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Everything posted by BSR

  1. The diversity worshippers got all vehrklempt when Lori Lightfoot was the first black & openly gay woman to become mayor of a major US city. Four years and innumerable failures later when she placed a miserable 3rd & lost reelection, nobody gave a sh*t that she was a black lesbian. All they cared was that she sucked. Cherelle Parker should come out as left-handed and convert to Islam to make all the DEIers cum without touching themselves.
  2. Uh oh, lawsuit coming in 5 ... 4 ... I'm guessing Harvard gave Claudine Gay one helluva golden parachute, on the condition that she not sue the university. The big question is whether she can win more in a lawsuit. Even if she ends up with less by suing, she'll reap more-precious-than-gold victim chic: crying on Oprah, crying on The View, every Hollywood celebrity blowing sunshine up her ass. Maybe she'll get her own Lifetime movie.
  3. Please BTC, don't hold back ... let it ALL out! I hope this doesn't make your head explode, but I think Kathy Griffin is hilarious, or at least she used to be a couple of decades ago. Of course, it's her life and she can do whatever she wants. But for the sake of her career, not to mention her mental well-being, she should forget politics and get back to doing what she does best. This clip gets a lot funnier at the 2:00 mark.
  4. I kept reading that Gay would eventually have to resign, but I had my doubts because some very powerful forces were supporting her (Barack Obama at the top of the list). She hired legal counsel almost from the get-go. Now let's see how she responds to all this.
  5. BSR

    Favorite Scotch?

    A man after my own heart! Macallan 18 when I'm feeling flush, Macallan 12 otherwise. If I ever won the lottery, I'd splurge on a bottle of Macallan 25. I only tried the 25 once. One sip ... the clouds parted, and the angels burst into song. I also like Glenlivet 18. Glenlivet 25 with all its smokey deliciousness is a nice affordable splurge. While I'm not a fan of blendeds, Johnny Black will do in a pinch. I never understood the appeal of Blue, especially since it's 5x more expensive than Black.
  6. Men of a certain age ... it happens. Looks pretty good for a 63yo. Either this guy secretly wanted to to get caught (don't ask me why), or he is so clueless that he actually thought no one would see his videos on the Internet. He wouldn't be the first case of a smart guy woefully lacking common sense.
  7. Anyone know where his porn vids can be found? Asking for a friend.
  8. She threatened to commit suicide in front of her children, so there is that.
  9. Her new look is a monumental improvement over last year's. To think, Madonna has all the money in the world to pay the most skilled plastic surgeon yet ended up looking like this ...
  10. I have a live tree this year, a teeny tiny pine in a pot. It's cute as a button but since it's not big enough to give off that wonderful pine scent, I bought scented candles to make up for it. Candlemakers have really upped their game 'cuz I swear the candles smell like a real tree.
  11. If Dick's has closed permanently, never to return, then that is sad news indeed. Dick's might have had its shortcomings, but fun could be had. I certainly did plenty of times. I'll hold out hope that the owner figures something out, but at the same time, gotta be realistic about the prospects because Dick's was always a precarious financial proposition.
  12. So they have no idea which Super Bowl they're watching?? Horrors
  13. Yeah, the "being attacked for who I love" line made me puke. STFU.
  14. Even crazier is a New Yorker can make almost $200K yet still qualify for "affordable" housing.
  15. We have hit record highs of credit card debt, school loans, home equity loans, commercial loans, and federal govt debt. But according to some, the economy is just fine and recession will not happen. Even worse, these same starry-eyed optimists accuse those of us worried about unprecedented debt levels of pushing a political agenda or a preferred narrative. Yeah, uh huh, just keep insisting it's just a flesh wound ...
  16. Pope Benedict was in very poor health the last ~2 years of his life. For example, he issued a written statement in Dec 2020 that he had lost the ability to speak. As much as the Church leadership strives to project peace and unity, political conflict has always raged behind the scenes. I agree that Francis waited until well after Benedict's death to make his gay-friendly announcement, but it wasn't to avoid a duel with the Pope Emeritus, because Benedict was in no condition to mount a challenge. Instead, it was a politically motivated decision to pacify the conservatives. To make such an announcement while Benedict was still alive or even shortly after his death would have been viewed (imo) as very disrespectful.
  17. I am on topic. If/when a recession hits, something will have caused it. I think that cause will be unprecedented and unsustainable levels of debt. Before the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, similar conversations were taking place between those predicting bad times ahead and those insisting the economy would keep chugging along. Hard to believe now, but plenty of people in the aughts insisted that the good times would keep rolling. In fact, those people then sounded a lot like some of the posts in this thread.
  18. The editorial written by the former Enron advisor is cut off. It looks like the last page is missing. I'd love to read more from the man who predicted that the economic impact of the Internet would be minimal, comparable to that of the fax machine.
  19. Median net worth also rose significantly prior to the 2008 crash because real estate values were skyrocketing. Look how that turned out. What has far outpaced inflation is debt levels. Not just federal govt debt, every form of debt has hit record highs: credit cards, home equity loans, school loans, commercial loans, you name it. Eventually and inevitably when our economy hits a point where we just can't borrow any more, a gigaton of sh*t will hit the fan.
  20. The official line is that the priesthood is a ministry conformed to the life and work of Jesus Christ. The Church didn't always require celibacy -- priests could marry in early Christianity. Since the Church imposed celibacy for the holy orders in medieval times and the canon of papal infallibility started only in 1870, the celibacy requirement could technically be revoked. But realistically, yes, the likelihood is virtually zero.
  21. But do pedophiles have any interest in adult relationships? My theory is that pedophiles used to seek out the priesthood because back in the day a priest had both access to children and unquestioned moral authority. The Church hierarchy made a horrible problem a thousand times worse by plunging into denial ("but they're men of God!"). The Church finally pulled its head out of the sand and confronted the issue: much more stringent screening of seminary candidates and immediate & thorough investigations into any report of sexual misconduct. To survive this tragedy, the Church must maintain the strictest vigilance.
  22. I've been wanting to attend the LA nude party for quite some time, but all these reports of super-dim conditions worry me. Do you think Matt would be OK with this, or a bit much?
  23. Ugly? No, that watch is f*ckin' hideous. As popular as the Nautilus is, I always found it ugly. The Tiffany blue dial takes ugly to a whole other level.
  24. A red letter day indeed. There has long been a conflict between conservatives and liberals in the Church hierarchy. It's all behind closed doors, of course, but one does hear things. This latest move by Pope Francis is big victory for the liberals whereas it must have thrown the conservatives in a tizzy, LOL. While Pope Francis appears quite healthy and vigorous, he turned 87 yesterday. As a practical matter, he simply won't be around much longer. The LGBT friendliness of the RCC all depends on the political leanings of the next pope. This shift by Francis reflects the attitude of North American and Western European Catholics. While the Church does teach that homosexuality is a sin, I've found that the vast majority of practicing Catholics to be very gay-friendly. It's similar to the divide on the Church's teaching on abortion. Despite the Church's staunch opposition to abortion, so many Catholic women are quietly pro-choice.
  25. US Debt Clock What does statistical analysis say about $33.9 Trillion of federal government debt? What is the propaganda trying to mislead us into thinking about that staggering amount of debt? At the end of September 2019, the federal government debt was "only" $22.7 trillion. The federal debt has increased by more than $11.2 trillion in just over 4 years. The federal debt to GDP ratio was 33.73% in 1980. Now the debt is actually greater than the annual GDP, with a ratio of 122.16%. Anyone who thinks that much debt is healthy or OK is whistling past the graveyard.
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