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Everything posted by bigvalboy

  1. Don't get it twisted Draker, You weren't there! When someone posts pictures on line, and advertises himself to be something that he is clearly not, and that shows himself years younger, THINNER than they really are, and I go to see them, and waste my time, Damn straight I'm going to leave. I simply said that he did NOT represent himself, He told me that the pics were recent. Which was not true. He was the one that called me names. Cough up the six bucks for the premimum membership and read the other negative reviews on M4M, I am not the only one who had the same opinion. I will say that at least he showed his face. AND for the record, were not pals.
  2. Hhhmmm...sounds to me like someone had a successful trip into "The City"
  3. https://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A2KLqIU2mhlUXiIAr.77w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBzZnZtb2xyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMTM-?p=matt+bomer+boyfriend&vid=1b1fb3ac4c4c9c9237a55b1d31acc2ce&l=1%3A14&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DVN.607994385296394428%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DrH2JYZw6f6s&tit=%3Cb%3EMatt+Bomer+%3C%2Fb%3EMarried+SECRETLY+Since+2011%2C+Who+Knew%3F&c=12&sigr=11apneost&sigt=11oe32g78&age=0&&tt=b
  4. Ms. T...for your viewing pleasure. http://mattbomerfan.com/
  5. Interesting, late 90's early 2000's was my guess also, but searching through archives is not my forte. Thanks for the post. My guess is that someone will have an answer.
  6. Damn you WG...Yes yes I know you warned us, but I just had to peek. Now I have to try and pull myself together and head to the gym...fat chance of that happening for a couple of hours!! BTW...does anyone know what movie that is from? I like to start at the moment he unbuttons the shirt!
  7. Only thing left to do is tie those hands behind his back, spread his legs apart a little and put restraints on his ankles, and then have some fun, as you wipe that smile off his face. Then you would need audio!! HOPE you are enjoying the road.
  8. I find it funny to see this thread. I posted a negative experience also some time ago, and was criticized publicly and through PM's for my response. Obviously I am not alone in my opinion of him. I have always been clear, some of my friends in LA loved him, me, not so much. Each to his own.
  9. There's audio???!!! God bless you. AND Safe travels....
  10. Marylander...100% visual overload this morning. Almost speechless. http://38.media.tumblr.com/b82b78de43f79f98abce451c6054b214/tumblr_n1uu5gLrha1t231szo1_400.gif AND this has been my technique that usually works well. My facial growth is never that long. I am always clean shaven, but using my chin, forearm, and fingers, while stroking his dick, usually brings about amazing results. However, this is not my favorite activity. It is only done when it is requested of me. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-B2IH7YDfAgM/UE5u0k54-eI/AAAAAAAAHXE/S4wJAZvXOWw/s1600/rim+%25289%2529.gif
  11. HA! Now ain't that one of the best burgers in town? And their shakes are just delightful.
  12. And for the record gentlemen, I have taken it upon myself to start the interview process for the much needed assistants that I have requested. I would post pictures here, but privacy is always a concern, so suffice it to say that all 5 would meet with your approval...ooops, did I say 5? My bad....
  13. Reminds me of a burger joint in LA called "In-N-Out Burger" You could order a burger "animal style" with Iceberg lettuce used instead of a bun. It was very popular, but I just could never wrap my head around the idea.
  14. Well it's no secret how I feel about all of this...
  15. Interesting. I saw this the other day. For all the miles I have logged in the many decades that I have been circling the globe, rarely if ever, in all those years did I inquire as to what type of plane I would be traveling on, until now. Yesterday as I finalized plans for travel later this year, it was one of the first things that I asked about.
  16. I had the opposite effect when I poured out some of the oil. It created a hardened mess that didn't have half the flavor as the original jar. From what I understand, yes it is fat, but it is the good fat. Personally I hated the flavor. I just put the jar on the shelf upside down, and let it mix through. Then I open it, stir and refrigerate. Either way, I would think that you can benefit from a nutritional stand point, with or without half the oil.
  17. . The solution to that WG, although a more pricey one, is to buy the ones that are whole blanched and/or slivered. The Almonds are soft and so can be enjoyed without the fear of a cracked tooth. You do lose some of the nutrients by eliminating the skin, and by the process of blanching as well, but they are still very nutritious and well worth eating, and better than the pain and for some the expense of a chip toothed.
  18. Ditto Wisconsinguy. I keep almonds and walnuts on hand, and use them as a snack over a jar of peanut butter, however, if the mood should strike me, I like almost any brand of all natural peanut butter. I simply stir the oil in, and then refrigerate.
  19. Hilarious Jackhammer...Laughed all the way through it...
  20. Great idea for a thread.That was fun to watch!!!
  21. I'm all in!! I would request only that my title in this new venture of ours be "President of Research and Development" It would be a tough job, but I would be willing to sacrifice for the over all good of the new venture. I would request of course, a corner office with an assistant of my choosing. http://gayleathermen.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/torsos2.jpg?w=450&h=304 Uuummm, make that two assistants.
  22. Allow me to send my best wishes to you also Jackhammer. We often don't realize what some forum members are going through in their lives. I wish only the best for you. Prayers all around. AND yes, todays "Friday Funnies" gave me a good chuckle. Be safe and well.
  23. A "nippy niner"...absolutely brilliant. In all my years, that is a first!!! Now someone has to invent some sort of leather piece that will enhance the experience.
  24. Dear God....Sometimes you just have to sit back and realize how good life really is!!! Where were you when I needed a doctor? lol
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