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Posts posted by LocallySocally

  1. This can't be real, can it?


    Pornstar Performer & Rentboy in Los Angeles, CA - Jock_massages: Hung Jock offering full body massages 😉


    Take a look at the interview section, lol.  If it's a prank, it's amusing. Unless it's a scammer trying to use AI to lighten the workload.  Which if it is, it's still kind of funny how bad it is.



  2. 22 minutes ago, tennisjock said:

    Wow … so much anger and turmoil in yet another rant how you have been done wrong by strangers . If you feel we are all beneath your lofty self there is always the delete button

    Lol. I'm not angry.  But maybe you're projecting?  You do seem unreasonably wound up for a convo that didn't include you in the first place.

    I suppose I could hit the delete button.  You could also just stop responding to me too.  Again, you're the one who started insulting me, so it seems you're the one with the unearned superiority complex.

  3. 12 hours ago, DunwoodyGuy said:

    Actually, yes, it does.

    Ah, yes.  Another condescending jerk (that is, you) who I've never said anything to has decided to start shit with me.  You can shove it where the sun don't shine. If you and your buddies are trying to bully me, I can't be bullied.  Certainly not by the lame mob trying to insult me in this thread.  The only condescending people here are you and your noxious little gang.

  4. If I remember correctly, one of his threads on the board had enough info in it for me to search and find his twitter.  And that had a bunch of face pictures.  I seem to recall music videos as well--he's a singer or a performer or something, if I'm remembering properly.

  5. 36 minutes ago, tennisjock said:


    what not ask a provider you know in Los Angeles who they know or know of that can meet your specific criteria??  

    I happen to know of one with a Boston accent in grad school here in Los Angeles on the DL that  I found on SA a few years ago.
    however  the way you have treated others on here in your condescending tone and vibe there is no way in hell I am referring you to him as I like him too much as a person and provider. 

    First of all, what makes you think I haven't asked providers I know?  I didn't come to this board the moment I had the thought.  There's a certain narcissism in thinking that other people haven't tried obvious avenues available to them, and the people being rude to me have that sort of narcissism down pat.

    And secondly, lol.  People have been quite obnoxious to me from the beginning of this thread.  My responding in kind doesn't mean that I'm the one who is condescending.  Your post that I'm quoting is just one more example of the obnoxious behavior being thrown at me in this thread.  I didn't talk to you.  I didn't insult you.  So, between the two of us, you're the one who started insulting me.

    Sorry, you all don't get one set of rules where people can say whatever they want to me and I have to just meekly take it.  Nope.  As the saying goes, "ya talk smack, you might get it back."  You don't like it, then don't come at me.

    But don't worry about recommending a provider to me, because "there is no way in hell" I would ever want to visit a provider who comes recommended by someone as rude and obnoxious as you are.

  6. 2 hours ago, Your Man in Arlington said:

    First, this is a website on the internet where members are free to post their thoughts as long as they meet community guidelines; no one is obliged to meet your or anyone else's specific demands. And, yes, you are free to add  anyone to your ignore list for any reason, no matter how petty (eg. discussing things on a discussion forum).

    Second, some here have genuinely been trying to help you out without having the name of a specific person: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

    *Yawn*  I never said anyone was obliged to do anything.   And I'd rather be petty than be a condescending asshole.  Not calling you one, of course.  Just saying it generally.

    Of course, there's always "petty" people who think pointing out that you aren't interested in what they have to say constitutes some sort of attempt to silence them.   News flash:  I'm free to state that I'm not interested in what you or anyone else is saying, and I'm not "obliged" to meet anyone's "specific demands" not to do so.

    I am just making it clear that I personally am not interested in obvious and useless "fishing lessons."  And now you're added to my ignore list.

  7. Dude, a ton of escorts have the word "actor" in their profile because they are porn actors.  Telling me to search on the word "actor" is also not useful advice.

    Ok, I've had enough of this nonsense.  If you don't personally know of a provider who fits the description, no need to post here in this thread.  From this point on, I'm just going to add to my ignore list anyone who posts in this thread without the name of a provider who they know has a matching accent.

  8. 14 minutes ago, azdr0710 said:

    aw, c'mon, @LocallySocally    ...you've been around the forum long enough to not take all this as seriously as you appear to be doing......you may've gotten some DMs, I hope, on this.......it's just that your initial inquiry was probably a bit too specific (though I'm sure there are a few providers in LA who have Boston accents??) and probably nearly impossible to answer since additional personal preferences are probably also important to you......plus mention of the Boston accent thing itself, object of humor forever, lent itself to forum joking.....I hope you get some answers, either here or privately, for your quest........you may also want to see if Boston guys are willing to travel or if you want to go back there......    

    Well, no.  First of all, I didn't just ask about Boston.  I did mention East Coast accents generally, so it's not even that specific.  If someone didn't realize that, then they didn't actually read my post. And if they aren't going to read my post, then why are they even posting in here? 

    Secondly, I still have not received a single useful answer.  Let's look at the answers so far:

    1. Ask an Actor:  Ok, I assume this is a joke.  Nobody can seriously expect someone to go around asking random actors if they'll have sex for money.  So, this isn't an answer.  Credit where credit is due, it is the only mildly amusing joke in this thread so far.

    2. Contact Providers and Ask Them:  Well, duh.  Obviously, I could contact a specific provider and ask them if they can do it.  But I'm posting here to see if anyone knows a provider, so that I don't have to go through a giant list of providers asking each one of them about this.  This is not a useful suggestion, nor does it actually answer my question. 

    3. Fly to Boston or Fly Someone Here:  Well, obviously that's an option.  I live in LA.  Do people posting in this thread actually think that people in LA might not be aware that they can fly somewhere?  Is there actually somewhere out there who thinks us Angelinos don't realize that we can fly to Boston?   And again, it doesn't answer the question, because I specifically asked about LA providers.  I didn't ask about non-LA providers.  But, ya know, even an answer like "So-and-so from X City speaks with a Boston accent" would actually provide some useful information, even though it's not about an LA provider.  But, "use a plane" doesn't actually provide any useful information.

    And I wouldn't even mind all the non-answers if there were a few actual answers mixed in, but so far, there's absolutely nothing. 

  9. 4 hours ago, wsc said:

    You seem to be getting more than a little flak over a rather oddly-specific fetish request; sorry about that. But don't let it discourage you and best wishes for good hunting.

    It's basically kink-shaming at this point.  I suppose I should be upset, but it's more upsetting that the jokes are pretty trite and boring.  It's like being kink-shamed by a Bruce Vilanch clone army.

  10. 2 hours ago, marylander1940 said:

    We're trying to help you giving you choices! 

    Lol. No you're not.  

    18 minutes ago, Walt said:

    And to help think outside the box

    Lol. If by "outside the box," you mean not even bothering to try staying on topic, then sure.

    It is mildly annoying that of the ten or so responses in this thread, not one is actually an answer to the question I posted.  In the grand scheme of things, it's not a big deal.  On the "annoying scale," I'd say it's less annoying than stepping on a Lego, but more annoying than an "iCarly" episode.  But it's still annoying.

    Plus, most of the jokes are pretty obvious.

  11. Or, you know, people could actually try to answer the question that was asked.  Or just not post in this thread if they don't actually have an answer.

    4 hours ago, tennisjock said:

    Seems like you need  to just fly out a “Boston provider” to you. Or you fly to them to get your “itch” scratched and satisfied 


    Whaaa? People can fly?!  That's crazy talk!  Next thing, you'll be trying to tell me that people can drive carriages without horses.

  12. 52 minutes ago, marylander1940 said:

    Just contact escorts, ask them if they're originally from Boston and if they could study the accent and use it with you for a "role play" session. Try talking to him on the phone to see if you like it. 

    Are you being serious or are you joking? 

    Look everyone.  I'm well aware that I can contact every single provider in Los Angeles and ask them if they do a specific thing, whether it's an accent or something else.  I posted this thread to see if anyone has any direct experience.  If you all want to make jokes, that's fine, no worries.  But if any of you is actually being serious, then FYI, this type of "advice" is extremely useless, and I'm not paying attention to it.   If I wanted to contact every provider, I would have done it already.

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