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Everything posted by LookingAround

  1. Does anyone want to put their money where their mouth is?
  2. So what’s the answer to the OP? What NYC spas have older masseurs and who does he ask for? What’s the distillation from all the posts?
  3. I think Pubic Assistsnce (and I) have been shown to be correct. No one has named a spa with a significant stable of older massage therapists. Time to retire this thread? Yes, pun intended.
  4. Remember there’s a lot of marketing going on in this thread.
  5. Anyone else on Xyosted? My doctor switched me from testosterone gel (like Androgel) to this because it was rubbing off too much onto my clothing. Seems to be working a lot better. My blood levels of free testosterone are much better. Curious if anyone else is on Xyosted.
  6. You’re certainly opinionated with…err…rigid requirements. Text him for gods sake.
  7. I’m beginning to question how sincere the OP is versus a troll. He seems to want to keep an argument going for the sake of arguing. I’m not buying it. Made up post.
  8. The Andy there I met was, to my surprise, around 40.
  9. Great to know! Thanks for sharing and glad you got the info.
  10. I believe pubic assistance, with whom I disagree almost daily, is mostly right here. (Btw if you believe you already have info to the contrary, why don’t you share it instead of crowing that you know a secret). Chicago has a spa that employs older masseurs. I have not come across this in the MANY gay spas I’ve patronized in NYC where I live. Why? Probably because the rents are high and they need to keep the boys busy and there just isn’t a sufficient market to keep older guys busy. If you (or others) know differently, prove me wrong by letting the cat out of the bag but I believe I and pubic assistance are right. It’s not us trying to be ageist (though I have accused him of such things in the past, lol), I think it’s the marketplace at large in this instance.
  11. I saw him a good 20+ years ago and he was in his 30’s then.
  12. I’m on metformin too. Anyway we have different experiences of control of ourselves but I accept what you say of your experience.
  13. This is way off base. Yes I get your point but there’s a tone that being older absolves you of responsibility. I’m over 65 and to act as though I have no control over my body is absurd. I completely reject this.
  14. Anybody who’s used them could you DM me? They also offer trimming. Seems from their website I’d leave happy too. Anybody know if this is the case? Haha
  15. Any updates for a full body trim?
  16. No idea what you are talking about. You’re not making sense.
  17. Looking at an ad is VERY different from actually reaching out to a person. Simply ignore their email. This is their attempt at marketing. It’s. It s personal email to you. They don’t know you. Ignore it.
  18. It’s such a “who cares?” Issue that I can’t help but ask what’s behind the question? That is, why are you even asking? What’s motivating you to ask?
  19. Wouldn’t he be 60’s or 70 by now?
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