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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. http://www.smarties.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Zombie-Kitten-Meme-Final.jpg
  2. That's freakin' hilarious - and I LOVE your avatar.
  3. My mom worked and my dad stayed at home (he was a freelance artist). Dad showed us how to do laundry (hey, guys, the faster we get this done the sooner we go to [fill in the blank of someplace we wanted to go]) and mom used it as a bonding moment, given she was not around during the weekdays. The one thing mom loved to do was iron shirts. She said it was relaxing. So, even as an adult, she would ASK me to bring them over. When I started taking them to a dry cleaner she remarked "they don't do them as well as I do." Anyhow, @BasketBaller I am sure you have taught your boys everything they need to know about everything they need to know. Again, you are a great dad.
  4. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_GfBZmou_4_0/TREMhR8XjAI/AAAAAAAAAC8/uOXz2mPar60/s1600/51.jpg
  5. Wow, @BasketBaller, that's great news! You must be very proud. Congratulations.
  6. Sorry for being so late to the party. I have to tell you, what you have told us makes this sound very one-sided - his. Your husband seems to be very controlling and unwilling to entertain ideas that did not originate in his head. I'm glad you are seeking counseling on your own. My suggestion, like others', is to seek legal advice. While I get your feeling guilty for seeking sex outside of the relationship, you did so for a very good reason: he decided there would be no sex inside of the relationship. His refusal to discuss the issue, his waving his hand and telling you to have fun with "your boy," and his threats do not bode well for a happy relationship. Seems like you have to ask yourself what you get out of staying in this controlling, sexless, and apparently affectionless relationship? Sounds like your counselor is trying to steer you on a path for answering that question.
  7. Thanks for posting this article, Mike. It does seem a bit short for the Economist, doesn't it? Wondering if it is an abstract?
  8. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-uucwdtCR8Ts/TwR3vQRlNKI/AAAAAAAABCI/6Ixn29jeaT8/s1600/NewYearResolutionCatTreadmill.jpg
  9. http://excitabledog.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/cat-new-year-resolutions-coloured.png
  10. http://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/a-funny-nun-pics-0.jpg?quality=85&strip=info&w=500&h=311
  11. Count me in as someone who would be turned off by an extreme left-wing spiel, and I am a liberal Democrat. I'm equally turned off by right-ring spiels and political talk in general when I don't know someone.
  12. Just a quick housekeeping tip - when you would like someone to send details privately, you can send them a PM (called a "conversation") and ask for details rather than post in the public forum.
  13. http://www.webdonuts.com/comics/2015-05-11-Personal-Trainer.jpg
  14. http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0440/9049/files/6-3.2.jpg?745
  15. http://www.markstivers.com/wordpress/comics/2003-01-19%20Personal%20trainer.gif
  16. http://www.nicolesnickels.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/nerd.jpg
  17. Actually, $80 is a pretty standard rate at a chiropractor's office here on the west coast. If you go to someplace like Massage Envy or Happy Head the price is even lower. PS: I agree with the comment about the baseball bat pic. It would be OK if it was taken on, say, a baseball diamond, but on a city street it seems weird.
  18. rvwnsd

    Arad Winwin

    If you Google his name you will find his Instagram account which happens to list his email address. Then, you can send him an email and ask.
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