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I have some questions about being with guys who use drugs. Though I do not use drugs myself, it is hard for me to rule out playing with a great looking guy who does. I am pretty naive about the whole scene. One guy on A4A, has asked me "pnp?" So what exactly does this mean? Does this mean "party and play"..? and does it refer to favoring a certain drug? Should I assume that "meth" is the drug of choice for someone who mentions pnp or might he just be referring to marijuana? I have seen mention on this site that some clients stay away from guys who say they like pnp. Is that just because the client does not want to be around illegal drugs or are there other reasons for avoiding guys who say they like pnp? Also I have one guy who says he likes "THC wax." I understand this is a waxy high grade marijuana with a lip-balm type consistency. As best I can understand wax is little different than using regular marijuana except with a quicker high. Is that correct? and I guess a more general question which might help me gain insight would be "how many of you have a policy of staying away from guys who mention that they favor use of drugs? - and what are your reasons?" Thanks

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DO NOT and I mean DO NOT play with guys that party or "pnp". They are aren't present which means that they don't know their limits or yours and may not be able to respect them even if they do. They are more likely to engage in high risk sex which means they are more likely to have creepy crawlies, STI happen and its not a big deal but its best to avoid situations where you put yourself in unnecessary risk. Guys who party usually use crystal meth and combine it with G.


I will occasionally see a client who parties but I will never partake and I will never let them do it in front of me. These clients you have be very present for because they don't know there limits and will push them so have to be the adult in the room so they don't hurt themselves. Clients that party tend to eroticizing things they think are transgressive that they read about or seen in porn, what I mean by that is they will ask for kink scenes that are on the dangerous side or down right bizarre things. I received a message a few weeks ago on rentboy asking if I partied and if I would be up for "slamming" (injecting crystal meth) and sharing needles. The reason I share this is that you should AVOID these people because they don't take very good care of themselves.


As for THC its pretty harmless unless you listen to the after school specials about the dangers of pot.


Avoid G as well because you don't know the dosing and it can kill you if you do to much.


There are a tremendous amount of clients who party and while the money is nice in my opinion its not worth dealing with. Its very draining to be with anyone whether they be a client or a trick who isn't present and is more concerned about the porn playing between their ears than reality.


For clients if an escort lists that they pnp don't hire them. Some leave it blank as I do because I have no issue with clients doing softer drugs like pot.

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I am pretty naive about the whole scene.


Chris summarize it pretty well above.


You need to be aware of all the pitfalls (like STIs, HIV and addiction issues), before you engage in anything like that.








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I don't know much about drugs, but I always ask if the guy parties, and lately a lot of escorts said they did G, and as a throw back to the 60s LSD seems to be back in.

What the hell is G? From a research I did, it seems to be known as a date rape drug and often makes one black out. Is this correct and what's the appeal of it? I mean I seriously don't get why would any sober client want to be with an escort that's only physically present? Am I missing something?

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Here is a little bit more of my after school special so pull up a chair,


If I remember correctly G is derived from floor cleaner and gained traction in the 90's as a party drug. It makes you euphoric and horny but the dosing is key or you can kill yourself. At our sleaziest bath house here in Seattle we have at least one or 2 people die a year from taking to much G. You will see it a lot at big events like the white party, Real Bad, and the list goes on. Of the things to do its not the worst but I would keep your distance from it. Also don't mix alcohol with G or you can die as well. Most clients don't want an escort who is trashed unless they are as well.


If your going to do something have a glass of wine or hit of the bong but don't go much further than that. Drugs like E or MDMA can be cut with crystal meth so be aware of that if your using either one.


Cocaine is often cut with baby laxatives so after doing a bump make sure your close to a bathroom. I had a friend at IML last year who did a bump and pooped himself on the dance floor.


Drugs are bad m'kay

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Chris is correct on all counts. I will add that besides making you euphoric and horny, as with Meth and most drugs, once you take that first hit, it takes more and more of the drug each time, just to maintain that first high. That is where the danger of overdosing occurs. If you are with someone or allow someone to use drugs around you, just know that Meth affects that part of the brain that alters judgment, impulses, and the ability of the brain to determine consequences. So a person will most likely do things that are not only detrimental, but they will care very little about the consequences, to say nothing of the persons ability to get and maintain a hard on.

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This website is very helpful. Thank you for putting drug use and the escort scene in perspective. I have limited options in my remote area and I often lose sight of the risks involved when the few possibilities surface. Thanks for taking the time to reply to my questions.

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...I have limited options in my remote area and I often lose sight of the risks involved when the few possibilities surface...


I have a suggestion for you. If you like and can afford taking weekend trips find a city with a decent escort population and plan a weekend trip. Select an escort or two, contact them, and see if anyone is available when you are in town. That way, if the escort experience is so-so you still have other stuff to do that will make the trip worthwhile. If the escort is fabulous, then you've had some great sex and great sightseeing.

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I'd like to clarify two things in Chris' post:


If I remember correctly G is derived from floor cleaner ...


Not that it matters much, but it's a Wheel Cleaner, a liquid solvent for cleaning chrome and aluminum wheels. Its included 99,96% Gamma-Butyroactone (GBL) http://www.urban75.com/Drugs/gbl-drugs.html



As for THC its pretty harmless unless you listen to the after school specials about the dangers of pot.



The terrible truth about cannabis: Expert's devastating 20-year study finally demolishes claims that smoking pot is harmless

The Daily Mail, October 6th 2014


  • One in six teenagers who regularly smoke the drug become dependent
  • It doubles risk of developing psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia
  • Heavy use in adolescence appears to impair intellectual development
  • Driving after smoking cannabis doubles risk of having a car crash
  • Study's author said: 'If cannabis is not addictive then neither is heroin'


A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe.

Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.

The paper by Professor Wayne Hall, a drugs advisor to the World Health Organisation, builds a compelling case against those who deny the devastation cannabis wreaks on the brain.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2783111/The-terrible-truth-cannabis-Expert-s-devastating-20-year-study-finally-demolishes-claims-smoking-pot-harmless.html#ixzz3Kk74ugbY

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Guest boiworship08

I'm not convinced that pot is addicting--for adults. I have read research on heavy pot use by teens and believe there are harmful sequellae for that cohort.

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I'd like to clarify two things in Chris' post:[/color]




Not that it matters much, but it's a Wheel Cleaner, a liquid solvent for cleaning chrome and aluminum wheels. Its included 99,96% Gamma-Butyroactone (GBL) http://www.urban75.com/Drugs/gbl-drugs.html






The terrible truth about cannabis: Expert's devastating 20-year study finally demolishes claims that smoking pot is harmless

The Daily Mail, October 6th 2014


  • One in six teenagers who regularly smoke the drug become dependent
  • It doubles risk of developing psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia
  • Heavy use in adolescence appears to impair intellectual development
  • Driving after smoking cannabis doubles risk of having a car crash
  • Study's author said: 'If cannabis is not addictive then neither is heroin'


A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe.

Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.

The paper by Professor Wayne Hall, a drugs advisor to the World Health Organisation, builds a compelling case against those who deny the devastation cannabis wreaks on the brain.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2783111/The-terrible-truth-cannabis-Expert-s-devastating-20-year-study-finally-demolishes-claims-smoking-pot-harmless.html#ixzz3Kk74ugbY


There is a reason I paired it with alchole consumption, there are dangers as with any drug

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Marijuana is not addictive, and the article in the Daily Mail is way outside what is generally accepted in science and substance abuse counseling.


Thank you for your opinion. It's not as "harmless", as previously thought.


The research, conducted over 20 years by Professor Wayne Hall, an adviser to the World Health Organization, links use of cannabis to a wide range of harmful side-effects, from mental illness to lower academic attainment to impaired driving ability:



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Myth: Marijuana Is Harmless

Reality: Marijuana Is Dangerous to the User

By Karen P. Tandy, DEA


Updated November 28, 2014.


Use of marijuana has adverse health, safety, social, academic, economic, and behavioral consequences; and children are the most vulnerable to its damaging effects. Marijuana is the most widely used illicit drug in America and is readily available to kids.


Compounding the problem is that the marijuana of today is not the marijuana of the baby boomers 30 years ago. Average THC levels rose from less than 1 percent in the mid-1970s to more than 8 percent in 2004. And the potency of B.C. Bud, a popular type of marijuana cultivated in British Columbia, Canada, is roughly twice the national average-ranging from 15 percent THC content to 20 percent or even higher.



Marijuana use can lead to dependence and abuse. Marijuana was the second most common illicit drug responsible for drug treatment admissions in 2002-outdistancing crack cocaine, the next most prevalent cause.


Shocking to many is that more teens are in treatment each year for marijuana dependence than for alcohol and all other illegal drugs combined. This is a trend that has been increasing for more than a decade: in 2002, 64 percent of adolescent treatment admissions reported marijuana as their primary substance of abuse, compared to 23 percent in 1992.


Gateway Drug


Marijuana is a gateway drug . In drug law enforcement, rarely do we meet heroin or cocaine addicts who did not start their drug use with marijuana . Scientific studies bear out our anecdotal findings.


For example, the Journal of the American Medical Association reported, based on a study of 300 sets of twins, that marijuana-using twins were four times more likely than their siblings to use cocaine and crack cocaine, and five times more likely to use hallucinogens such as LSD.


Furthermore, the younger a person is when he or she first uses marijuana, the more likely that person is to use cocaine and heroin and become drug-dependent as an adult. One study found that 62 percent of the adults who first tried marijuana before they were 15 were likely to go on to use cocaine. In contrast, only one percent or less of adults who never tried marijuana used heroin or cocaine.


Significant Health Problems


Smoking marijuana can cause significant health problems. Marijuana contains more than 400 chemicals, of which 60 are cannabinoids. Smoking a marijuana cigarette deposits about three to five times more tar into the lungs than one filtered tobacco cigarette.


Consequently, regular marijuana smokers suffer from many of the same health problems as tobacco smokers, such as chronic coughing and wheezing, chest colds, and chronic bronchitis. In fact, studies show that smoking three to four joints per day causes at least as much harm to the respiratory system as smoking a full pack of cigarettes every day.


Marijuana smoke also contains 50 to 70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke and produces high levels of an enzyme that converts certain hydrocarbons into malignant cells.


Mental Health Problems


In addition, smoking marijuana can lead to increased anxiety, panic attacks , depression, social withdrawal, and other mental health problems , particularly for teens. Research shows that kids aged 12 to 17 who smoke marijuana weekly are three times more likely than nonusers to have suicidal thoughts.

Marijuana use also can cause cognitive impairment, to include such short-term effects as distorted perception, memory loss, and trouble with thinking and problem solving. Students with an average grade of D or below were found to be more than four times as likely to have used marijuana in the past year as youths who reported an average grade of A.


For young people, whose brains are still developing, these effects are particularly problematic and jeopardize their ability to achieve their full potential.

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