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Posts posted by LA90046

  1. 2 hours ago, SamMiller213 said:

    Waitttt is this pic actually him? I know how he is.

    Which is why Specific Rule #7 exists in the Company of Men Guidelines...

    7.     No personal information may be posted about other posters, escorts, and/or masseurs. This includes all information that does or could identify a person, including photographs, links to social media, or specific information such as addresses and phone numbers.


  2. 2 minutes ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

    It's not a universal thing, no.  Some clients can see, some clients cannot.

    Some are designed that way on-purpose.


    Client Eye seems to explicitly prevent clients from accessing the app.



  3. 45 minutes ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

    A first post like this always tells the story.

    Yes, they exist and yes, some of them you'd have easy access to (Mr Number).

    Others are message boards, like this one, but private.

    My understanding is that there is another app akin to Mr. Number called Client Eye but it is only for providers and users of the app have to verify they are a provider before being given full access to it.

    So apparently there is no way for a client to check to see if there are comments or "reviews" about them on the app.



  4. That link I posted above back in June includes two face pics that appear to have been taken with a Ring doorbell or some other means such that he was not aware he was being photographed.

    Also, that post and all the comments on it are from 2017, so he's been scamming for quite some time now.

  5. 3 minutes ago, azdr0710 said:

    I also had never heard of Frette. Looked it up and the pictures look like regular sheets, but the description of them is pretty gushing. Always with an uppercase 'F', I'm wondering if Frette is a company name or just a style of manufacture. 

    Frette is a company / brand.  Basically the Prada of bedding.

  6. 2 hours ago, nycman said:

    He really needs to learn how to take more flattering (as opposed to flattening) ass pics.

    With a torso like that, he’s bound to have a better ass than he’s showing in those pics. 

    Perhaps not -- the brief glimpses of his legs in the profile pics suggest they are also not up to par with his upper body.  He may be one of those guys who only trains upper body and 'skips' leg day.

  7. 14 hours ago, Rand said:

    It’s 400 a pop btw

    Which is $40 per inch.

    You want a 7" top, $280 is completely reasonable.

    And 8" top?  $320 is not unreasonable.

    Same for a 9" top at $360.

    So considering the rarity, uniqueness and scarcity of a 10" top?...$400 sounds BEYOND reasonable.  

    Just say'in.


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