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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. "That reminds of a time back in St Olaf's," Tom said rosily.
  2. "It's raining! It's raining!" said Tom precipitously.
  3. Or, perhaps, "who have you been feeding?"
  4. Hmm...I'm thinking "Oozey Dick"
  5. http://www.toonpool.com/user/8371/files/toilet_talk_818115.jpg
  6. "I prefer Best's Kosher over Hebrew National" said Tom frankly.
  7. I like the concept, but a cat would spell the words correctly.
  8. The reviews written back in 2005 state he was in his 20's then. Even if he was 25, he would be 36 now.
  9. And he will be using the same pics when both of you are in Depends.
  10. It sounds especially pedantic when someone uses the expression and then makes a series of grammatical gaffes and/or uses words incorrectly.
  11. http://applianceaid.com/images/comic.jpg
  12. http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/the-last-drop-is-mine-240x180.jpg
  13. http://www.wallyandosborne.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/04/2006-04-12.gif
  14. "Jim was my boyfriend, until we broke up" Tom exclaimed.
  15. Actually, it is in Wisconsin, between Kenosha and Racine. The sign is on I-94.
  16. This sign has been replaced, I'm sad to say.
  17. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_0QPrvJgvSLM/SToIeO35gZI/AAAAAAAAAPI/c-IzW4KLrvA/s320/45.jpg
  18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palpatine
  19. and one for @seaboy4hire http://www.benitaepstein.com/hospital%20cartoons/files/page15-1014-full.jpg
  20. Just for you, @Robster and @Socalguy http://www.kazcartoonstore.com/medical-cartoons/md0099lg.gif
  21. For our friends who are under the weather... http://www.martybucella.com/M3.gif
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