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Everything posted by Axiom2001

  1. When I read the title, I immediately thought that I'd be viewing a variety of hot men of a variety of ages, body types, etc.......!!!! But thanks anyway; the post is "cute!"
  2. Although I abhor an abundance of tats, I'd ignore in this case and "milk that bone" until I couldn't get another drop! This is so, so, so, so fuckin' scorching! Send me that gorgeous stud now, please!!!!! :p
  3. I wanna play and have lots of fun with all of these hotties! My heart is goin' pitter pat, pat "BIG TIME!"
  4. Yeah, some of these hot butts are awaitin' for me!!!!
  5. This is also Pride Week in San Francisco. Long ago I participated in many of the activities; today, as a "senior citizen," my heart, spirit and support are amongst the throngs, but not my physical presence. The last time that I viewed the almost three hour parade in "The City by the Bay," there were so many folks in the area of City Hall afterwards that I became fearful of being crushed; as a result of this, I felt compelled to leave. I was all right in doing that then but would NOT repeat today! I was in San Francisco on Wednesday and early Thursday of this week; those rainbow colored flags are remarkable. Macy's even had the "rainbow flags" flying outside of its flag ship store. I was indeed proud. Flags also dawned the poles of street lamps along all of Market Street, beginning at the Ferry Building and ending in "The Castro." Celebrate Pride, immensely, during 2016 and forever!
  6. ...simply alluring and quite gorgeous! :p
  7. I interpreted these names as examples of guys who'd be invited by Musclelover, but my interpretation could be completely wrong!
  8. ...would luv to stand by and watch this hot man drill Justin into oblivion while lying on his back with his long legs suspended in the air takin' in all 9.5uc inches!!!!!!!
  9. - Michael Brandon - [former] - Sean Xavier - [current] [He's at http://www.lucasentertainment.com prior to Michael Lucas's going "all raw!"]
  10. I think I'm ready to attack some firm, hot ass with the most torrid of rimmings! :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
  11. I’d like to join all of these men in their respective rooms beginning with #s 22, 26, and 29 and followed by the rest with lots of “downtime” in between! :p:p
  12. I'd like to be munchin' and lickin' with #s 5---7---8---11---12---13---and---14! :p:p:p:p:p:p
  13. Johnsalako, I've been away from this site and forum for a few days, for I am battling the flu which is slowly dissipating but must say that I, indeed, have enjoyed your posts and appreciate what you've written. If you do not mind, could you provide contact info. of the "boys" who met you at the airport and info. about the apartment you rented. If you cannot, I will definitely understand! Continue to enjoy your adventures and travel! Axiom
  14. John, it would be most appreciated if you were to write as fully and as candidly as possible about your time in Santo Domingo to give those of us who desire to travel there in 2016/2017 an additional take. It would be quite helpful to me for sure! Have a great trip! - Axiom -
  15. This is a wonderful spread, and I'd like to join many of these men for some intense and deep "reading adventures!"
  16. I find the first three guys to be what Muscle Lover 2 wrote! All three are ripe for a torrid tongue bath all over!
  17. I'd like to play and explore 16 or the 50 hot and handsome, curly haired guys here! ...thought I wouldn't list the precise numbers.
  18. This young man looks so pure and unscathed and virginal. I'd love to be the one to "break him in" from a variety of vantage points!
  19. Of all of the guys here, I find him to be the most "stunning" of the lot! ...loved and swooned over him when he played Che!
  20. There are some mixed reviews of Adam Suites on http://www/TripAdvisor.com. a few that I ... read from two or three that the owner is one hell of a...., and from what I've read, he has certain guests to whom he gives lots of attention and the others are just there. When I read the reviews a month or so ago, I personally emailed one of the reviewers who'd written a negative take on Adams Suites in which he had principally focused on Gilbert. His negative review and a few others have persuaded me NOT to stay there when I manage to get back to Santo Domingo!
  21. I like! I like! I like! I like! ...but for me, "FEWER" is more! This montage is too overwhelming!
  22. There are so many hot possibilities here that I could easily "overdose!"
  23. #s 4-- 5-- 6-- and-- 7 can be my "VALENTINES!" I'm ready to receive their company now!! :p:p
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