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  1. Patrick, he's my go to there. Although I've also seen Billy and Teddy in the past.
  2. I was there yesterday, they are definitely still open. Maybe their site was down, or under maintenance.
  3. I just went tonight and had Danny for the 90 min scrub and massage. It was bliss. A few months ago I tried this spa for the first time and I didn't really enjoy it which is why it took me so long to go back. First time I didn't catch his name but based on this forum I think it might have been Cody. I was in pain during the massage element, and not in a good way. Danny on the other hand was absolutely amazing. I'm 100% going to be semi-regular there now and will be asking for Danny each time. DM if you want more details.
  4. For me as a client looking for providers I typically look through the multiple profiles over the course of several days or even a couple of weeks. I'm looking at pictures, reading reviews, and reading "about mes" to get an idea of what this provider might be like. Usually I've looked through so many profiles that I've forgotten who's who and who said what, so I'll sometimes go back through them to refresh my memory. As I'm gathering my shortlist I might switch back and forth between a few profiles reading and comparing. I've experienced sexual trauma in my past, so it's important for me to feel safe and comfortable with this decision. I'm paying a lot of money and can feel very vulnerable, naked at a strangers house with a pocketful of cash. I'm not looking at profiles 80+ times in one night like some are describing but I'm definitely not trying to be a creep either. It's just part of my decision making process. If one of the providers messaged me directly, I'd probably be turned off by that, as it would come across as pushy and a little aggressive. But I think it would depend on tone and content, and how many times I actually did look at your profile.
  5. I've had massage's with Billy and Pattrick. Feel free to DM for more information.
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