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Everything posted by bigvalboy

  1. From #180 down...All brilliant. Except maybe I can't quite figure out what the Lincoln is doing in the Alps
  2. At the bottom of your post you should see 3 words EDIT DELETE REPORT You should just be able to click on delete. A drop box will come down, then click on delete post. It will ask for a reason for the deletion, but that is not necessary. Clicking on delete post will suffice.
  3. Let me help you out. Here's a recap. Roseanne screaming at the end: "I thought the bitch was white, God Damnit, I thought the bitch was white, FUCK" What a wackadoodle...
  4. If I did remember, I wouldn't admit it....
  5. Nicest guy on the planet...period!
  6. http://www.homotrophy.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/apr-maskulo-fetish-p3-3.jpg BRAVO!!!
  7. http://5startaxitours.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/titanic-graveyard.jpg The Titanic cemetery in Halifax was haunting.
  8. Wonderful...Hot Rod Magazine "TWENTY-FIVE CENTS" I love it.
  9. This whole series should be "pinned" to the top.
  10. "Heart be still" (The car not the boy )
  11. When I was a teenager, I never thought that I would live to see 5o, and never really wanted to. I sort of lived my life like next year would never come. It was head down, full steam ahead, never caring what tomorrow would bring. It was a never ending party. I was quick to laugh, nothing burdened me, It was a good life. When I hit 5o, I almost went into cardiac arrest. I had not prepared myself, emotionally, physically, or financially for retirement. I suddenly not only wanted to live a long life, but I wanted to live a good life (for all that entailed) as well. That...was a rough decade. With planning, and a lot of luck, just shy of my 60th, I threw in the towel. It was liberating, exciting, and a little scary. I had made it, many of my friends had not. I became immensely grateful...for everything. To this day, I remain so. Looking back, I was silly in my teens to think of my life in such short terms, now I want to live forever. They're going to have to take me out of this life kicking and screaming. I told my sister the other day, "When my time comes, and the doctors tell you to pull the plug, give it just a few more minutes, ya know...just in case." I promised her that whatever happens, that I would go with no regrets.
  12. Brilliant... Danny Sommers. I knew him when. Nice nice kid. Wherever he landed I wish him well.
  13. This for me, this is autoerotica. I got a little woody watching this. Apologies to @Moondance or anyone else who might consider this a hijack. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PvDppaFMWA
  14. I just got a Florida drivers license, and they gave it to me for 8 years. A lot can happen in 8 years. Kinda scary...
  15. “Ignorance is curable, stupid is forever.” ― Robert A. Heinlein
  16. I've never really asked, but then again, I have no interest in collecting photos for the purpose of documenting situations like that. Perhaps one day when I'm in the home, I'll wish I had, but for now, the memory seems to be holding.
  17. "This is about s0mething nice and easy" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqIpkMDRjYw
  18. This is quite possibly the best thread of all time...
  19. She should be admired for the icon that she is, by anyone...anyone with a brain that is. My friend saw her once in concert. The Marquee simply said "Tina". You know you've arrived when they only need your first name. This one still tugs at my heart every time I hear it, and when she's gone, a little peace of me will be gone also...
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