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Everything posted by robberbaron4u

  1. I did not "besmirsch" the provider; I questioned the astuteness of any client in furnishing a personal photograph to an provider known only to the client by a www hookup and engaged in an activity which is illegal in many jurisdictions, In any event, in the true and certain belief that a picture is worth a thousand words, this is the photograph I furnish to a provider who requests one of me. . .
  2. I will be reproachful and not critical in my contemplation of this scenario. You sent a prostitute a photograph of yourself by HIS request?!? I have to make inquiry of you as to what possessed you to undertake to comply with the request; he has a photograph of you which he can distribute to a wide audience by the www with any annotation he pleases to attach to it, e.g. "Old Fart" or "Parlor Q***n", or, worst case, " this f** solicited me for sex for pay" which in any number of places is aiding and abetting prostitution, a criminal offense.
  3. True. But, on the other hand, a really Big Fairy...
  4. With a new "hire", a policy of "don't give until you receive" should be given serious consideration.
  5. Now, now, if you pull, tightly, on the foreskin, it is 9" inches. As a client, you must be specific as to the points of measurement.
  6. My Brownie Instamatic is loaded, and, I am available at your convenience.
  7. If your Thing falls off, I assure that a Coke ain't goin' help it "go better". Mind Mother Angelica's admonition, "Don't touch it, don't play with it, don't think about it".
  8. A good Act of Contrition; one Our Father, and a full rosary recitation. Make another comment like this one, and your Thing will fall off.
  9. An escort who, in the reality of the thing, is the rude "weirdo".
  10. $300?!? And after 25 minutes, he signaled he was "done" and impatient to move on...this could be construed as "daylight robbery."
  11. It takes a gentleman to know a gentleman. Well done, Benjamin.
  12. He is a Major Attraction the experience of which should not be missed in one's lifetime.
  13. Plainly put, he is a "bottom boy" by nature, and, his personal presentation can defined as "feminine". In the beginning of his career, he was very attentive to the wants of his client, but, by report, he has become somewhat " grand" in his manner, and, his "a la carte" menu of proffered services has become less prolific. He can be evasive, a strategy with him, to the point of aggravation in negotiating a hire, and, if the actual hire does not meet the expectations of the client, his excuse will be, "I didn't understand". With regard to kissing, he is, in his physical presentation, a beautiful young man, and, his natural attraction is to other beautiful young men.
  14. Sweet potato pie and hush my mouth!!! Who left the gate to hell ajar?!?
  15. "OK"... with regard to reporting the matter to the police, keep in mind that, at the very least, you have aided and abetted a " crime", prostitution, and how the matter is handled will dependent upon whether or not you draw a police officer or detective who is "sympatico" to your plight.If you determine to report the theft, have an attorney-in-law in tow.
  16. Why would you give anyone promoting, and, indeed, actively involved in an illegal activity your photograph???
  17. Although I realize it is not an option for everyone, a scenario such as this is why I insist upon a seated lunch interview before a first-time "hire".
  18. Sadly, that which you have suffered is part and parcel of the "business". The thief will rely upon being " immunized" against punishment by your hesitance to act upon the crime by reporting it to the police or your insurance company. If you do report it, and, you are not forthcoming in the "details" then you, too, commit a criminal act. Post their photographs to social media with appropriate commentary to the end of warning off potential victims of these boys. Then, bite the bullet..
  19. "Escorting" is a service industry. Being that "good service" was provided, the escort might have expected a gratuity in addition to his fee.
  20. Brings to mind a pump and dump stock of some years ago, a major stockholder was on social media every day declaring, "The dividend will be paid.". Of course, he had a " planned sale" on the table and "dumped" at a good price with a handsome profit just before it was announced that the dividend wasn't in the cards and the stock tanked.
  21. Indeed! But any "tip" that I give is based on a careful assessment of the how and the why and the where to for of the thing, not "heresay". I do give "pie in the sky" tips.
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