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    tyro reacted to Wolfer in What’s up with the hate?   
    I think it might be a bit of both. When people are in the same line of work/hobby/whatever as you and they can see that you are clearly more succesful than them, they need to find a way to deal with that without admitting to themselves that it is hurting their self-esteem or self-worth.
    So they try and cut you down to bring you down to their level. Or even lower.
    Brad Bird, the director of the Pixar movie "The Incredibles" noted this in one interview that he felt like certain people in the movie industry almost came across as wanting him to fail after the success he'd had with the Incredibles and Ratatouille. He found it scary and didn't understand why. But I think it's rampant envy by seeing someone else realizing the dreams that those haters had been hoping to fulfill themselves but, for whatever reason, have been unable to do so (yet) and when someone fails they feel better about their own shortcomings/inability to make their own dreams come true, I guess.
    It's sad, but there it is.
  2. Like
    tyro reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in What’s up with the hate?   
    My motto: Don't question the motives of assholes. Simple and effective.
    You guys are aces in my book (yuk, yuk). In the past, I've also reached out privately to escorts who I thought could use a little advice: Only one ever had the social grace to reply in kind. The rest ignored the message and continued down the self-destructive path. Their loss. My lesson to learn.
    What you're experiencing is not hate. It's envy.
    Let this roll off your back. You do you. And clearly, that's worked very well so far
  3. Like
    tyro got a reaction from + José Soplanucas in OLIVER!$!!$!$$!!$!$!$   
    Of all days to come out of forum hiding, this was a great one! Happy birthday, Oliver.
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    tyro got a reaction from + Oliver in OLIVER!$!!$!$$!!$!$!$   
    Of all days to come out of forum hiding, this was a great one! Happy birthday, Oliver.
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    tyro got a reaction from gallahadesquire in Matt Bomer -- most beautiful man ever?   
    Oooooh....something about Michael T. Weiss in his Pretender days is quite fine...but I still vote for Mr. Bomer.
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    tyro got a reaction from marylander1940 in Quentin Gainz, dedicated to Curiousnomore   
    Well! That's cute, tight little bod on that one.
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    tyro reacted to + Avalon in Best Gay Couple Whether Fact Or Fancy?   
    2 Samuel 1:26
    I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan: very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women.
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    tyro reacted to + TylerandAce in Best Gay Couple Whether Fact Or Fancy?   
    Awe shucks...thanks, buddy!!
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    tyro reacted to BabyBoomer in Best Gay Couple Whether Fact Or Fancy?   
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    tyro reacted to + SundayZip in What is the Issue with this Escort? (Not to be Unkind....)   
    Hmmm... let me guess. His "issue" is that he lives in a world where people are judged negatively if they don't match someone else's physical ideal.
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    tyro reacted to + harey in What is the Issue with this Escort? (Not to be Unkind....)   
    treacher collins syndrome
    Google it
  13. Like
    tyro reacted to bigvalboy in Your Music   
    "Southern Cross"...The best!!!
  14. Like
    tyro reacted to + easygoingpal in Your Music   
    One of my all time favorites: Southern Cross from CSN&Y

  15. Like
    tyro got a reaction from + Avalon in Dad composed songs to teach his Down Syndrome son everyday tasks.   
    These are both sweet and helpful.
    And the getting-dressed boy is cute.
    OK. Shallow moment over.
  16. Like
    tyro got a reaction from + honcho in Happy Birthday Honcho   
    Honcho, I hope you had a beautiful birthday. Your presence is an asset to this lil' online family.
  17. Like
    tyro got a reaction from TruHart1 in Tristan Baldwin Info   
    Uh, you forgot carrier pigeon.......Insert indignant toof suck here.....
  18. Like
    tyro reacted to Bearofdistinction in Fat Clients   
    I always tell my future partner my stats before we meet --- If it is a problem for him I would much rather know before I have prepped. set up the gear, and set aside valuable time - Only to have a caller get to the door, stammer and either say this isn't gonna work or gulp and grind his teeth and fake it as we both have a lousy time. I am a Big Bodied Rolly Polly Bear/Chub and I like my
    big furry body - If you don't lots of other guys do!
    Good Communication makes for great fornication!!!!!!
  19. Like
    tyro reacted to + Lance_Navarro in Fat Clients   
    I've had clients as big as 400lbs, clients with only one leg, and colostomy bags. True compassion and acceptance doesn't have a "breaking point". I do expect a level of hygiene, but bad hygiene isn't exclusive to guys of size.
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    tyro reacted to jjkrkwood in Fat Clients   
    I wouldn't say it will "ensure" it , but it will make the possibility greater.... There is always the element of Chemistry, which really cant be tested 100% unless you are face-2-face... Many, many things look and sound good on paper and in theory, but never really reach their full potential in a REAL LIVE meeting.
  21. Like
    tyro reacted to Epigonos in Fat Clients   
    Questions regarding escorts reactions to client’s age, ethnicity, and weight are constantly coming up on this site. The solution is really quite simple. At an early stage of communication with an escort upload him regarding age, physical appearance, activity level and sexual likes and dislikes. I always provide this information to an escort I’m interest in hiring and conclude by asking him to contact me if none of the information is a problem for him. I’m 75 and if the guy I’m communicating with doesn’t want to play with someone my age he simply doesn’t have to respond -- this has happened ONLY once and at that time I was in my 60’s.
    The ABSOLUTE KEY to having a successful get together with any escort is ALWAYS honest COMMUNICATION.
  22. Like
    tyro reacted to seaboy4hire in Fat Clients   
    As someone whos battled weight issues all my life. I treat anyone who books time with me the same, with love, kindness and RESPECT. Not too long ago, almost 5 years ago I was almost 200 pounds. That's the heaviest I've ever been so I know all too well how it feels to be self-conscious and worry about what someone is going to think about my weight. A professional will be up front about any concerns they may have and may ask what you are able to do comfortably.
  23. Like
    tyro reacted to + Eric Hassan in Fat Clients   
    My breaking point is an overweight man who just lays there and expects me to physically move him around - not playfully throw him around, mind you, but roll him over because he can't or won't do it himself. Though you can basically remove "overweight" in that statement lol
  24. Like
    tyro reacted to marylander1940 in Thank you for your service!   
  25. Like
    tyro reacted to marylander1940 in Thank you for your service!   
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