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Everything posted by DaltonJ

  1. Is the one on the left old enough to vote? 👀
  2. The oil check (or the butt drag)!! Of all wrestling moves, this is by far the most controversial. These are very rare, and if they do occur, are met with severe consequences. These are REALLY frowned upon. Basically, when your opponent is on his knee or knees, it’s sticking your finger(s) up your opponent’s butt. Doing this will flatten him out quick. (The sneaky way some wresters get around this is taking the flat end of your hand just under your opponent’s balls. The jolt/shock may be enough to catch him off guard and lock him down.)
  3. Yes indeed!! Cross-face cradles are also fun to watch!
  4. Why would you be embarrassed to ask someone that?
  5. The spladle!!! I’ve done a few of these. 😜Often considered the most embarrassing and humiliating position to lock your opponent in (for obvious reasons) because it exposes their vulnerability and lack of control in the match.
  6. The use of protective cups in college wrestling is not as common as in some other sports. In my experience, it was very rare. However, some wrestlers may choose to wear them for added protection. Main reason for their rarity is that they can sometimes interfere with the fit of the singlet, making it uncomfortable or restrictive for movement.
  7. Correct. Having wrestled in school, it’s the exception to see that on the mat; off the mat, yeah it happens. The intensity of the sport really does take over your focus. Adrenaline is pumping, and your mind is solely on the match and executing your technique. Sure, there are moments of physical contact, but the training ingrains discipline to control your body’s responses. Singlets don’t provide much coverage, as they are designed to be form-fitting and functional rather than modest. But the emphasis is on the match, not any potential distractions. If ever there was a stray thought, it was quickly overridden by the rush of adrenaline and the determination to win. Wrestling is all about mental toughness and staying locked in, regardless of any external factors.
  8. I’m on episode 5. It’s a slow burn for sure. It has its moments, but loses its focus at times. The biggest waste of talent so far is Carol Burnett - this is a woman who’s won 6 Emmys, but has been relegated for the most part to the confines of a bed with her mouth open and unable to speak.
  9. Book: "Wow, No Thank You" by Samantha Irby If you're a fan of David Sedaris' wit and humor, diving into Samantha Irby's "Wow, No Thank You" is a natural next step. Irby's candid and unfiltered essays offer a similarly hilarious and insightful perspective on the absurdities of modern life. Covering topics like relationships, family, health, and pop culture, her writing style is brutally honest, providing sharp commentary on societal norms and expectations. Funny and self-deprecating.
  10. Book: "Circe" by Madeline Miller “Circe” is a mythological novel that reimagines the story of Circe, a lesser-known character from Homer's "Odyssey." It follows her life as she grows up in the house of Helios, god of the sun, and discovers her own powers of witchcraft. After she is exiled to the island of Aiaia, Circe encounters famous figures from Greek mythology and embarks on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. “Circe" is a few years old (published in 2018, but finally coming around to it), but its exploration of power, love, and self-discovery remains timeless. I was struck by the depth and beauty of its narrative, particularly Circe's journey. Her exile to the island of Aiaia and subsequent discovery of her own powers felt like a metaphor for the process of coming out and embracing one's true identity. Miller's portrayal of Circe's relationships with both men and women throughout the story provided a nuanced and heartfelt exploration of love that transcends traditional gender roles. “Circe” is not only a captivating mythological retelling but also a deeply personal journey of empowerment. Reflecting on Circe's journey, I couldn't help but wish I too felt as empowered in my own life. Circe's transformation and her ability to take control of her destiny speak to a sense of agency and self-determination that I admire. Despite the challenges she faces, Circe ultimately finds strength in herself and her abilities. In a world where empowerment can feel elusive, Circe's story serves as a reminder of the power that lies within each of us to shape our own paths and embrace our true selves.
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