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Everything posted by cany10011

  1. cute I wish belami models do escort work
  2. http://www.ocala.com/news/20180607/police-man-walked-around-target-exposing-himself-for-20
  3. Yes, to number 2. Was more curious about the experience that 350 escort would provide.
  4. Sorry, did not mean to be insensitive. I went to U Penn. Parents paid for it in full and also bought me a condo in center city. I did without a television though. As I was Canadian and couldn’t work, i would just fly home monthly or meet up with my parents in New York for broadway shows. So, i really don’t know how it is to work and study as i never did both at the same time. I am very lucky and fortunate.
  5. I went to school in Toronto and Breadalbane St near the university was notorious for hustlers. Wish I had more pocket money at the time.
  6. Has anyone had the pleasure? https://rentmen.eu/EthanRock/
  7. Having commercialized sex with someone desperate for cash is not my idea of a good time. I find it abhorent taking advantage of someone in such a situation. Hopefully, most of the guys i meet up are doing it for "extra" spending money whilst in school.
  8. Perhaps his published rate is for "new customers". I would just pay the original rate unless the masseur mentions something.
  9. I sometimes like to sit in hotel lobbies and guess which visitors are "working boys" . Usually easier to sort out the "working girls" but had a few fun times guessing which boys are there for an hourly appointment.
  10. When i know the hotel has extra security, i try to make it as easy for the guy to come visit. If it means meeting a little earlier without the additional scrutiny of late night security, i am willing to do so. Otherwise, if it is a floor that requires key card entry, then i will usually meet him in the lobby and give him some info about me before hand so he isn't meeting a "stranger".
  11. I see escorts at home in nyc and have no problem with being flexible or planning days in advance and keeping my appointments. However, when i travel for work, there are many reasons why timing is short or needs to adhere to a tighter agenda.
  12. I used to have IKEA furniture in school (bed, desk, couch). Now that I am grown up, my home is stocked with nicer pieces including a 6-panel late edo-era japanese screen from Christies, some antique chinese hardwood scholar items, furniture from restoration hardware, calligaris, armani casa, and and lighting from Flos.
  13. Ask for the special souffle at Caesar's Bacchanal buffet
  14. Ian Frost would be perfect. Nicely muscled, beautiful ass, and medium-average height.
  15. Purplekow, you are super patient! I guess the food must be very good
  16. I guess it depends what your escort is interested in as well. Or, is he visiting your city? Are there any sights you would take a friend/visitor? How about restaurants - food preferences? What about a show or activity you can participate in together? 24 hours is really not much time if you include sleeping and fucking, so just limit to something in the afternoon/early evening and dinner. The next day, you will likely like to fool around before bfast and noon is around the corner with not much time in between.
  17. I usually stick to bars in chelsea: Barracuda (neighborhoody), rebar (fun but loud), and boxers (good for sunday afternoon).
  18. I'm not american so i have to ask this question: are these names predominantly in African Americans? I see a lot of service people at take out restaurants who are black and they have names that are not listed in the dictionary.
  19. I have a neighbor who keeps his car and pays 800 monthly for parking. Our parking is going up next month to 850 for residents. He works in manhattan and drives only to visit family in the burbs once a month. He claims he needs the car in case an emergency crops up with his aging father. Some people need the emotional crutch knowing that a car is available 24/7. I even offered to let him use my car which is inside our building's parking lot when he needs it (he usually goes on weekends and i never drive on weekends).
  20. cany10011


    Wow.. they are stunning. Their reviews look pretty good. Would probably hire them if they were in my city....
  21. I always recycle. I even remove the plastic mylar from the kleenex boxes. My bldg has separate bins, including ones for batteries and another for light bulbs, on each floor. My office has even banned plastic water bottles.
  22. I am very adept at using chopsticks. I even use them to eat cheetos and chips to avoid getting my fingers dirty.
  23. I loved your bit about the hand written letter. So charming! The closest thing i had to a missed adventure was during my residency at Penn when a hot visiting german scientist (MD, DDS) who i was working with kept on asking me out over the course of my rotation. We bonded over classical music, german literature and the opera. At that time, i was not out yet and though i would have liked to, i demured and just made up stupid excuses. I wish I hadn't...Maybe things would have been different .... Though I am happy with how things have turned out, one always wonders what if.... I'm often reminded of a lovely poem by Robert Herrick when i think about things that might have slipped by.... https://www.poets.org/poetsorg/poem/virgins-make-much-time
  24. Perhaps men get bored easily. I do. I have 3 regulars that I see weekly pending scheduling, but am always cruising for some fresh meat.
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