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Posts posted by Mocha

  1. I interrupt the original topic of this thread with a special announcement/statement. As some may know, the online escort industry has been bombed. Too early say if it's a nuke, but we need to stick together. And stand up for our rights. Our energy will need to be focused on this going forward, so I don't want smaller issues to distract from the bigger picture.


    For the time being, as it relates to this topic...I suggest we learn from those who have experienced the plights of marginalization. Let us (as escorts/clients black/white/everybody) go with the same triumph, as those who have in the past; for my rights, your rights, OUR rights. Make it a MILLION MALE ESCORT MARCH!





  2. Aye, yeah, it seems to me that the amount of FTM guys becoming visible in escorting/porn/etc. is directly proportionate to how much accurate information, good medical care, and general acceptance there is. It's a new age! I remember way back when I first saw Buck Angel and I just about lost my mind 'cause I'd thought til that point that nobody was interested in trans dudes in any kind of sex work. It'd be sweet to have some trans clients as a trans provider, but it seems totally dominated by cis guys right now.


    Edit: As a heads-up, some of the language you're using is actually pretty transphobic. Anyone who hasn't transitioned yet is still the gender they ID with. No 'man mode' about it!


    Lol...I didn't mean it to be, my mistake. But in each case, they were happy to be in their man mode, and mainly dressed up for drag shows and parties, etc. They weren't going for the transition so to speak.


    That said...one of my bestie is a full TS, so I'm not at all phobic. Just personally...there was/is even a guy who I fucked as a boy a couple of times. Super cute. Then he would occasionally do this drag stuff and become unrecognizable. I wouldn't fuck him in his get up because that's not the person he was when he first approached me, nor do I like long hair and nails, glitter and heels. But if he turns into a boy again after the club....shit, I wouldn't say no.

  3. I do always wonder how those escorts with those lavish apartments in midtown and how they get them, bc obviously you can't use escorting as income and provide paystubs for them :p so they must have rich guys signing off for them, or they probably give some good cock/ass to the renter every now and then hehe


    Lol...well the thing is, some people probably were there before A) they were escorts and B) had other job to use or C) got in either before the rent went high, thru a private landlord, etc.


    That said, I still in 30 years...cannot see the appeal of moving to New York in this day and age of 2018 versus all the other cities in America. I feel like the whole move to New York (and Los Angeles) with a suitcase and a dream, was a thing of the 70s and 80s. People did it back then, and succeeded. Nowadays, it just seems risky. All it's doing is fattening up the wallets of these greedy slumlords, who just take, take, take...and only do upgrades when you move out. America continues to praise and "you go girl" high rent and high priced hotels. That's why 99.9% of gay guys don't have their own place/privacy. High ass rent, meant for straight "professionals" with dual incomes and shit. You don't always have to move to the city, to make big money moves. I could likely make $600 quicker in the desert of New Mexico, than I could in the streets and hotel sheets of New York. I know because I've done it many times, versus putting up ads in New York and getting nothing but some fucking bullshit ass replies that made me want to postpone my trip.


    Even if I could afford New York on an escort salary, that's a lot of nutt busting to be able to keep up with the prices. Plus, I don't plan to give up either of my cars...Insurance runs less than $100 a month for two. Cheaper than a monthly metro pass probably. In New York, it's parking, it's insurance, this/that and some.


    I've not yet worked in New York, but I feel you can get the same New York "experience" in Minneapolis, San Francisco, DC...but without the pressure that goes along with being in NYC. Even though SF is kinda sick with it too, and D.C. will be getting about as saturated as NYC.

  4. Not to be flippant, but I notice a lot of Ftm escorts nowadays than during the rentboy days. I think it's interesting, but I've also come across several self-professed bi-guys, and perhaps that would be quite the market to entertain.


    However, in my case...I've seen an innumerable amount of men in my days, however I've never come across an actual FTM, or even an actual woman for that matter. All the TS girls I've come across were either in full man mode, or in one case...before they made the transition to female.

  5. Thanks for replies everyone! I posted, but then after I was so annoyed with the whole booking, that I didn't even want to talk about anymore. But I'm over it now. At the same time, considering I have experienced things over the years...but am now KNOWLEDGEABLE, I'm not ashamed of talking about diseases with people.


    Whats scary is, beyond HIV...most gay guys seem to have not much clue on All the STDs, parasites and bugs and the how's and WHERE of getting them. So it is important to talk about it sometimes. But without shame and condemnation like a prick.


    A Question for the escorts...how frequently do your clients use condoms for oral? It’s common sense, but does anyone do it?


    You're talking Powerball odds there...but, as you know, there's always that 1 or 2 who win every few weeks. Likewise. There's always that 1 or 2 who wants to use a condom for oral...every few weeks :D


    In my humble opinion, in 2017, if BBing is a deal breaker is a matter of ignorance and irrational fear. If you are concerned, just play safe with everyone. What your partner does with others is not your business.


    I agree and disagree. Lot of ignorance and irrational fears out there. It's not their business, but there should be some sort of restraint and respect for the other partner. I can't remember if it was here or elsewhere, where someone said they avoided certain escorts after seeing their raunchy Grindr profiles or whatever.


    In a case where it would do justice to somewhat be in someone's business, say a fuck buddy just got fucked by multiple guys raw, cum pumped and dumped and then an hour (or week) later, begs you to fuck him raw. That's just not integrity. All is needed is to offer the option to use a condom. Some people can die or become very sick from Gonorreah and chlamidia infection, especially if they don't have the access to health right away.


    And I scold myself on these things too, because even though I have clients...I also have personal guys I meet. And it's hard to draw that line between "we're not exclusive so it's okay" versus being irresponsible and not respecting of each other's bodies.

  6. Not interested but thanks for the offer.


    Let’s guess what happened here....it’s not hard to figure out. Marylander sent you a pm indicating I referenced you in this thread. He’s trying to embarrass me. Lol.


    What he doesn’t know is that what i have said about you in this thread you have heard directly from me (and from many other posters) many many times in multiple other threads over several years. Nothing new to see here.


    Nice try Marylander. It didn’t work. Now let’s get back to discussing str8 guys again. Also I would like to invite the OP to return to the forum. Most folks on here are not judgemental like Marylander.


    Nice try on assuming something took place that never happened. Perhaps you could stand to brush up on your tech skills before trying to give someone who probably would have never paid attention to your jibberish a life lesson, foo.


    Whenever someone quotes your name using @...it alerts to the person along with the thread it was quoted in (quite advanced over many other forums out there) Thing is, my alerts goes to an old email which I rarely check. It just so happened by coincidence or my lucky charm, that I happened to feel like coming back on. And low and behold...I check my alerts and see you shit talking.


    As for the rest of it, I've said multiple times in other threads as well. Your shit talking means nothing to me. I've got enough fans and friends that I've built away from the forum, that whatever feelings you have towards me would be your energy wasted...not mine. So come for me at your own expense.


    As you can see, you're busy talking about straight guys...I'm busy fucking with actual guys who can appreciate me, not talk shit on a forum. Now please, this is pointless...just leave me out of it. Continue your convo.

  7. I assume so. That's a barrier to entry for potential providers, which would drive up the cost for those who do chose to do it.


    Kevin Slater


    That's the thing. Sometimes i feel legalizing (or decriminalize, etc, etc) will be a careful for what you wish for type of thing.


    Look what happened to Colorado. They legalized marijuana, the prices went way down and the cost of living went way up.


    And as with everything else American government puts their hands on, you'd need to be licensed, insured, bonded, denied if you're hiv poz, can't work near a school (my old place in Denver had a upstairs balcony facing across the road from a little private Christian school. I'd have to play music or porn to drown out the sounds of children playing).


    Just decriminalize and keep off. That said, i don't think it'll ever become legal until a female president backs up the decision. Not saying Hillary would or wouldn't have done it, but hypothetically if she did, it'll be backed with feminism to make it more acceptable.

  8. If this question would rub you the wrong way, I would feel the same.


    Even though things are improving, there's still some tools who slip thru. I had someone inquire do I "smoke/diseases". The smoke thing is one thing (which for an out all to someone's hotel, really shouldn't matter...as I'm a non-smoker and if a client is a smoker, that's not a deal breaker long as it's not fogging up the room). But to ask if I have not one disease but disease(S), was a bit more than just a concern of health (and this was like out the blue, morning before the appointment, and started with "I have a couple questions for you".)


    My answer to him was, if you're concerned with catching anything; perhaps you should consider condoms and getting tested like I do. In which he then said okay, and shortly after cancelled.


    I think if someone has a genuinely concern and asks, “are you d/d free and recently tested” that’s not an issue. But to come right out and use the word disease as it relates to setting up a date with an escort or anyone, is disrespectful. Kind of like how some guys will ask, “are you negative” before anything else...because they’ve been conditioned to believe (darkened skinned) men are mostly HIV positive.


    Even though the person was likely doing it to get a rise, I’d assume they were acting out of some sort of stereotypical mindset.

  9. Early in my college teaching career, I was on a joint trustee/faculty committee for which I wrote a well-organized memo. One of the trustees asked, “If you can write like this, what are you doing in a job that pays so little?” If I had had the body for it, escorting would’ve played much better!


    Ditto...people are always going to suggest you be doing this instead of that:


    You got AMAZING BODY! You should play for the gay sports league.


    You escort full time? YOU SHOULD ALSO DRIVE FOR UBER.


    Coulda, shoulda, woulda. I personally don't find those questions too annoying or dumb, but more a projection of what other people perceive themselves to be doing with such qualities. Some people just need to let others live their life they see fit.


    I mean...look at the guy who played Barney. He's in the adult XXX business too:

  10. No pun intended...


    Just thought I'd pop back up and say 2018 has officially been my best start of any year, going into my 10th anniversary as an escort. Even the end of last year went out smoother than usual. This isn't to brag or boast, but I've been cited for not oft having much + to say, but now I actually can say things have definitely improved (in many markets, but not all). Unfortunently, when I read about how places like Colorado/Denver are now seeing their highest numbers of people leaving (despite the amount of people also moving in), it's understandable that sometimes an escort has to relocate for their desired lifestyle.


    But I will say one thing, despite whatever economical factors may exist: I'm finding life as an escort to be sweeter when I just say things exactly like it is. I don't have to confide to anyone else for answers. Everything I say now is being directly asked and assesed with whomever I'm seeing (not shaming those who do, of course 2 minds are better than 1). I'm not afraid to tell a client what I feel about bullshit, and then after, meet him in person once he realizes I'm passionate about order and commitment. That's power. To be able to relate to clients the way I choose to relate with them. Yet doing so in a way as to not compromising revenue.


    As for who to thank? Rentmen would be 1. They've consolidated advertising to where it's almost not required to have a website anymore, or search multiple channels to learn about an escort. However, even that didn't always create optimum conditions....and there's pros and cons to the fact that rentmen has (by popular demand) owned the market.


    If you've noticed a turn around these past few months, who would you thank?

  11. I read your comments with fascination. Not because I'm critical or complimentary but it's a reality that you know that I don't experience. I appreciate your candor and and view. Keep it coming babe. Yes you have men on this board who are pretty critical so what. We need a voice on here that's different challenging and at times provocative. Don't agree with everything you state but you make this board so much better. Besides your also hot babe! LoL


    Well thankyou! I'm really going to have to visit you in New York next year. I would probably have a different perspective in a scene like New York (though trying to move there likely wouldn't manifest).


    Lot of these gay issues I mentioned happened in places like Phoenix, Nashville, Denver, etc. those just aren't real gay cities. All those are family oriented places where gay people exist out of affirmative action. Meaning...there's so much heterosexual culture around you in those places, you almost have to add in a little gay to make it feel diverse. But it's all stereotypes and closet cases. If you don't fit it, they aren't into you.


    When I lived in Miami, I had instantly found a group of friends, and even though they had their set of issues...they helped me survive my first three months of college and my first time living on my own at 19. Lord knows wish I'd of discovered escorting at that time! Those days were rough.


    So there are good people in the gay scene.

  12. Sounds to me that you would/could have a great time hiring.


    Hmm, not really. It wouldn't be for me personally. What I'm looking for wouldn't be found in hiring. I'm not just looking for intimate connections, I'm going for more of a social scene with foundation. Like a group of guys and someone on the regular. I've had that at various points, but it always ends up with someone getting jealous or finding ways to exclude someone from the group based on how one person feels.


    The whole forum embodies the gay scene, and the fact that I even participate is playing with fire. You have people constantly being catty, trying to exclude someone based on how they feel. That's exactly how it is in real life. It's like when you meet someone, their friends only become each other's friends as long as you're in good standing with that person. Soon as a disagreement arises, they want to keep that person away from everyone else.


    I ended up losing touch with an entire group of people, because one f** had to be maggot and basically turned the whole group on me. For no other reason than I didn't want to date him anymore because he reached over and grabbed my neck during an argument. Actually no, it was a CONVERSATION where he disagreed with my feelings on a particular subject...namely the death of my friend earlier this year, who he never met. But we talked it over and made up, but when his friends invited me to a cabin weekend that he couldn't stay for the whole weekend, he went and told everyone to make me leave because I was only there to prostitute myself and make money. I drove 100 mph from Knoxville to Nashville and I stormed into his job and cursed his ass out, then went to his other job and showed his boss all the texts and voicemails of his slandering me. It's only then that people realize, I'm not the one. I'm the nicest guy you'll meet, but I'm the boldest guy you'll meet when I'm crossed.


    At the same time, that's the person I don't want to be. If I have to go through that much. Is it even worth it? Is it worth having gay friends? Is it worth dating? It's too much energy, too much blood pressure, too much. I'm at my best and least drama in periods when I'm lonely and have no friends...I still meet people, but it's just casual flings here and there with a little bit of dating....until I travel onto the next city. That cuts down on drama for me. As with hiring, even though I sell a product, doesn't necessarily mean that's what I want for myself.

  13. Sounds like the "gay scene" is the same as it was in the 80's. I only went to bars for music and dancing. Went to bathhouses, glory holes, bushes for the "slutty scene". My formula worked while others beat their heads against a brick wall. I found out early on not to be a masochist.


    That's true. I'm sure it probably isn't anything new. Thats just how it is. All I can say is I went out last night again (as I refuse failure) and met a whole much better group of people and even a particular person who was into me. In fact, I had my pick of 3 different people. But there still is a lot of BS in the scene. The many times a "single" or recently broke up guy at the bar turned out to be still in relationship and lied about it is whimsical.


    Let me also just say one thing without directly quoting anyone. Anyone who consistently comes along and spends time down talking someone they never met, doesn't deserve my energy anymore. They get off on saying things that create arguments, instead of focusing on the topic at hand. They continue until it degrades into something nasty. I've let people like that run me off, I'm not allowing it anymore. So @LADoug1 , I hope that answers that for you.


    They're just going to have to learn to deal with me. All that crap they talking isn't even worth me reading and has not and will not be read. Anyone who reads it and thinks differently of me because of it, would do better to speak directly to me and see how I'm actually doing. If anyone has a personal issue with me, they can meet me personally at any of the forum events, and see how I'll feel about what they have to say. But since non of them likely will never face me, it's not even worth standing up for.


    I'm only responding to helpful comments. Anyone else talking jive will be ignored. I just don't have time for it.

  14. OKAY -Of course that is why Florida is called the Sunshine State - - - and BTW -- I grew up in Ft Laud. Miami and spent lots of time in Key West, Orlando and Daytone


    That explains why you're such an ass


    OKAY -Of course that is why Florida is called the Sunshine State - - - and BTW -- I grew up in Ft Laud. Miami and spent lots of time in Key West, Orlando and Daytona



    and??? What do yuh want. A souvenir?



  15. Oh yeah you like the $$$$ -- But based on your constant bitching what did you do with ALL that Money? No House - No Money - No Socks - No Pics of You with Obama --- Really --- That is a lot of cocktails and cheesy motels


    Girl bye. Speak for your damn self. You don't know what the fuck I have. I could fill your loose asshole with the money I roll up bitch.


    Don't come for me. I'm actually agreeing with some of what you said. Don't force my hand.

  16. Because I can f-ing see why. As far as I know, majority of the escorts I come across don't mention involvement in the scene much unless it's something to do with dancing or performing, etc.


    I've come to realize I'm just so over it. Guys, gays, bars, everything. The games and confusion that comes with meeting guys outside of clients has just become too predictable and all too common. For example, just last week I met a guy in Phoenix at the bar after a friend invited me out. We chat, watched the drag show, and exchanged numbers. Kept in touch, he sent me pictures, shared some things about himself etc. Few days later, we meet up. Had a good time, met his friends at his place, he even popped the first kiss which later lead to longer making out and us giving each other head...for a minute. Until he kept saying he didn't want to turn things into a hookup and we left off on that.


    However, before we met up...he did "flake" twice. Meaning, there were a couple of times we almost met but didn't. Now...in my personal life I'm a little more lenient about that. Whereas in business, if someone cancels the day of and/or then the next attempt they're just floating about not making definite plans...I ask them without being too brusque; to get it together. But seems like these things need to be implemented moreso in personal life.


    Because after our "hangout" session, the guy sends me a text saying this will be our last conversation and that he's not feeling me as much, and wishes me luck. I'm like really? Really. I just wasn't surprised at all. This is typical gay shit. Confused little boys don't know what they want. Then once they get it, they run from it. Always trying to make the other person feel like they're doing something wrong.


    And that's just one example. I could go on and on and on about the variety of mind games guys have played over and over and over. Everything from exchanging numbers and then ghosting, to just major inconsistencies and people who seem to get off on flaking on others. Nowadays, at 30...atleast I can move on with grace and dignity rather than let it affect me too much. But this just brings me back to that frame of mind that I don't like to be in.


    On top of that, I don't even know my place in the gay scene anymore. The aforementioned guy is a lighter toned black guy and his friends who were at the house were queeny white guys who do drag and bleach their hair and wax their eyebrows. And the guy is not really feminine himself. So to me, that was a yellow flag that he possibly would find a way to exclude me at some point. I was picking up that he's probably more into white guys, and for whatever reason I could have just been used as a diversion for him to see if he can "do it". Not saying that's fact, but I know how these out west Black dudes can be. That's the reason I didn't have many Black friends/dates in Denver until I moved to the east coast, because they were all exclusive of each other, only associating with White or Hispanic guys. I've seen it too many times. The black guy who normally goes for white guys, they may dabble with another black dude for a minute, only to dismiss them with contempt only to go right back to what they were doing.


    However, I don't want anyone citing the race card because it's much broader than that. That's just one underlying reason. The games are pretty much widespread. So my question is, what's the best way to still keep a social life outside of business, yet avoid all the bullshit of navigating the gay scene.

  17. @Mocha I don't think its the clients being insecure, i think its that they had no intention in hiring you in the first place and were just playing games, unfortunately is part of escorting lifestyles every escort big or small has to go with it, its one of the cons of this rewarding lifestyle.


    Your right you can only screen someone so much, just don't meet anyone without a number because then if they no-show you can write the number down for future reference and block it. If someone is haggling, getting hostile, before the meeting even starts just move on and don't engage in further conversation. They are many good clients out there who don't make a first meet up so difficult.


    I would say have 80 percent of the people I meet are regulars for all the reasons you mentioned. Its honestly just easier plus you know they are legit. I don't get no-shows but I do get clients stopping conversation before were supposed to meet, in that case you just have to continue pushing, and keep working, even when Im not psychically over at some clients place Im always working at home answering texts to get new clientele, and new clientele who don't make the process difficult, theirs no harm in setting standards or boundaries and its ok to not go meet every client who messages you


    Good points, good points. However, some of these are real clients. And it surprises me when some of them end up being actual clients. But I'm glad you have my back and can offer up some alternatives. But I believe some people probably get more shit than others. Some guys may have more tolerance to certain behavior for whatever reasons they have. Or maybe they don't and make me look too nice.

  18. I have never lasted out like this before. We all have our likes and dislikes. Mocha I have heard you rant and rave enough. Grow up and get over it.


    And saying that's suppposed to do what? Make me feel empowered? Or inferior. Because if it's the latter, YOU may have some growing to do yourself because you lack the maturity to see things from another persons points of view, and instead make insidious remarks that come off sociopathic.

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