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Everything posted by hwic04

  1. Any other guys who’ve hired andreomatteo recently want to chime in? Love to confirm he’s as hot as he looks.
  2. Someone who’s hired him please give us some details, as very few (with the exception of those extremely hot pics) are revealed in his ad. Nothing listed un the “I am into“ section. Kissing? Versatile? Would love to hear.
  3. Has anyone been with Tyler Roberts recently? Would love to hear an update as to what shape he’s in these days and how he performs with a client.
  4. His profile says he was raised in Berlin, and is currently based in Los Angeles. ......so who else besides StLouisOct has hired him?
  5. His profile says he was raised in Berlin, and is currently based in Los Angeles. ......so who else besides StLouisOct has hired him?
  6. Agree with comments made by snbrd above. I find whole thing perplexing and somewhat concerning. Would consider hiring him, but would like to hear from someone who already has.
  7. Is he still based in Chicago or has he moved permanently to LA? Love to hear more about him.
  8. He‘s hot enough for me to pay that rate if it holds. Theoretically supply and demand might lower it a bit Does anyone know where he’s based? (Brazil? Miami?) His ad as of 11/30 says he’s visiting NYC until 12/22. Would love to hear from anyone who’s hired him.
  9. I’d like to hear from anyone who’s hired him. How are his kissing skills? How is he as a bottom? PM me if you like to share details. Thx.
  10. He had been advertising his trip to Fort Lauderdale a month in advance. I texted him with a simple statement one week before his scheduled arrival saying I’d like to meet. No response. Thinking if I were specific, he’d know I was serious, I texted a day before his scheduled arrival with a day and general timeframe I’d like to meet. No response. Waited two days and I thought, ok, he’s in town now, I’ll leave it up to him. Asked him to let me know which one of the days during his stay he’d be available. No response. All texts were very respectable and concise.
  11. Any updates on this hottie? Planning on hiring him, but would love to hear from others who’ve met him.
  12. can anyone provide a face pic?
  13. Pics are of 20 yr old Canadian Instagram model Patrick LeBlanc. Doubt it will be Patrick who shows up.
  14. Bump. Anxious to hear from anyone else who’s hired NYCSean recently.
  15. Per another thread on Johnson’s, lap dances are available there. Can anyone report if the same is true at LeBoy? If so, what prices/policies have been put into affect by the new owners? Any other details/recommendations on the dancers from anyone who’s been there recently?
  16. hwic04

    411 Gregjock

    Does anyone have current contact number for TravisYouth? Please PM me.
  17. He sounds fantastic. Are there others who have hired him who can add their comments?
  18. Good report, pdxleo. Thx. Would also like to hear from others a description of the dancers, how many there were, what their interaction was, and the overall vibe.
  19. Any updates as of October 9th? Who’s been there and can provide details?
  20. Agree. Hopefully his prices have or will find a more reasonable level.
  21. Would like to hear from anyone who’s hired him recently.
  22. Has anyone else met up with him lately?
  23. Damn hot looking guy. Think I’ll plan a trip to Chicago.
  24. I plan on hiring him when I get a chance - sexy boy for sure.
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