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Posts posted by BaronArtz

  1. I have come to the conclusion that it is better not to find out too much about the personal lives of escorts, even if they are regulars.


    I became involved with an escort late 2O14. After the first session he told me what his real name was. Of course I googled it. Turns out the guy had done a photoshoot for Joseph Mileuske. His pictures were on literally 1OOs of tumblr and other social media pages. There was a ton of information out there about him. He had a profile on just about every gay and straight dating website you can think of. I got to know him quite well and must have hired him 3, sometimes 4 times a week. He even introduced me to his parents. Six months ago, for reasons that are not important, he broke it off abruptly.


    After the break up, I was truly upset. I could not and cannot bring myself to move on. I turned into a virtual cyber-stalker, look at his FaceBook, Instagram and Twitter accounts every day. I still look at who his new friends are and which parties he goes to. The whole thing is extremely unhealthy and totally unproductive. But I can't bring myself to stop.


    My conclusion - if I had not known much about his life beyond escorting, none of this would have happened. The relationship would have been entirely professional, and it would have been a lot easier accept that it ended.

  2. -1


    Because, as a critic once said, if you are going to put yourself on stage and do all sorts of things to your face (when part of what you are selling is your appearance) then you have to expect to be reviewed for your appearance. Especially when you look so freakin' BIZARRE!


    Exactly! Thanks for speaking up. Appreciate the honesty in your comment.

  3. Like Cher looks now.


    I was definitely thinking 'face lift' as well. But that would have been a mean thing to say. Especially concerning younger guys. But botox and fillers could be possible if these guys are in their late 30s and want to pass as early 20s. Not my 'thing'.

  4. they're expecting a much bigger pay off down the road.




    Exactly! I am delighted to hear it working out so well for MrMiniver so far. Before getting into an 'arrangement', a background check is something I would require. To avoid that the expected payoff is something ... you didn't expect. But if you can survive each other being cooped up together for 10 days, chances are that there is something there. Congratulations, and good luck!

  5. Repeat after me..."hello, Raphael?...I would like to hire you as a bottom"




    You will get one of three possible responses:


    Response #1: "No"...easy enough

    Response #2 "Maybe"...tough call but don't go through with it unless you can be happy meeting him and not topping him (personally I would pass...but that's just me)

    Response #3 "No problem"....easy enough



    Or, response #4 "If you pay twice the fee"


    Years ago I was smart enough to stop seeing an escort. I didn't even love him. But I liked him. I wanted to be friends. I don't think the escort particularly disliked me. He even had mentioned that I wasn't difficult to please. But I wanted to be a friend and not a client. I was fairly sure that was never going to happen. It was difficult. I can't even imagine how much more difficult it would have been had I actually been in love with him. If I had loved him, I might not have been able to keep myself from hiring him.



    I sympathize with you. I went through something similar. But I was not smart enough to end it. He did end it. It was painful.


    For me, escorts should refrain from using specific client stories to make their point. I know it probably adds more validity to their advice, but to me, detail-sharing is a breach of trust and, ultimately, damaging to an escorts' personal brand.


    Truereview, I respect your opinion. Thank you for expressing it. I DO find the client stories interesting and valuable though - provided the identity of the client is not disclosed, of course. I find it makes someone's argument more direct and more honest. It gives an excellent perspective into how somebody handles a potentially difficult situation. I am in favor of it.

  8. My arrangements were college boys with a built in ending. They would graduate (hopefully), move on with life, possibly re-locate, enter the work force, etc. I provided a set monthly stipend for a certain number of days/nights per month. No exclusivity. Two of them posted ads and were hired by other clients; they gave me scheduling priority. The other collegian saw no other clients (as far as I know); he was satisfied with the stipend.


    These arrangements worked well because of the character of the young men, which I vetted through several meetings/hiring situations before terms were offered and accepted. All three of them went way beyond the minimum requirements in terms of satisfaction, scheduling, and number of meetings. Each ended amicably. They moved on to professional careers, and my interaction/communication with them ended.


    It's a privilege to help aspirational young men. ;)


    Interesting concept, I like it. Did you (or the escort) experience a sense of loss when it ended? I know the ending was built in, but I imagine you get to really like somebody and then it's all over. How did you deal with that?

  9. Thanks BaronArtz. I've been having a dialogue with a friend who has a fairly new relationship with a working boy. The boy made comments about looking for a sugar daddy and my friend has been trying to get his head wrapped around that. I suspect (hope) that my friend will read this. ;)


    You are very welcome. What your friend should NOT do, is register at or pay fees to the following website: https://www.sugardaddyforme.com


    That website is purely a marketing scheme, with most ads either fictitious or entirely outdated. It is a scam.

  10. OK. So can some describe the "Sugar Daddy" model?... at least what the model is for you. All replies to this post so far assume that we all know what's involved with a sugar daddy relationship. Although I think I understand the concept (sort of.. maybe), I don't really know how it works in a real life situation.


    What's involved beyond the sugar daddy giving his recipient financial assistance. What does the sugar daddy get in return? Do you try to somehow keep the relationship in balance (i.e., equal benefit to both parties)? Do consider your financial assistance to have an altruistic component and you don't expect much in return?


    There are various interpretations but here is how I have seen it. 'Dad' pays for most, if not all living expenses and some extras. The fees could be somewhat at the same level as the 'son' used to make by being an escort. In return, 'son' stops active escorting, takes down his escort ad and is socially available to 'dad'. In some cases, 'son' may move in with 'dad', but I think that is unusual. The benefit for 'son' is more stable income, from a guy that he presumably likes, without the hassle of having to schedule appointments with multiple clients all the time. The benefit for 'dad' is having a relationship with somebody he is attracted to, with some fringe benefits.


    A variation on this is a situation where an escort stops active escorting, but keeps relationships with say 3-10 clients that he likes.

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