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411 on Mason Rhett - Los Angeles


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Hey Kev,

Glad you had fun with him in LA. Must have been really great since it is the first post you have ever made.

And as luck would have it, Mason is back in LA tomorrow!


What a crazy coincidence...



Isn't that special? LOL!

Wonder if he's going alone or traveling w/ Ezra?

If they're together, don't count on the chances of getting a 2 handed massage appointment with Mason Rhett to happen even if it's been confirmed.

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Hey tennis + frat


I don't feel like I need to defend the specific masseur, but I would like to defend myself as a member of the forum.

People had bad experiences and they are entitled to express their concerns. I honestly never had a problem.


Hoping to make more contributions to the forum in the future, just give me some time to get some good rubs first :)

Feel free to pm me if you need details.

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Hey tennis + frat


I don't feel like I need to defend the specific masseur, but I would like to defend myself as a member of the forum.

People had bad experiences and they are entitled to express their concerns. I honestly never had a problem.


Hoping to make more contributions to the forum in the future, just give me some time to get some good rubs first :)

Feel free to pm me if you need details.

Great we welcome your contributions..lots of guys to choose from in and near LA that give great rubs

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  • 1 year later...

Am I mis-reading some of these comments? It seems to me that a few guys are bitching about the masseur because (for $100), he doesn't provide a HE. Not all masseurs do, and for that price, a HE probably shouldn't be expected to----unless he tells someone he will in a text.

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Am I mis-reading some of these comments? It seems to me that a few guys are bitching about the masseur because (for $100), he doesn't provide a HE. Not all masseurs do, and for that price, a HE probably shouldn't be expected to----unless he tells someone he will in a text.



One of my posts here was deleted because it ended up being more of review than anything else. But my bottom line experience with Mason Rhett, who was traveling in the company of Ezra at the time, was that he was a major flake whose word on a scheduled in advance appointment was worth absolutely nothing. I.E.: A client's time & trust are meaningless to Mason and by extension Ezra.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I saw Mason earlier this week, and had a very positive experience. I can't believe this is my first post (I joined 2 years ago but have only lurked lol) but when I searched for him afterward and saw this thread I felt I should add another experience to the mix. Whatever anyone else experienced before, Mason was very sweet and not flaky with me. I am not at all a hardbody stud, either, for the record haha. Anyhow, without going into a full review I will say that I was exceedingly clear in what I was, um, thirsting for (hehe) when we texted to set up the appointment. There was a modest up-charge but he, um, came through like a champ :). And, like I said, he was kind and charming and we chatted before, during and after the massage (though he knew when to stop chit-chatting). There you have it. My 2 cents. :)

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As for Mason &/or Rhett, when these 2 operate together be forewarned. If you schedule a 2-handed appointment with one of them &, in the interim before your appointment takes place they see the opportunity to schedule a more lucrative 4-handed appointment that will bring them more $$$ in your already scheduled time frame, they will drop you like a hot potato without a word of warning, explanation or apology & go into "radio silence" mode, to use the old lingo.

I've written about this before as a warning & don't know how to make it any more clear that Mason & Rhett, either singly or together, are totally willing to treat their potential clientele with little to no respect. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but it's the sad reality.

The verdict on Mason & Rhett: Absolute flakes who give the business a bad reputation.

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$160 for 1 hour incall on the table.


And I don’t know the experience that Steed8 is drawing from, but the young man I met was friendly, humble, giving. We talked about family, travel, and hobbies. It was easy and the epitome of chill. In short, not remotely like someone I would expect to hear treated another disrespectfully.


Then again, maybe he’s like Bill Cosby so I don’t want to challenge Steed8’s experience if it is also recent and personal. I am just relaying my experience and my character assessment after one good experience.

Edited by FunInTheSun
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
$160 for 1 hour incall on the table.


And I don’t know the experience that Steed8 is drawing from, but the young man I met was friendly, humble, giving. We talked about family, travel, and hobbies. It was easy and the epitome of chill. In short, not remotely like someone I would expect to hear treated another disrespectfully.


Then again, maybe he’s like Bill Cosby so I don’t want to challenge Steed8’s experience if it is also recent and personal. I am just relaying my experience and my character assessment after one good experience.



Your Cosby analogy is a great way to put it, Fun.

As a further reference, I'd apply the now disappointing Lindsey Graham into the analogy comparisons also.

I don't like being conned & was utterly crestfallen as well as personally devastated by what happened with Mason. It put a major damper on my weekend when it occurred & undermined my trust level.

I tend not to speak with anger or harshness in public or on an online forum unless it's well-deserved. So I'll leave it by saying that you fared well & I'm glad that you were pleased.






past tense: conned; past participle: conned

  1. persuade (someone) to do or believe something, typically by use of a deception.
    "I conned him into giving me your home number"

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  • 2 months later...

I booked them both a while back.


Mason was HOT. Ezra was eh so-so


Mason is EASY on the eyes and seems like a nice guy actually


However, thats where the compliments end. The massage SUCKED. It was nothing more than a rub-n-tug. Didn't last nearly the hour I paid. Quality of the massage SUCKED. Totally NOT worth the money I paid for a 4 hand.

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  • 2 years later...

I’ve met him a couple of times. He’s a nice guy. But he has awful texting practices.

I reached out to him last week for a weekend appointment. He was extremely friendly until he asked for a name for his contacts. He then blocked me I guess, because I never heard from him again. I think he should be avoided. :mad:

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He never replies. Or it takes forever. Or he ghosts you. Or out if the blue he texts you soliciting your business....


WOW interesting to hear. MY experiences were total opposite. But it has been a while. Perhaps something has changed. I know he is NOT with ezra. Maybe he found a better BF

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