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    MsGuy reacted to Guy Fawkes in Friday Funnies   
    Subject: Cobra Crash
    While practicing autorotations during a military night training exercise a Huey Cobra screwed up the landing and landed on the tail rotor. The landing was so hard that it broke off the tail boom. However, the chopper fortunately remained upright on its skids, sliding down the runway doing 360s.
    As the Cobra slid past the tower, trailing a brilliant shower of sparks, this was the radio exchange that took place...
    Tower: "Sir, do you need any assistance?"
    Cobra: "I don't know, Tower, we ain't done crashin' yet."
  2. Like
    MsGuy got a reaction from + quoththeraven in Friday Funnies   
    Fuck waiting for Friday:
    (if I haven't posted this before, I should have...)
  3. Like
    MsGuy got a reaction from bigvalboy in Friday Funnies   
    Fuck waiting for Friday:
    (if I haven't posted this before, I should have...)
  4. Like
    MsGuy got a reaction from AdamSmith in Friday Funnies   
    Fuck waiting for Friday:
    (if I haven't posted this before, I should have...)
  5. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + Gar1eth in Friday Funnies   
    I posted this in another thread about a month ago. I'm reposting it here in this thread now because
    #1. I know this sounds stupid. But at the time I posted it, it wasn't a Friday. And I didn't realize you didn't have to wait for Friday to post things in this thread.
    #2. My thread was only looked at by 71 people. So I figured there might be some people who routinely look at this thread and might enjoy it who never looked at my original thread.
    #3. I've watched it over 10 times at this point, and it still makes me smile.
  6. Like
    MsGuy reacted to TruHart1 in Friday Funnies   
    A little early HUMP day humor!!! :eek:

  7. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + Charlie in What's Your Earliest "I'm Queer" memory?   
    Nowadays, Gman, everyone over the age of 10 seems to know all about sexual diversity, but back in olden times, it was assumed that everyone was heterosexual except the rare screaming queen. I was aware of only one other person in my high school, and that was because everyone said he was queer; in retrospect, I'm not sure that he was more than sensitive and "artistic." Amazingly, I never suspected my best friend, although as soon as he came out to me in response to me coming out to him, I realized we both had missed a lot of clues. Shortly thereafter, we discovered through someone else in a neighboring town that two of the most popular and attractive guys in the class ahead of ours were boyfriends who were well known in the larger gay community (which we also didn't know existed).
    So, in a school the size of yours, there were undoubtedly others whom, unfortunately, you just never recognized. Obviously, there are drawbacks to everyone now knowing or suspecting everyone else's sexual orientation from the onset of puberty (like having it bandied about on social media), but it does make it easier to find a like-minded circle of friends much sooner in life. I was fairly quiet and shy in high school, and if I hadn't had the amazing luck to have bonded with the one classmate who could draw me out, I might have stayed in the closet for much longer than I did.
  8. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + José Soplanucas in What's Your Earliest "I'm Queer" memory?   
    I can relate to that, Tonyko. This isn't my first queer experience, but it is the longer lasting one. I have always been a lone hunter, never been or am interested in a committed, LTR, so my crushes tend to be very short. But there is one guy I met almost 30 years ago I still have a passionate relationship with. When I met him both of us were very young, and he was a street hustler. A breathtaking beautiful one. Our encounters would always involved some kind of transaction, not always money, maybe diner, a piece of clothing, a joint, something. We would not have anal sex, but the kissing was celestial. After a few months of meeting very often, he robbed me. I was very young and poor, so he just vanished without much, just a tape recorder and my weed while I was sleeping. After about one year, he reconnects begging me to see him. We meet, he brings some cash to pay for my goods (he was and is waaayyy below the poverty line), and explains to me that a friend of him was waiting for him outside, armed, and threatening to use his weapon if he did not leave my place with some valuables. Of course I did not know wether or not to believe him. But the chemistry was so strong that I gave him the benefit of doubt and we started a long process of reconciliation. He stopped asking for anything in exchange of sex and that year, as a birthday gift, he bottomed for me for the first time. We have been loyal friends and passionate lovers since then. He is married, has three children, and still when I am visiting Buenos Aires we spend together as much time as we can. I will be with him this very Thursday. He is not anymore the smoking hot stud he used to be, but when I meet with him the old passion just aroused. I am not even close to be young attractive guy I was, but he still freaks out when we are together. Right now I have a boner.
  9. Like
    MsGuy reacted to Tonyko in What's Your Earliest "I'm Queer" memory?   
    MY HS coaches looked like the Dad on The Wonder Years lol NO fantasy there. BUT Mr. P a fresh out of college Mark Harmon look-alike math teacher was ALSO the boys track team coach. They met Thursdays same day as Glee Club (I know) and we rehearsed in the gym and I noticed 20 mins after all the boys would come out to leave after showering HE would come out with that tell-tale wet hair so he obvs would wait until they showered first. (our locker room was off the gym and had individual showers not prison style, like 8 cubicles in a row) I tried once or twice to time using the bathrrom in the locker room to catch a sight of him but failed. The last day before Thanksgiving break I timed it JUST right he was IN the shower. I must have taken out and put back in my dirty gym clothes from a locker a dozen times stalling until he came out, but I got to see him. (from afar) I remember being shocked at how hairy his chest and stomach was, and how small and hard his ass was. And he had great feet too. His dick was a lot smaller than I thought a dick on a grown man would be but I didn't care lol. Spent the rest of that year of Freshman Math staring at him up at the blackbaord with THAT picture in my head and DO remember getting hard under my desk.
  10. Like
    MsGuy reacted to Guy Fawkes in Friday Funnies   
  11. Like
    MsGuy reacted to AdamSmith in Friday Funnies   
  12. Like
    MsGuy reacted to whipped guy in What's Your Earliest "I'm Queer" memory?   
    One more thought. After seeing the Steve Reeves Hercules movie noted above I had dreams with his body positioned over mine and with his cock in my face. Incredibly I never thought of sucking on it. But what the heck does an eight year old kid know anyway!!! Still, I was heading in the right direction!!!
  13. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + Charlie in What's Your Earliest "I'm Queer" memory?   
    I started masturbating regularly when I was about eight years old, but I don't remember what I was thinking about while it happened. However, when I was twelve, I remember thinking about one of my classmates, Ricky Hill, who was more physically mature than the rest of the class, and very cute; I thought about what he looked like when he was naked in the gym locker room. The next summer, I was staying at my grandmother's house, and started reading a crime novel she had in the house, Raymond Chandler's The Big Sleep, which has a homosexual character in it. When Philip Marlowe makes a crack to him that suggests the possibility that he might be forced to perform oral sex on Marlowe, I suddenly realized that was what I wanted to do!
    As a footnote, at my 50th high school reunion, I was engaged in conversation by a bald, grey, dumpy old guy whom I didn't recognize until I glanced at his name tag--it was Ricky Hill.
  14. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + Gar1eth in What's Your Earliest "I'm Queer" memory?   
    While I didn't know what gay was, I remember really liking Ellie Mae's boyfriends on The Beverly Hillbillies when I was 4 or 5. I also remember -but it may be a false memory - of being in the boy's bathroom in kindergarten when I was 5. One of my classmates came in. I remember thinking he was cute. Then I remember thinking-but again this might be something I dreamed years later and not a real memory-boys don't think other boys are cute.
    Finally- this scene from L'il Abner turned it into one of my favorite movies as a 5 or 6 year old. And it wasn't due to Granny Yokum or Daisy Mae.

    But when did I decide for sure I was gay? It was when I was 24 or so. And I finally came to accept that I was never going develop feelings for women. Unfortunately that acceptance of my non-feeling for women was not accompanied by an acceptance of being gay. Instead I reasoned that I didn't want to be gay, so I made a vow never to act on being gay. And I kept the vow for the most part remaining a total virgin until I had my 1st sexual experience of any type when I was 41. It was with an escort. But even then I still didn't want to be gay. While I would have sex with escorts after that, I never even really tried to meet anyone friends who were gay. I was still closeted. I wasn't brave enough to have my 1st non-escort sex until I was 50. Now it happens occasionally but not often. And today I'm still trying to accept being gay. I'm not totally in the closet. But I'm definitely nowhere near all the way out.
  15. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + quoththeraven in Friday Funnies   
    In the 60s, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.
  16. Like
    MsGuy reacted to Kevin Slater in Friday Funnies   
    First high resolution image of Pluto causes concern.
    Kevin Slater
  17. Like
    MsGuy got a reaction from + Gar1eth in Friday Funnies   
    Actually, God made them white. It's their diet that turns them pink.
    Unless we're talking about plastic yard birds; those were made by a certain Don Featherstone.
  18. Like
    MsGuy reacted to AdamSmith in Friday Funnies   
    Well, it feels like Friday...

  19. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + Gar1eth in Micah Brandt Review 6/19-Self Written?   
    Look at the name of the reviewer at the bottom of the review.
    Funny thing is he got his fees wrong. In his Rentboy ad, he lists $200/hr. In the 'review' he lists $300/hr. Could it be he knows he's hard to please and charged himself more?
  20. Like
    MsGuy got a reaction from + dutchmuch in Will it ever fly?   
    AS, thank God we can always count on you coming up with a reassuring link.
  21. Like
    MsGuy got a reaction from AdamSmith in Will it ever fly?   
    AS, thank God we can always count on you coming up with a reassuring link.
  22. Like
    MsGuy reacted to AdamSmith in Will it ever fly?   
    In this project Boeing also (think I repeat myself from some time earlier in this thread) did something a lot of manufacturing enterprises try to avoid if possible: they radically changed both the product and the production processes at the same time.
    BMW for example has what it calls, characteristically Teutonically, an "iron law" never to make both those changes on the same car program.
  23. Like
    MsGuy got a reaction from + quoththeraven in Drawn to younger boy next door types   
    Operant conditioning is your friend.
    And a good orgasm is a powerful reinforcer.
    Find a guy who looks more or less like whatever type you wish to become attracted to and who gives good sex.
    Human neural circuitry remains fairly plastic even into ages much older than your own.You might be surprised how fast your taste in men broadens.
    Anyway it worked for me.
  24. Like
    MsGuy got a reaction from AdamSmith in Drawn to younger boy next door types   
    Operant conditioning is your friend.
    And a good orgasm is a powerful reinforcer.
    Find a guy who looks more or less like whatever type you wish to become attracted to and who gives good sex.
    Human neural circuitry remains fairly plastic even into ages much older than your own.You might be surprised how fast your taste in men broadens.
    Anyway it worked for me.
  25. Like
    MsGuy got a reaction from ZhenXBear in Drawn to younger boy next door types   
    Operant conditioning is your friend.
    And a good orgasm is a powerful reinforcer.
    Find a guy who looks more or less like whatever type you wish to become attracted to and who gives good sex.
    Human neural circuitry remains fairly plastic even into ages much older than your own.You might be surprised how fast your taste in men broadens.
    Anyway it worked for me.
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