese-after I pay off the kids colleges, I will have a reasonable nest egg and don't want to spend it on housing. I have to find a poor man's Los Angeles-I do like Los Angeles. I still have a while before the kids go to college. But I don't know if I can take this cold for long-need heat! Might end up moving before retirement.
  20. I live in the ice world. But after this, if I ever end up moving, I don't know if I can deal with the northwest and constant rain/drizzle. I like heat-dry heat. Humidity brings on another set of problems. I remember visiting Louisiana in the height of summer-I thought I had died and gone to hell. I hear Los Angeles is perfect weather-though very unaffordable. Maybe Phoenix.
  21. This is probably what they call busting a nut!!
  22. Another big gusher-sure shoots a huge load! https://www.xvideos.com/video7314931/cum_all_over_the_place
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