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Everything posted by foxy

  1. I saw The Waverly Gallery today and certainly related to the plot. Many people today have a relative slipping into Alzheimer’s and it’s a tragic thing to watch and be a part of. But what I enjoyed about today’s performance was all the funny stuff. I guess that’s what’s called seriocomic. Wonderful to see Elaine May still performing at 86.
  2. I saw the play today and liked it. I had the opposite reaction to the review in that I thought the second act much more fun than the first. You do have to listen hard with the accents but I had no problem. As an aside there’s a short scene where Ben Schnetzer who plays Dylan Spokes strips off his T shirt to reveal a very attractive torso. I saw the understudy Bianca Leigh stepping in for Alexandra Billings playing Waxy Bush. I though she was very good but her malapropsims didn’t always land. The scene with the snooker tournament were fun to see with the overhead cameras projecting the live action on a large screen. Have to give credit to the actors who were playing a live game for much of it and had to get those balls to hit on target. Of course Ahmed Aly Elsayed is indeed a champion snooker player in real life.
  3. Those photos were from the incredibly funny play Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike. Billy played Spike. It takes a very smart actor to play dumb and with a great cast including Sigourney Weaver, David Hyde Pierce and Kristine Weaver, Billy was in many ways the highlight of the show. Maybe the fact that he’s a real hunk made him stand out for me. Also in the movie version of Into the Woods, Billy sang Agony with Chris Pine. The two of them were hysterically funny. If you haven’t seen the movie I’d highly recommend it.
  4. foxy

    No socks

    First I have to admit I’m not fashionable clothes-wise. And no doubt I fall into the cranky old men category. But there are fashion trends I truly don’t understand. If someone, male or female, is young and good looking, they can pretty much get away with anything and still look good. For years I’ve hated the backwards baseball cap look. Especially when that cap has the adjustable thing in front. If you’re not a baseball player I just don’t get it. Next is jeans with the knees ripped out. Lately I’ve seen this where almost the entire front of the jeans are gone. What seems particularly silly is that people buy them that way. Both of these trends have been going on so long I’m almost used to them. Why they haven’t died long ago is beyond me. So now this no socks thing has also been going on for a while. It’s when I see a guy in a business suit that I really question the look. In shorts or jeans I sort of get it. In the summer. But I’ve been to evening performances at Lincoln Center where people come at least a little dressed up. I like seeing exposed male skin. But I can’t really say I’m turned on by bare ankles. Maybe I’m missing something.
  5. Some good. Some not so good. I’m still glad I saw it.
  6. This new play based on a book of true events (depending on whose checking) is both very funny and riveting. With such good actors, Cherry Jones, Daniel Radcliffe and Bobby Cannavale you can't really miss. Considering Radcliffe could fill Gringotts vaults with his Harry Potter paychecks it's to his credit he keeps working. I remember the days when you'd pick up a newspaper or magazine and pretty much assume that if it's in print it must be true. Those days are long gone if indeed they ever really existed. So if beauty is in the eye of the beholder what is truth? This play is definitely worth your time and money. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/20/theater/lifespan-of-a-fact-daniel-radcliffe-broadway.html
  7. Today I saw the show for a second time. I was happily surprised to get a center row orchestra seat in row K at tkts for $119. Several understudies were in the cast but I really wanted to see Lauren Ambrose again before she leaves. Her voice is stronger and even more beautiful than when I saw the production the first time. She was wonderful. I’d highly recommend the show to anyone who hasn’t seen it.
  8. Years ago I was at a party talking to a friend. Another friend came in with his new boyfriend who was incredibly skinny. The friend I was talking with said “it must be like sleeping with a bicycle.” That image has never left me. Unfortunately.
  9. 30 plus years ago I was on a 3 day Greek cruise. It stopped for one day in Santorini. We were almost forced to get on one of the donkeys to ride up to the town of Fira. There was great chaos as the men who owned the donkeys followed behind practically whipping the poor animals to make the climb up the steps covered with dung. It was one of the most awful travel experiences I’ve ever had. I kept yelling at the guy to stop hitting the donkey. He ignored me. It was a great relief to get to the top and get off. Later in the day I was wandering in town and lost track of time. I heard my ships horn and realized I had to run down the steps to catch the last tender back to the ship. Kind of terrifying as I mostly slid down the filthy stairs. Several years later I returned to Santorini taking a flight from Mykonos. I was staying at a hotel in town that overlooked the harbor now crowded with cruise ships. The donkeys were still working but a funicular had been installed to carry tourists up to town. Santorini is a gorgeous and very touristy place that can no longer handle the amount of people arriving by ship. I’m glad I saw it when I did. I’d never go back.
  10. Dicks....poop...what could season 3 bring?
  11. I liked it very much. At 6 foot McTeer is an imposing presence on stage. She has a broad range of credits in theater, movies and tv and is really good in all of them. She has an appearance in Ozark, the second season on Netflix playing a chilling American attorney with Mexican cartel connections. It takes guts to appear as a Sarah Bernhardt doing Hamlet and I thought she pulled it off. The play is actually quite funny. Worth seeing I think.
  12. One of my all time favorite shows. I saw the original production at the Orpheum Theater in the East Village around 1982. Ellen Greene for me will always be the ideal Audrey. She reprised the role at an Encores concert staging with Jake Gyllenhaal as Seymour. I’m sorry I missed that. Jake as Seymour would have been fun to see. Happily I caught up with him when he was in Sunday in the Park With George. There was a production with Hunter Foster as Seymour around 2003. They were doing a Broadway Cares fund raiser at the time and for a $20 donation I got a photo taken with Foster and Kerry Butler who played Aubrey. Just as the photo was being taken I snuck my hand onto Fosters back who I found very attractive at the time. Still do. I’d love to see the show again. Maybe this London production will come to Broadway. It has the most wonderful music. Suddenly Seymour!
  13. I will be in Sydney December 19, 20 and 21. Any opera/theater recommendations would be welcome.
  14. Cranston was brilliant as Lyndon Johnson in All the Way. And Breaking Bad stands as one of the best shows ever. This show is high on my list to see.
  15. Two of Hollywood’s most beautiful leading men. Would like to think they had wedded bliss together. Given the time maybe not. But they sure looked good together.
  16. There are a number of tv series worth binge watching. You could go back to the Sopranos and then continue on to Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, and my personal favorite Six Feet Under. Surely there are others. But Orange is the New Black is certainly in the running. I love binge watching. So nice to keep going until you’re ready to call it a night. Another brilliant series. TV is better than going to the movies these days it seems.
  17. I’ve been privileged to know Cooper for many years. He’s certainly been one of my greatest friends. Hope to have in my life for many years to come. They don’t come any better. Happy happy birthday my dear friend.
  18. I'm part way into this series which is now on Netflix. If you saw A Very English Scandal with Ben Whishaw you might enjoy this very convoluted spy drama with some gay sex kink thrown in. So far I'm enjoying it.
  19. foxy

    Love Cecil

    Cecil Beaton, English photographer and so much more. This wonderful, new documentary showcases this very multitalented gay man who changed the visual looks of photography, theater, movies, fashion illustration and on and on. Perhaps not the luckiest man in his love life but he still left his mark. Highly recommended.
  20. Having recently seen the documentary I downloaded the book Tab Hunter Confidential. I’m halfway through the book which is really very good and there’s a lot more naturally than in the movie. So his death has saddened me now that I only recently rediscovered him. He had in many ways a difficult life but also comes across as a very decent guy. I do recommend the book.
  21. I just finished watching the first two episodes of this incredibly entertaining series. A big hit in the UK and soon coming to Amazon Prime. All based on a true story which makes it even more fun.
  22. I’m sorry to read in this last review that the audience continues to behave in such bizarre behavior. I can’t for the life of me comprehend it. Mass hysteria I suppose. I’ll stop going to the theater entirely if this continues. I felt like I was at a sporting event where screaming seems more appropriate.
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