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Everything posted by SundayZip

  1. The first time I went skinny-dipping I had a hands-free orgasm after a few minutes in the water. There was something so sensous about being alone in the quiet lake, the warm summer water and the naughtiness of it that got me off. But I was 16 or 17 at the time. No way could I do it now.
  2. Good idea for you to talk to both Fidelity and Vanguard to compare what they have to offer. I found this interesting comparison: https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/investing/vanguard-vs-fidelity/ For me, a big deciding factor was Fidelity's superior (in my opinion) online research, retirement planning and financial modeling tools. And it helps that Fidelity has a well staffed office close to my home -- so meeting with my advisor is convenient (although I wish he was more attractive ). Now that you've retired, consider converting your 401K to a traditional IRA. This will likely increase your investment options whether you manage your investments through Fidelity or Vanguard.
  3. Tell me if I'm wrong, but I wonder if you and some other posters to this thread are conflating two separate things. One is owning mutual funds (or ETFs) managed by Vanguard versus Fidelity. The other is using Vanguard versus Fidelity for managing your investment portfolio. Both Fidelity and Vanguard offer low cost funds (I agree that Vanguard funds tend to be lower cost). But, for a number of reasons, I prefer Fidelity for managing my portfolio. I can buy or sell any of the major Vanguard funds through my Fidelity account. My investments are weighted heavily toward low cost Vanguard funds (mostly ETFs) although I manage them through a Fidelity account.
  4. Any first hand experience with Menyc? PM me if you'd prefer. https://rent.men/MEnyc
  5. A couple weeks ago I was ready to give up on my seeking arrangements experiment, but then I got some great advice from another forum member. I changed my profile a bit and got more strategic in my online interaction. As a result, I've met several nice guys. I ended up having sort-of-sex with one guy, but it was extremely awkward and I have no desire to repeat it. I also had a date with a guy who is looking for a sugar daddy to pay his college tuition, take him shopping and wants only a platonic friendship (ain't gonna happen with me). I'm coming to the conclusion that the site is not right for me. I don't like the uncertainty and I don't like the slow, meticulous effort it takes to court younger guys who haven't figured out what they want. Maybe if I stuck with it long enough, I could find just the right guy, but I don't have the patience. This experiment gives me a greater appreciation for real escorts who have their act together and with whom I can have straight forward, no-bullshit encounters. I have a couple weeks before my premium membership expires. Maybe things will turn around in the next two weeks. My compliments to those who can make this work for them. Kudos to you!
  6. I've also seen lot's of 1 to 2 syllable messages. Apparently lots of young guys are using the app on their smart phones where the messaging function looks and feels like a texting app. Therefore the messages tend to be more like texts. That's my theory anyhow.
  7. Interesting. The seeking arrangement profile allows you to display your net worth and annual income. Where I raised, it is considered crass to tell your income and talk about personal wealth, so I left these items blank... until 2 hours ago when I filled in the numbers. And suddenly, I have a huge influx of new messages. Not quite sure what to think....
  8. LOL. True that... I suppose I don't want to spend lots of time kissing and kissing and kissing a frog just to find that he's only that... just a frog.
  9. This thread inspired me to signup for a seekingarrangement account. That was a month ago and the return on my investment has been mediocre at best. I've had lots of contacts from sugar babies in other countries and distant states. But the local guys who have contacted me haven't sparked my interest (mostly too young and twinky). I did have what seemed like a good connection with one very attractive 27 year old. We had lunch and spent a couple hours talking. Although he seemed like a nice enough guy, there were so many contradictions in his story that I wondered if it was mostly BS. Or maybe he was insecure and stretching the truth to impress me. The biggest problem was that he seemed to want financial assistance without a sexual component to an arrangement. I'm willing to invest in developing a relationship/friendship if I can be reasonably sure there will be a sexual component at some point. But otherwise, it's not worth my time no matter how nice and attractive he is. I've decided to reach out to forum members who have posted about their success with site. Maybe, with their advice, I can have some success as well.
  10. Also Kennedy Carter who was one of my best hiring experiences ever. Does he qualify as a "pornstar"?
  11. +1 "Less than 25% of the top-performing active managers are able to consistently outperform their passive manager counterparts." http://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/efficientmarkethypothesis.asp
  12. Hmmm... I see what you mean. Especially about statements that it must be terrible for escorts to have older, overweight, unattractive clients.
  13. Hey QT... I'm usually right there with you on 99% of what you post, but I'm not sure I get this. Is there really body shaming and age shaming in this forum? I see lots of discussion and admiration of escorts with young, hard bodies, but I never thought of this as body or age shaming. Is there something else I'm missing? Sometimes I can be pretty oblivious.
  14. Umm... I think this is exaggerating their crimes a bit. It's not true that they vandalized the bathroom. Surveillance tapes show that they didn't even go into the bathroom. One of them did knock down an advertising sign that was loosely attached to the wall next the bathroom. And they urinated behind the gas station. You seem to have lots of stern things to say about the United States today, Juan. (Not that you don't have some good reasons)
  15. The bad airbnb experiences make the news and everyone gasps and shakes their head in disapproval. But the 100's of thousands of good airbnb experiences go unnoticed. It's easy for people who haven't tried it to pass judgement.
  16. It was my rather silly (and probably stupid) way of complimenting Juan and latbear4blk for their posts and supporting their position. It may have also been an expression of lust for Juan.
  17. Hey Juan... What's with you being all thoughtful and intelligent in your posts? I thought Latin men were all machismo and basically walking sex objects. Where'd all the wisdom come from? I'm sooo confused. Same goes for you latbear4blk.
  18. No one knows the actual frequency of false rape accusations. Some claim the numbers to be quite high, but then you learn what's in their numbers: cases where the alleged victim has withdrawn charges due to pressure from police, family and friends or cases that are dropped because someone thinks they don't have enough evidence or they think the victim will not make a credible witness. Chicago Public Radio (This American Life series) recently released a story about the rape of an 18 year old girl. No one believed her and the police threatened to prosecute her for making a false accusation. This girl was confused and overwhelmed by it all and just wanted to make it go away, so she succumbed to pressure from the police to sign a statement that she lied about the rape. A couple years later, police found the rapist during the investigation of another rape case. The guy turned out to be a serial rapist and he even had pictures of the 18 year old girl, bound and gagged, just as she had originally described to the police. The story illustrates what often happens to a rape victim and how easily police and even family and friends can shift the blame to the victim. http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/581/anatomy-of-doubt
  19. Wow. I find this comment to be hateful and offensive. I have not now nor have I ever read man-bashing comments from QTR and I very much welcome her perspective and participation in this forum. I'm pretty sure that your intolerance is not shared by the vast majority of forum members.
  20. Interesting... When I read the heading of this thread I expected to see something like this: http://www.orvis.com/orvis_assets/prodimg/2G9Y6515.jpg Or, maybe something like this:
  21. Please God! May the lumbersexual trend quickly die! It's a crime to keep those handsome faces hidden by a huge mass of long, bushy hair.
  22. I will not adopt a position just because it aligns with a celebrity's position, but there have been times when an outspoken celebrity has made me pay attention to an issue or to dig deeper. So in that way, I have been influenced. And to be perfectly honest, if I was completely undecided about an issue, there are some celebrities who could influence my thinking. Matt Damon comes to mind (in spite of his recent, very stupid statement about diversity in Hollywood). I would have said the same about Meryl Streep until she joined the group of Hollywood dough-heads asking Amnesty International to retract their proposal to decriminalize the sex trade. Now I think she's full of sh*t and only trying to be politically correct.
  23. Thanks BaronArtz. I've been having a dialogue with a friend who has a fairly new relationship with a working boy. The boy made comments about looking for a sugar daddy and my friend has been trying to get his head wrapped around that. I suspect (hope) that my friend will read this.
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