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Everything posted by cmennow

  1. He's on his way to SF...was thinking of giving him a try.
  2. You open to a PM about your experience?
  3. now that is just crazy.....wear your own watch and note the time LOL:p
  4. cmennow

    411 on Esteban

    Good info considering he is on the upper end as far as his fee. I'll leave him alone LOL
  5. https://rentmen.eu/USDA_GradeA he floats between the Bay Area and LA but no reviews yet.
  6. I'm interested as well. He was here in SF not too long ago for a couple of days.
  7. For some strange reason I believe the escorts can still see that I have clicked on their profile even when my setting is set to NO - Don't Track Me. It could be coincidence, but I have had random escorts look at my profile after I have checked them out. I even had one block me which I felt was his loss cause I was considering hiring him. I just kinda thought that setting didn't apply to an escort profile and only worked on other premium members.
  8. Trigga is cream of the crop. Just saw him and will be doing a review.
  9. He's advertising as 34 years old!!! He think we been under a rock for a decade? 44 would be more realistic.
  10. He can be hard to catch up with but once you do, he's a prize. I've known him for years.
  11. He's in Chicago now....not to far from you guys LOL
  12. Chemistry was not bad but it wasn't the best to put any more money into it.
  13. I met him once. Never repeated.
  14. Since he had several reviews that were all 5star, I thought maybe he might be interested in traveling. I asked him if he ever considered coming to San Francisco for a visit and his response was that he loathes the Bay Area. I didn't ask you to move
  15. I've heard of Billings, MT before. How do you get there?
  16. There's a theme here about Cubans and Miami! Omar is a great guy The rest need to start traveling to San Francisco LOL!
  17. I agree with all of this. Have known him for years and he's sweet as pie and very accommodating in the bed!
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