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  1. Like
    bigvalboy got a reaction from + quoththeraven in The "Politics, Religion & War Issues" Manifesto   
    OK...lol I "liked" your post, but I disagree with your assessment of the use of the "like" button.
    I think the "like" button is a valuable tool. All of us use it for different reasons. For myself, I will like a post for the obvious reasons. Yes, sometimes it is to validate and be on record for agreeing with a posters point of view, but more often than not, the like is for different reasons. There are conservative members who I might disagree with, but I will like their post as an acknowledgement that they have presented a good point of view. I will also like a post to express appreciation for a well thought out argument or research. I will do that with @stevenkesslar sometimes or with @Lookin, or @quoththeraven because very often the research or information that goes into their post is worth noting. And lastly, sometimes I will like multiple posts in the middle of a debate in the political forum. If a poster or posters are making a case in the middle of a heated debate in the political forum, better than I am able to do, then I will like a post instead of jumping into the fray. And sometimes I just enjoy watching the debate. It's not necessary to participate in every thread. I don't see the point of repeating the thoughts of someone that I already completely agree with and who is presenting the point better than I could. So my vote would be to keep the like button. AND... for the love of God, how do you not have a like button in the gallery?
    I have made friends here, good friends, some will be life-long. Some, because of logistics, will be good friends in this cyber community on the forum. So I hope the political forum returns, and I hope that this was a good learning experience for everyone, and I hope that the members who chose to leave, will re-think that decision and come back. I have learned more on this forum than I could have almost anywhere else.
  2. Like
    bigvalboy got a reaction from FLL_DJ in Ft.Lauderdale leboy and Boardwalk what happened?   
    And what Victor and Shaun did to try and shut Matt (the owner of Johnson's) down was absolutely shameful.
  3. Like
    bigvalboy got a reaction from + stevenkesslar in The "Politics, Religion & War Issues" Manifesto   
    OK...lol I "liked" your post, but I disagree with your assessment of the use of the "like" button.
    I think the "like" button is a valuable tool. All of us use it for different reasons. For myself, I will like a post for the obvious reasons. Yes, sometimes it is to validate and be on record for agreeing with a posters point of view, but more often than not, the like is for different reasons. There are conservative members who I might disagree with, but I will like their post as an acknowledgement that they have presented a good point of view. I will also like a post to express appreciation for a well thought out argument or research. I will do that with @stevenkesslar sometimes or with @Lookin, or @quoththeraven because very often the research or information that goes into their post is worth noting. And lastly, sometimes I will like multiple posts in the middle of a debate in the political forum. If a poster or posters are making a case in the middle of a heated debate in the political forum, better than I am able to do, then I will like a post instead of jumping into the fray. And sometimes I just enjoy watching the debate. It's not necessary to participate in every thread. I don't see the point of repeating the thoughts of someone that I already completely agree with and who is presenting the point better than I could. So my vote would be to keep the like button. AND... for the love of God, how do you not have a like button in the gallery?
    I have made friends here, good friends, some will be life-long. Some, because of logistics, will be good friends in this cyber community on the forum. So I hope the political forum returns, and I hope that this was a good learning experience for everyone, and I hope that the members who chose to leave, will re-think that decision and come back. I have learned more on this forum than I could have almost anywhere else.
  4. Like
    bigvalboy got a reaction from Larstrup in The "Politics, Religion & War Issues" Manifesto   
    OK...lol I "liked" your post, but I disagree with your assessment of the use of the "like" button.
    I think the "like" button is a valuable tool. All of us use it for different reasons. For myself, I will like a post for the obvious reasons. Yes, sometimes it is to validate and be on record for agreeing with a posters point of view, but more often than not, the like is for different reasons. There are conservative members who I might disagree with, but I will like their post as an acknowledgement that they have presented a good point of view. I will also like a post to express appreciation for a well thought out argument or research. I will do that with @stevenkesslar sometimes or with @Lookin, or @quoththeraven because very often the research or information that goes into their post is worth noting. And lastly, sometimes I will like multiple posts in the middle of a debate in the political forum. If a poster or posters are making a case in the middle of a heated debate in the political forum, better than I am able to do, then I will like a post instead of jumping into the fray. And sometimes I just enjoy watching the debate. It's not necessary to participate in every thread. I don't see the point of repeating the thoughts of someone that I already completely agree with and who is presenting the point better than I could. So my vote would be to keep the like button. AND... for the love of God, how do you not have a like button in the gallery?
    I have made friends here, good friends, some will be life-long. Some, because of logistics, will be good friends in this cyber community on the forum. So I hope the political forum returns, and I hope that this was a good learning experience for everyone, and I hope that the members who chose to leave, will re-think that decision and come back. I have learned more on this forum than I could have almost anywhere else.
  5. Like
    bigvalboy reacted to Harryinny in Hottest Massage Video Ever?   
    Variations on the theme:
  6. Like
    bigvalboy reacted to Harryinny in Hottest Massage Video Ever?   
    Armond Rizzo "massaged" by Seth Santoro
  7. Like
    bigvalboy reacted to Cooper in The "Politics, Religion & War Issues" Manifesto   
    The old adage, "You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't" best describes how I feel about moderating this site. We can't please all but like you, I, too, want to see the PR&W Forum up and running so that all members feel comfortable in posting their positions in a civil way regardless of their political persuasion.
    The PR&W Forum is a challenge to moderate. The majority of reports we receive deal with personal attacks. The rules are very clear about the actions moderators can take on this issue. They read: "Attacks against members will only be acted upon at the request of the member being attacked. If you submit a report because you see a violation of that rule keep in mind that the report must be submitted by the "member being attacked". Most members do not submit reports/alerts making it appear that the moderators aren't taking action or following the rules. Not so! But maybe it's time for us to revisit that rule if it helps getting the Forum back up and running.
    The Moderators do not discuss on the Message Board alerts received or actions taken. We also do not mention the names of members who are banned or timed out. We respect your privacy. If you want to crack down on personal attacks help us out and submit those reports.
    Are new Guidelines and new rules necessary to get this Forum back? Or are the current Terms and Rules sufficient? Perhaps following them is the best answer.
  8. Like
    bigvalboy reacted to Larstrup in The "Politics, Religion & War Issues" Manifesto   
    I think the whole concept of validating posts, and more importantly the people behind those posts thru clicking button likes, button dislikes, button disruptive, etc., discourage further dialogue between us. If you can just like a post, but don’t have to respond as to why you like that post, you might be stroking someone’s ego but you’re certainly not furthering discussion. If we reduce everyone to a push of a button as to how we feel, however that might be, we’re cheating ourselves of further understanding ourselves and others positions simply because we have buttons to push instead of taking the time to explain to the poster why.
    At the end of the day, living in a digital world as opposed to the physical world will always lessen our relations and more likely prevent some from actually being who they really are simply due to the limited ability to communicate outside of face to face dialogue.
    I’m rambling. But I’ll say it again. Politics are not our problem here. No matter what our personal party or political association. It’s our inability to talk to to one another minus the anger and angst which we live with day to day because of what’s happening in our national politics and the disgrace of which they have become.
    Let’s forget the like buttons which creates unintended division and try just talking more to each other. I think that’s a good start.
    Please like my post however.
    It will validate me that I might have made some sense here.
  9. Like
    bigvalboy got a reaction from + quoththeraven in The "Politics, Religion & War Issues" Manifesto   
    Early on in this thread Deej posted this: I believe this to be accurate.

    "I do know that anyone trying to alter basic human nature is doomed to fail. I’ve been online since before there was an internet. This behavior (and SPAM) have always been with us and likely always will be."

    There will always be by some on message forums, troll behavior, a lack of civility, disrespect, and a disregard for the viewpoints of others. That is a fact. Most can change, but some will not.

    Perhaps what is needed is a Political forum that is by invitation only.
    Early on in the day when the Political forum had first been shut down, I got a couple of calls from forum members who weren't aware of what was going on. They were concerned that they were unable to post in the political forum, but seemed to be able to post elsewhere. They assumed that they had done something wrong, but couldn't figure out what. I logged on and realized what had happened. They were much relieved that they had not been singled out.
    Perhaps what is needed, is a PR&W forum that is by invitation only. Everyone would be allowed to post at first, but misbehavior, with a couple of warnings, would get you temporarily banned from that particular forum only, not the rest of the site. If they choose to post elsewhere, and continue they're disruption, then a ban from the whole site would of course be in order. I've also always felt that banning someone without the rest of the forum knowing what is going on lacks transparency, and shrouds the offense in mystery. Perhaps when the offender is in violation, admin could remove the offending post, and post in red letters that the member is in violation of forum decorum, and further violations will result in temporary or permanent banishment. This was done recently, and it seemed effective. I also realize that his might mean more moderation, more work for the administrators, and that might present a problem... My 2 cents.
    There will always be offenders on the Internet, there will always be trolls, just look at Twitter, it's a cesspool, but keeping those offenders in check, would greatly enhance the experience on the site.


  10. Like
    bigvalboy got a reaction from + quoththeraven in The "Politics, Religion & War Issues" Manifesto   
    I love Lookin's optimism and I liked his idea, but I'm more skeptical, and I see the problem a little more simply. I don't think the problem was about being conservative or liberal, or our tolerance for either, but it was about trolling. Two members clearly came on to troll the board. I don't give two fucks about Avalon's political views, he's entitled to them and entitled to express them. I never put him on ignore, but I did choose not to respond to him. If others who were so bothered by his seemingly endless threads and apparent racist views, then they should have stopped posting on every single thread that he started. If you can't exhibit some self control, and your not aware enough to realize that your being trolled, and that you are not going to change the views of posters like Avalon, then don't be surprised when your participation encourages more trolling behavior, and certainly don't complain about their participation here.
    I think Admin made this about liberal and conservative, but I saw it as someone who logged on with the sole purpose to disrupt, and I think admin was divisive, intolerant of posters who were complaining, and took far too long to address the issue. Some posters have left for the other site, which is a joke and seriously not a solution, some posters left permanently, and some have clearly stuck it out, but damage has been done, that is a fact. Perhaps this is merely a bump in the road, certainly admin has had to banish disruptive posters before, so time will tell, and maybe thoughtful and prolific posters like Moondance will reconsider their decision to leave.
    My Two Cents...
  11. Like
    bigvalboy reacted to BabyBoomer in Daddy issues   
    Here's the link.
  12. Like
    bigvalboy reacted to Larstrup in The "Politics, Religion & War Issues" Manifesto   
    I associate myself with these very important goals and even more importantly being a safe haven from abuse. I have always supported these values and you have my unwavering support in doing so with these announced actions.
  13. Like
    bigvalboy reacted to Rudynate in Sugar Is KILLING Us - Seriously   
    I don't much like leftovers, so my habit is to fix enough for one meal. I just did another bodybuilding contest. This time around I learned a lot about preparing food in advance, like bodybuilders do. I realized I'm a bodybuilder (not just somebody who's playing at bodybuilding) which incentivized me to start adopting the things that bodybuilders do. When we went to LA for the contest, I brought all of my meals pre-cooked and packed in a cooler. We drove to LA from SF and I brought healthy snacks for the road and a 2-liter jug of water. It was an amazing experience to have imposed that degree of control over my food.
  14. Like
    bigvalboy reacted to Karl-G in David Hockney's Ninety Million Dollar Painting   
    The painting was painted in Hockney's studio in London, using photographs of the location. The scene is not of California, but of the south of France. Hockney and his young lover, Peter Schlesinger, were several times guests of Tony Richardson at his villa in the South of France. They both loved the area. They had just broken up, and the painting is kind of Hockney's farewell to Peter (who today is a well known photographer and artist whose husband is a Swedish photographer). The standing clothed figure "is" Peter, although it is derived from a photo of Peter taken in London a year earlier. Hockney's studio assistant (who is still living) stood in the place of Peter, so Hockney could get the body position right. The figure in the pool was a friend of the assistant. Hockney completed the painting in a rush in a couple of weeks so he could include it in a show he was having in New York.
  15. Like
    bigvalboy reacted to body2body in David Hockney's Ninety Million Dollar Painting   
    I have loved David Hockney’s work for years, like Matisse, and Frank Stella, his work is often dismissed as being “decorative” as if it were somehow a sin for paintings to be pretty, colorful, easy to look at. He has been an innovator too working with Polaroid photos and Video. Like Picasso, and Matisse, his designs for the stage have also been important. I have had the pleasure of seeing productions of Wagner’s “Tristan und Isolde”,and Richard Strauss’ “Die Frau Ohne Schatten” Hockney’s sets, costumes, and lighting added to both productions.

  16. Like
    bigvalboy reacted to + bashful in holiday guests and the television   
    I declined. Stayed at a hotel. My sister-in-law was mad at me for over a year.
    (and I still think she is)
  17. Like
    bigvalboy got a reaction from Kenny in The "Politics, Religion & War Issues" Manifesto   
    I love Lookin's optimism and I liked his idea, but I'm more skeptical, and I see the problem a little more simply. I don't think the problem was about being conservative or liberal, or our tolerance for either, but it was about trolling. Two members clearly came on to troll the board. I don't give two fucks about Avalon's political views, he's entitled to them and entitled to express them. I never put him on ignore, but I did choose not to respond to him. If others who were so bothered by his seemingly endless threads and apparent racist views, then they should have stopped posting on every single thread that he started. If you can't exhibit some self control, and your not aware enough to realize that your being trolled, and that you are not going to change the views of posters like Avalon, then don't be surprised when your participation encourages more trolling behavior, and certainly don't complain about their participation here.
    I think Admin made this about liberal and conservative, but I saw it as someone who logged on with the sole purpose to disrupt, and I think admin was divisive, intolerant of posters who were complaining, and took far too long to address the issue. Some posters have left for the other site, which is a joke and seriously not a solution, some posters left permanently, and some have clearly stuck it out, but damage has been done, that is a fact. Perhaps this is merely a bump in the road, certainly admin has had to banish disruptive posters before, so time will tell, and maybe thoughtful and prolific posters like Moondance will reconsider their decision to leave.
    My Two Cents...
  18. Like
    bigvalboy got a reaction from TruthBTold in The "Politics, Religion & War Issues" Manifesto   
    I love Lookin's optimism and I liked his idea, but I'm more skeptical, and I see the problem a little more simply. I don't think the problem was about being conservative or liberal, or our tolerance for either, but it was about trolling. Two members clearly came on to troll the board. I don't give two fucks about Avalon's political views, he's entitled to them and entitled to express them. I never put him on ignore, but I did choose not to respond to him. If others who were so bothered by his seemingly endless threads and apparent racist views, then they should have stopped posting on every single thread that he started. If you can't exhibit some self control, and your not aware enough to realize that your being trolled, and that you are not going to change the views of posters like Avalon, then don't be surprised when your participation encourages more trolling behavior, and certainly don't complain about their participation here.
    I think Admin made this about liberal and conservative, but I saw it as someone who logged on with the sole purpose to disrupt, and I think admin was divisive, intolerant of posters who were complaining, and took far too long to address the issue. Some posters have left for the other site, which is a joke and seriously not a solution, some posters left permanently, and some have clearly stuck it out, but damage has been done, that is a fact. Perhaps this is merely a bump in the road, certainly admin has had to banish disruptive posters before, so time will tell, and maybe thoughtful and prolific posters like Moondance will reconsider their decision to leave.
    My Two Cents...
  19. Like
    bigvalboy got a reaction from Larstrup in The "Politics, Religion & War Issues" Manifesto   
    I love Lookin's optimism and I liked his idea, but I'm more skeptical, and I see the problem a little more simply. I don't think the problem was about being conservative or liberal, or our tolerance for either, but it was about trolling. Two members clearly came on to troll the board. I don't give two fucks about Avalon's political views, he's entitled to them and entitled to express them. I never put him on ignore, but I did choose not to respond to him. If others who were so bothered by his seemingly endless threads and apparent racist views, then they should have stopped posting on every single thread that he started. If you can't exhibit some self control, and your not aware enough to realize that your being trolled, and that you are not going to change the views of posters like Avalon, then don't be surprised when your participation encourages more trolling behavior, and certainly don't complain about their participation here.
    I think Admin made this about liberal and conservative, but I saw it as someone who logged on with the sole purpose to disrupt, and I think admin was divisive, intolerant of posters who were complaining, and took far too long to address the issue. Some posters have left for the other site, which is a joke and seriously not a solution, some posters left permanently, and some have clearly stuck it out, but damage has been done, that is a fact. Perhaps this is merely a bump in the road, certainly admin has had to banish disruptive posters before, so time will tell, and maybe thoughtful and prolific posters like Moondance will reconsider their decision to leave.
    My Two Cents...
  20. Like
    bigvalboy reacted to + PapaTony in The "Politics, Religion & War Issues" Manifesto   
    The only people I blame for the loss of the politics forum is all of us who chose to repeatedly respond to @Avalon and his ilk as if any one of us could or would change his ignorant, short sighted, racist views.
    Using the igore button only created a mess of message threads as we all know. We ALL needed to JUST IGNORE him/them because it’s been proven trolls do not survive without oxygen.
  21. Like
    bigvalboy reacted to Bostonian in 411 On Charlie Miles Ft Myers   
    Was fortunate to meet him this summer. He was accommodating, friendly, intelligent, and one of the best looking men I've ever met. I found him to be incredibly handsome with a gorgeous athletic body. I think he gets busy with modeling and other projects. I may have been lucky catching him at the right time. Would love to see him again.
  22. Like
    bigvalboy reacted to Rudynate in David Hockney's Ninety Million Dollar Painting   
    The bright cheeriness isn't all. There is a lot of irony in the bright cheeriness. Yes, much of his work depicts sort of sunny, languid Southern California afternoons. But they scream with existential despair.
  23. Like
    bigvalboy reacted to rvwnsd in Turns Out "Too Good To Be True" Isn't Limited to Our Hobby   
    Looks like someone on social media has been circulating a fake Black Friday deal for grocery chain Kroger. Good thing I ignored the guy who promised me unlimited free airfare if I wired him $500 to validate my identity.
  24. Like
    bigvalboy got a reaction from + WilliamM in David Hockney's Ninety Million Dollar Painting   
    My favorite...For obvious reasons



  25. Like
    bigvalboy got a reaction from + pitman in The "Politics, Religion & War Issues" Manifesto   
    I love Lookin's optimism and I liked his idea, but I'm more skeptical, and I see the problem a little more simply. I don't think the problem was about being conservative or liberal, or our tolerance for either, but it was about trolling. Two members clearly came on to troll the board. I don't give two fucks about Avalon's political views, he's entitled to them and entitled to express them. I never put him on ignore, but I did choose not to respond to him. If others who were so bothered by his seemingly endless threads and apparent racist views, then they should have stopped posting on every single thread that he started. If you can't exhibit some self control, and your not aware enough to realize that your being trolled, and that you are not going to change the views of posters like Avalon, then don't be surprised when your participation encourages more trolling behavior, and certainly don't complain about their participation here.
    I think Admin made this about liberal and conservative, but I saw it as someone who logged on with the sole purpose to disrupt, and I think admin was divisive, intolerant of posters who were complaining, and took far too long to address the issue. Some posters have left for the other site, which is a joke and seriously not a solution, some posters left permanently, and some have clearly stuck it out, but damage has been done, that is a fact. Perhaps this is merely a bump in the road, certainly admin has had to banish disruptive posters before, so time will tell, and maybe thoughtful and prolific posters like Moondance will reconsider their decision to leave.
    My Two Cents...
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