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Posts posted by Lohengrin1979

  1. I can’t remember the name he used to use (Eric, perhaps?), but I seem to recall a report where he stopped mid-session to answer the door for UPS .... while his client was on the table in the altogether just inside the door. But I am not speaking from personal experience, and the preceding commenter clearly is.

    Yes he has gone by both names in the past.

  2. Keep in mind that im STRAIGHT whos only trying to help you get your nut in. Im on edibles just about all day everyday. So if I talk out of my ass its obvious because I felt comfortable enough to do so with you. I also take alot of interest in who is getting my massages. My massages might not be the best as compared to others like I said I never half ass it unless you called me at freaking night when im exhausted and only trying to stay up as some do like that midnight fix for the melatonin. I dont only try massaging but heal in metaphysical terms through meditation and chakra alignments ? as a practice for myself. Through time I've grown and gain experiences from indivuals. If you felt that way maybe you should've grown a pair of balls and tell me what needed to be worked on to come into agreement. Other than just talking shit. We could've worked something out but it NEVER DOES BECAUSE I did not satisfies your sexual needs.


    This is a board to review masseurs. I reviewed you. You admit you’re straight and trying to get clients rocks off. You assured me you have massage skills. You didn’t. It’s not “talking shit” when that’s the purpose of this board. You had the chance to make your case and, instead, you and your handler/friend decided to resort to attacking me. The bad look is on you.

  3. I am entitled to my opinions, you can state yours, I can rebut its inaccuracy. I don’t know what you haters hope to gain by your initial attacks, but I will defend myself and my friend. He will continue to gain new business because as adults all the readers can see the ill slant in your attacks. You obviously didn’t achieve the sexual satisfaction you desired and that seems to be the main problem here.


    You are tiresome. I didn’t want Horus for any sexual activity. I wanted a good massage which he claimed he could do. He cannot. It’s as simple as that. You’re like a dog with a bone mentioning sex. If I want sex, I hire an escort. Plain and simple. If I want a massage, I hire a masseur, and I expect him to have skill.


    I have not insulted Horus. I’ve merely pointed out he is untrained and cannot give a good massage. Who knows what he does or does not do sexually? It wasn’t a factor in my appointment with him.


    So, again, you bringing up sex is just a deflection. Your comment about Trump below is laughable as you are the one using deflection and ad hominem attacks in this thread, sir.

  4. Contrary to your statement he’s done very well and has had more bookings thanks to my help. So despite your efforts to trash him or lull others into your thought process isn’t helping your cause either. It makes you look bitter.


    The only bitter one is you because someone thought your favorite wasn’t perfect.

    Thanks for the personal attack by PM, by the way. It was creative, if inaccurate. I sure hope you get a ban soon. Your conduct on this board is unbecoming.

  5. I'm sure you're just upset that you couldn't get what you wanted for your sexual satisfaction l,unfortunately you can't win them all that way. Either you love it or you don't. ?‍♂️ you still hired me.


    You do yourself no favors by acting this way. Yes I hired you, and found your skills lacking. And There was no sexual interaction between us.


    Shrug away but neither your responses, nor those of your promoter, are helping you.

  6. I have to say you must be talking about another provider or he didn’t provide you with all the sexual activity you demanded at the massage rate. Either case sounds like you have an axe to grind here. This simply was not my experience.


    I didn’t demand any sexual activity from him and I have no axe to grind. I specifically mentioned that he can’t massage well. I’m glad your experience was enough to make you post several topics about him. Mine was not.


    That’s the fun thing about a public forum. It’s open to discussion.

  7. No he is not. He’s another straight dude with no massage skills allowing you to pay for the pleasure of him dangling his(admittedly thick) flaccid member in front of your face while he tickles your back and talks... a lot.


    As an escort there could be some appeal but he is not a masseur. At all. You might be better off promoting him in The Deli.

  8. I just had a “come to Jesus” moment with one of the masseurs I hire regularly. I understand that things come up but he was constantly rescheduling due to the demands of his other career. I finally had to put my foot down and remind him that my time is also valuable and I schedule my own work around appointments I commit to.


    It went well and he’s been toeing the line thus far. If your regular masseur values your business, he will shape up. If not, there are others who will.

  9. I met him this weekend. He looks just like his photos. Not a good massage, not a bad massage. MT, HE. Very positive energy. He hosted in a hotel and did not have a table. I was ok, but I know this is a dealbreaker for some. PM if you want to know more.


    I concur with the above. I’ve had him here at my place in LA. Sweet, energetic guy. So so massage. Great body.

  10. Jay is decent. He’s a bit of a peculiar personality but we discussed opera for the first part of the massage, which some of you know, is a sure way to butter me up. He was nude and I left happy. The body is incredible. The technique... interesting. I might repeat just to see if he loosens up the more you go.

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