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Posts posted by body2body

  1. I think Pacific Overtures was Sondheim's most underrated show. I loved it!

    Me too. I found this video of the original 1976 Broadway Production. It is the complete show, and was recorded for broadcast on Japanese television. It is not HD, but it is better quality than most of the other ones on line. The opening number is simply breathtaking.

  2. I an surprised at the few Sondheim musicals mentioned. By this time I have seen almost every one, mostly in revival. The only original cast Sondheim are as follows: "Gypsy," Merrily We Roll Along," "Sunday in The Park with George," and "Saturday Night."


    It's amazing that one other person saw "I Can Get It For You Wholesale" and "Subways Are For Sleeping" too.

    Of the Sondheim canon I have seen:

    Anyone Can Whistle*



    A Little Night Music

    Pacific Overtures

    Sweeney Todd

    Merrily We Roll Along*


    Sunday in the Park with George

    Into the Woods

    The Frogs*


    The ones with an asterisk are ones I have only seen in revivals of very high quality ( The Merrily was at the La Jolla Playhouse directed by James LaPine, with score massaged by the composer). Pacific Overtures is one of my very fondest Theater memories. The score, the performances (especially Mako, and Soon-tek Oh), Boris Aronson's sublime decors, are all engraved in my memory.

  3. When I was 12 in 1963 my Father had to make an unexpected business trip to New York. My Mother was in California visiting relatives so my Dad took me with him. We stayed in a suite at the Barbizon Plaza on Central Park South. I spent four days experiencing a new world. Lunch at the fascinating (to a twelve year old) Horn & Hardart Automat, dancing the Twist at the Peppermint Lounge, dinner at Sardi's, Ice Cream Sundaes at Rumplemeyer's, F.A.O. Schwartz, and my first Broadway plays. I wanted to see Beyond the Fringe with Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, my Dad wanted to see The Sound of Music. We saw them both. I remember being disappointed that Mary Martin was no longer in the musical, but it was still wonderful. Until I was in my 30s most of my Theater was in Los Angeles where I saw (to name a few)-

    More Stately Mansions- Ingrid Bergman, Colleen Dewhurst

    The Beaux Stratagem- Maggie Smith

    The Crucible- Charton Heston

    Talley's Folley- Judd Hirsch

    The Fifth of July- Jeff Daniels

    A Midsummer Nights Dream - Peter Brook's Legendary production with Tammy Grimes

    Private Lives- Maggie Smith

    Knickerbocker Holiday - Burt Lancaster

    A Streetcar Named Desire- Faye Dunaway, Jon Voight

    Night of the Iguana- Richard Chamberlin, Dorothy McGuire, Raymond Massey, Eleanor Parker

    Coco- Katherine Hepburn

    Mack and Mabel (pre Broadway) Bernadette Peters, Robert Preston

    Evita (pre Broadway)- Patti Lupone, Mandy Patinkin

    Our Town- Henry Fonda, Elizabeth Hartman

    Many of these productions originated at the Ahmanson Theater, or the Mark Taper Forum, quite a few transferred to Broadway, the musicals were often out of town tryouts. L.A. Wasn't the cultural wasteland it was so often depicted as.

  4. You are the only other person I have ever encountered who knows that book!

    I read it years ago, but found it fascinating. In light of the topic of this thread, if you enjoyed Before the Deluge you should try his wonderful book about Hollywood in the 1940s City of Nets. It really opened my eyes. I'm a 4th generation native of LA and I had no idea about everything that happened at that time.

  5. [quote="Moondance, post: 1150840, member: 12206

    Francis Lederer


    In Otto Friederich's Before the Deluge about Berlin between the wars, he says that in that very crazy period immediately following WW 1 Francis Lederer was a highly sought after male prostitute.

  6. Steve Reeves (okay, I know it's a stretch since he isn't particularly tied to old Hollywood)


    http://forum.bodybuilding.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=6352283&d=1383858584 http://www.musclememory.com/images/vintage/ReevesSteve_2.jpg

    Who cares if it's a stretch. It's a chance to look at Steve Reeves- who for my money was just about as perfect a combination of handsome face and muscular body to ever grace the screen.

  7. When Eric Clapton met Joni Mitchell in 1967 at a party in Laurel Canyon he was fascinated because her technique on the guitar was unlike anything he had ever seen. She had developed it herself.

    My favorite album is The Hissing of Summer Lawns from 1975. There is a song called The Jungle Line that is really unusual. She samples the Drummers of Burundi ( very unusual in 1975), and then weaves over it guitar, a line created on a Moog Synthesizer ( which was very new at the time ) which she had recently purchased. Amidst all this she interweaves a beautiful, eerie vocal line whose lyrics comment on Henri Rousseau, the music scene of the time, urban life, and the drug culture. Only Joni Mitchell could create a song like this.

  8. I just saw a report online ( so take it with a grain of salt) that Mr. Lochte was signed by ABC to do the forthcoming season of Dancing With the Stars. The article said that he had been signed before the Rio Games.

  9. I think the guy hanging from the bar is Robert Conrad of TV's "Wild, Wild West". Was he gay? If not, what a waste.

    Alas, no. He has 8 children by two wives, and has always been a supporter of the conservative viewpoint. I used to watch The Wild Wild West just to see him bare chested wearing the tightest pants ever to be seen on TV ( which was practically every episode).

  10. Grayson's first review posted today on daddy. He is the featured review.

    Sounds like he will be quite popular so better get inline now

    The review says "kissing- dry, oral- gets" Buh-bye.

    Of course this is why reviews are so important. An escort who only dry kisses, and gets serviced is not for me. MikeBiDude you just saved me 250 and heavy measure of disappointment. Thank you.

  11. In fairness, he's keeping everything the same. Maybe he's of the opinion that if he does not change his hairstyle, he does not have to change his age!

    Unfortunately while the hairstyle does not change, the face and the body do.

  12. 4th of July pecs & nips




    aa34fbf40606f012ad773618ac9e5528.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-X4zI6PPNrtw/UdJTNT80jPI/AAAAAAABJfQ/J3FA34CZDF0/s400/america-usa-flag-stars-stripes-naked-shirtless-men-guys-gay-muscle-ass-speedo-shirt-ass-beach-parade-swim-suit-jock-red-white-blue-4th-july-memorial-day-labor-holiday-army-navy-air-force-marines-01419.jpg

    Oh Say Can You See...

  13. The "little birds" were the creatures of Qyburn, the guy who reanimated the Mountain. He now also appears to be Queen Cersei's Hand (I think I spotted the hand pin on him at Cersei's Coronation). I suspect that now that all her children are dead, that she is just going to go full Mad Queen on us in the next season. Jaime will kill her in an act worthy of Grand Opera, and In keeping with prophecy that has haunted her throughout her life.

  14. I was sorry to see Margaery go. But I was delighted to see the Olenna Tyrell plotting vengeance with the Sand Snakes in Dorne. The Queen of Thorns is one of my favorite characters. Cersei ascending the throne with her brother/lover watching said there is no room for love in this evil queen, who has brought ruin to everyone she held dear. I was happy to see Arya dispose of Walder Frey ( she assumed another face when she disposed of Meryn Trant in season 5 if I remember correctly- so this was not the first time she used this trick). For me the two best moments in the finale were Lady Mormont calling out the other houses for their disloyalty, and Danaerys making Tyrion her Hand of the Queen.

    My prediction is season 7 will deal with the war for Westeros, and season 8 with the White Walkers attack on the 7 Kingdoms.

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