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José Soplanucas

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Everything posted by José Soplanucas

  1. Not for me. I like living by myself. If I had the money (I don't), I would pay his rent and have mutual visits often, though.
  2. Read the rules for the forum. Detailed reviews, negative or positive, shouldn't be posted but sent to daddy's. It's a matter of fairness to all professionals. You must be an honest guy telling the true, but to avoid trolls barnishing reputations we all follow that procedure.
  3. Man, I do,not think this is appropriate here. You should submit a review to daddy and give the masseur the chance to defense from your comments.
  4. He seems familiar for porn, but not much. Why do you think I should recognize him, @marylander1940 ? He is a little bit too hairy for my taste. Yeah, I am picky.
  5. Can you provide a link, please?
  6. I guess this is a hopeless question, but trying is for free. To the escorts participating in this thread who have been hired by a forum member, who is the client who kissed you the best?
  7. http://www.naughtybits.us/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/penis-monster_small.jpg
  8. I agree, Greg, if we are talking about friends, or about assessing someone's character, race is absolutely irrelevant.
  9. I completely agree with you. I think it is extremely important to exchange as much detail as possible in order to improve the chances to have a good experience. That's why it puzzles me when some of our friends here argue that because soliciting is illegal we should avoid explicit conversations. In my experience, explicit is GOOD.
  10. That's not what I am advocating to join in. And let's go back to the OP topic or go to the Politics forum to continue this conversation. I do not think it is appropriate here.
  11. My friend, I am not going to argue about such a secondary point. The main point is we have to join them.
  12. Something nobody is saying is that you need two for tango (is that the English phrase?). It looks like we are assuming we all are good kissers. Mmmmm...
  13. Starting? They have been fighting for awhile. But you don't have to be Black to be outraged. It is time to join them.
  14. Are we listing good kissers or picking the best one?
  15. I thoroughly agree. I also give a detailed description of myself. So far, out of my 2-3 years of hiring history in the USA, I've bounced only once and not because of my ethnicity but because of my weight.
  16. I am surprised he did not write his own entry.
  17. I am sure somewhere there are conspiration theories about this. Someone needs to find Obama. We are ruled by closeted vampires.
  18. Well, you know I am very respectful of Divinity. Remember, we have been together worshipping at the temple.
  19. Has anyone ever actually hire Him?
  20. I don't think there is any problem when you share diverse pictures. At least I would not mind going through 50 pictures that show me 50 different sides, styles, characters, etc. but some guys post 20 pictures of their dick, or always the same character and fashion. Definitely a turn off.
  21. We seem to be on the same page. I just dont care anymore anout cable news. I get my news from on line papers and news websites
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