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Everything posted by cany10011

  1. This story is oft played on many dating apps... which is why i don't date. I only have sex.
  2. My tongue would love to trace those curves over and over…;)
  3. Funny, “laid” in French means ugly, but this guy is far from that!
  4. He fills out the turquoise shorts nicely;)
  5. I think the benefit you get from being "loyal" to providers is perhaps first options for desired appointment slots? But, I like your idea I don't think though, many providers would be giving it away for free and perhaps provide more intangible benefits like spending extra time off the clock... or favorable pricing for extended vacations etc.
  6. cany10011

    A New One

    I’m sure you are still beddable!
  7. cany10011

    A New One

    It's like being in a Merchant Ivory film. They also have some reciprocity with other clubs worldwide. Some even have gurkhas standing guard.
  8. cany10011

    A New One

    Usually they are ivy league clubs with housing - usually in midtown. I belong to one where there is a dress code for collared shirts. Jeans acceptable except in the main dining room. There are guest rooms available for members as well as a fitness center.
  9. Maximum Escorts? I recall there was The A list and Campus too …remember salivating over their ads.
  10. The air quality index in Philly was raised to hazardous. I took the day off to go house hunting with neighbors. We're driving down from NYC this morning. From frying pan into the fire....This house in Washington Square (Philly, that is) better be worth it.
  11. Yesterday, I walked a few blocks over to the Hudson River and i was short of breath. Staying indoors today.
  12. Nice arch! Looks like he has done that before!
  13. I’d yearn for that hot ass too!
  14. Sexy tanlines! Wow. Imagine waking up to that.
  15. Sexy pose, but I'd offer him a few hamburgers first.
  16. It also helps that ATMs allow dispensing of 100 and 50s… so much easier spending than if it were 20s…
  17. Pre-pandemic, I used to balk at 300. It is high, but this is the market right now in NYC. A lot are asking for more in the 500 or 600 range. I think RM not posting rates is making it more of a sliding scale and if the provider knows where you live, he may price his services accordingly. I only pay that much for one of the my regulars as he is very generous with his time and we have really good chemistry. If he were an unknown, I'd say he would be out of his mind for asking that rate. In most places in Europe, you can get stellar service for 200 euros and an overnight for 500 to 600.
  18. 3 regualrs. One of them is an overnight. Each one brings something different. One is a dark haired athletic adonis who is extremely submissive, another is a twunky blond swimmer at Columbia and the other is more geeky yet sexy guy who provides a nice bf experience. I usually schedule M/W and Friday/Saturday pending my other social commitments and work travel . But usually aim to meet each regular weekly. Yes, it means I have a lot of towels and laundry.
  19. Is that a size zero? I know only a few girls who can fit into size zero. I could only fit into the shapeless amorphous dress.
  20. I'd be upset too! A lot of faith on both sides is required to meet, especially for a provider to travel overseas. I hope TripleTruth did not send an advance....
  21. I cross using Nexus and it minimizes the experience of queuing in line. On the reverse trip back to the US, the biometrics for global entry are super efficient - no passport, no card, no fingerprints... just your retina scan. It happens so fast in a blink of an eye, and you're through!
  22. She also held the role of Gold Stick, which placed her in a prominent position in the Coronation. Charles could have assigned the role to one of his sons or brothers, or anyone for that matter, but chose the Princess Royal.
  23. Agree. There were only a handful of doable guys. I met 2 of them from planetromeo. Very nice. One wonders why a club would host guys (unless they did not have access to posting an online ad). As for JC comment, I think it's a great area as I have 2 good friends that made a killing in real estate there.
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