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Everything posted by bigvalboy

  1. In FTL, Bank of America has 'Virtual Tellers' that are open until 10 pm, 7 days a week. They will dispense 100's, or any dollar amount you want, even odd amounts. The only drawback is, only a few locations have them, but if there is one near, they are incredibly convenient.
  2. Well in my perverted mind... The third guy would approach, but the guy getting sucked, thinks he's going to be the top, instead the third guy would come up behind him, and grab his nipples and begin working them. He would get them both hard-as -a-rock, the third guy would start rubbing his dick on the ass of the guy getting sucked, and then slowly penetrate him for the first time. It would be an amazing experience, and then they would both turn, the third guy would lay down, while the guy getting sucked would sit on his dick, and the other guy who is sucking, would mount him from the rear. That's right, double penetration.....(for the first time). He would be in ecstasy, since nothing that he has ever done with his wife, even when she would occasionally stick her finger up her ass, could come close to the way he is feeling now. His mind would be reeling, wanting to stop, but it just felt too good and too right. At that moment, nothing in the world mattered. Of course there are many scenarios that would work, but on this "Fat Tuesday" that's what I'm thinking. Well done WG. Now I need a break, and sometime to think of another scenario.
  3. My first guess was a pool cue? I know the end doesn't look like what I am used to, but that's my best guess.
  4. Well if you say "Damn" then I would have to say double Damn.... The top IS everything you mention and more WG. My guess is that those 'nips' are hot wired directly to his moan zone.... AND the bottom IS taking it like a champ, and as you observed, most likely a bit of a looker also. All the best to you on this Presidents Day, and I hope that your Southern Digs are serving you well...
  5. Three words...skype or Starbucks.
  6. Bingo....a perfect discription WG. I would love to approach those tighty-whitie's and give them a little tug. AND AND AND...yes those thighs, those gorgeous wonderful thighs, just like the ones our favorite boy has. Solid and massive, and the perfect thing to play with before heading up to the nips....
  7. HA!...so glad that I waited to respond. I knew that coffee and a full stomach would be necessary to view in comfort. I must say that the athletic theme they've got going sets a nice tone, and I love the bat he uses to strap up the feet. I'm imagining audio would be just moans of ecstasy. Apparently the southern exposure is doing you good WG. You seem unusually frisky this morning. "Un bravo giovanotto!"
  8. Brilliant....simply brilliant WG. All so very suckable. I've seen him before in porn, and he is quite the bottom. No coffee, no latte, no nothing this morning. I was just waiting to see how the day unfolds, and low and behold, I see that you posted. Nice way to get the day started. Hope you are enjoying your southern digs. Sunshine, long walks on the beach, and good food, is always good for the soul.
  9. http://38.media.tumblr.com/dff29061a8be3ab56c7951cd600f105f/tumblr_n6dsh333sG1spvj09o1_400.gif For WG...Well both WG's, and anyone else who finds nips that are 'hot wired' incredibly sexy. A little something to get your day started.
  10. Wonderful WG. I think that's Ryan Rose. Nice pics. This is more up my alley.
  11. WOW...for me this was just over the top. I can't even look at it....lol....But that's why this thread has so many views, it just let's everyone get a taste and look at what others are doing out there. Thanks WG. Was trying to post something today, but the next few days are going to be hectic, and I'm just not in that frame of mind. Cheers for now, and safe travels.
  12. Thanks from me as well...He might be a local boy, but he's going to be a pass for sure.
  13. Wait wait wait WG....lol....are those electrical wires going to the nip clips? I get that they are adjustable, but if they do have a 'power source' then I think we are waaay past the magnetic clips. I saw that in a video recently, and despite the obvious pain the sub was going through, he just kept begging for more. Side note: God bless you in the coming storm. batten down the hatches. Friends in NJ are worried about power outages, in addition to worries about the furnace keep up. I will be thinking about you, and praying for the best. Just keep counting the days to FL. Cheers.
  14. All I can say is 'double damn'.....I was so hoping that perhaps they would be perfect for my needs. It is so hard to imagine that a simple pair of magnets can become so intense. So for now, a tongue is about the only thing that truly gets me going, well that and a few other things .... but always nipples first. I have to say that looking back, I enjoyed your sense of humor. You really had me going this morning. I was considering heading to Starbucks and do a double shot of espresso just to get me through the morning. Well until next time, I will go back to some tongue action...lol And thanks for all the info and personal insights, you no doubt saved me time, money, and apparently a lot of pain.
  15. Wait what? Either I drank too much last night, or not enough coffee this morning!! lol lol....Soooooo should I go with the magnetic nip clips OR.......not? I'm secretly hoping that they are gentle. I mean, how could they not be? Right? Ohhh you're gonna be a handful WG when we finally meet....
  16. Don't know really where to start. Jag the images are positively mouthwatering, delicious, scrumptious, and OH so sexy. Wait...I got this. "Che Bravo giovanotto" HA! who knew.... Now a moment to mention the magnetic nipple clamps. Two questions, 1. have you tried them? and if yes, did you like the them? and 2. We have discussed my inability to take too much pressure, so are they comfortable? It seems that magnets would just be a very gentle pressure...Yes? inquiring minds want to know.
  17. Just made a note of those....I love it!!!
  18. No coffee necessary...I went into this cold turkey, and you know what, I liked it. The look on the face of the dom, is absolutely perfect. So intense, and so tuned in to the subs enjoyment. "Belle" ......(correct usage?)
  19. http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20141224/business/images/BCTroubledOPEC.jpg It's all a game.....
  20. Eight thousand views and counting....Under 3 bucks a gallon for premium on A1A in FTL. 60 smackeroos damn near filled her up. God bless BO, and God bless these United States of America.
  21. Agreed....hearing the words 'beautiful, delicious, and nipples' all in one sentence, was almost as good as seeing the pics.....I said almost.
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