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Posts posted by SFSteve

  1. I met with this young man about 6 months ago. He is as he presents himself in his profile. Nice guy, I had an interesting time. He is NOT Eastern European /  Russian. He grew up in Virginia as indicated by the area code of his phone (and told to me in person). He is straight forward and honest. You like what you see in his profile, book him. All the rest here is just uninformed speculation.  

  2. Thanks everyone for saving me with this posting. This morning I received an email from my phone service provider with a notice that the plans were changing and I needed to follow a link to select and change my service. I know better, but still almost selected the link, but then decided I would deal with it after work. 

    Fortunately, I came by here first, and the light bulb went off. Of course, do not select a link in any email. I copied the link and pasted it into a text file. Wrong domain name, close, but wrong. 

    Solid advice here. Never select a link from any email. Always go to the known location for any account you have. 

    Thanks again for the refresher and save.

      SF Steve

  3. I have a relationship of sorts that started as a hire. I hired him and we clicked the first meeting. I hired him many times, over a couple years. We became pretty good friends and I talked with him often over those years. We lived in different cities a few hundred miles apart, so more phone conversations than direct meetings. During one of our sessions, he mentioned that his current BF was being pretty difficult and they were headed to a break up. It was going to be difficult for him because he had no where to go. Of course I offered him a place to stay if he was willing to live by my rules. I would cover house expenses, but he would have to work and cover all his personal expenses including car, food, etc. We would have to work out anything sexual as we went along. He took me up on the offer. That was in 2002. He’s still here. I consider him my closest friend today.


    We have never engaged in sex since he moved in. He has had several BFs over those years ( none stuck) and I continued to engage in this hobby with others.


    He watches out for me. For example, this year hitting up all his medical field friends trying to get me vaccinated. I am fully vaccinated today.


    He worked in a financial services office when he got settled here. Eight years ago he founded his own practice. This year he merged his practice with another gay office. In short, a very successful transition from one service to another over about 19 years.


    Perhaps not exactly what you were asking about, not a significant other in the sense you used. But a real situation that started out as a hire and is significant for me and for him.

  4. The problem with the sexyasianstud link is with mobile devices, but it is not SAS’s fault nor with being an A4A member. It is the fault of the A4A programmers. The above link starts with the usual “www.”, but when your device is detected as a mobile device, you are redirected to a URL that starts with “m.”, the remainder is the same. The problem? The programmers dropped the SexyAsianStud. So you need to pick him up. Go ahead to 404 error screen. You’ll see the m.adam4adam.com/profile/view in the address line, just add the SexyAsianStud at the end or copy and paste it from here and viola, you now have the SexyAsianStud. Or complain to the A4A site about hiring real software engineers. But Leon is real.

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