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"Verified", Gold, Diamond or other statuses on RentMen, RentBoys . . . .

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from a customer standpoint, do these mean anything in terms of legitimacy except that the escort is paying more per month for his ad? To some degree, that adds a small bit of comfort that he's not a fly-by-night. But, I'm thinking about hiring an escort who happens to have "Gold" status on RentMen, but I can't find anything on him on the review sites or in this forum. Contemplating blowing him off (pick your pun) unless someone has a better suggestion.

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On rentboy at least, it solely has to do with the level of ad the escort purchases. In NYC, as an example, ads are placed into three tiers (platinum-- always on page one; gold-- pages two and three; and standard-- the back forty). They then appear in random order within their tier each time a search is performed. "Power boost" and diamond ads are auctioned off for shorter durations and appear toward the top of page one. I haven't seen any such thing as "verified" on either rentboy or rentmen.


I'm thinking about hiring an escort who happens to have "Gold" status on RentMen, but I can't find anything on him on the review sites or in this forum. Contemplating blowing him off (pick your pun) unless someone has a better suggestion.


If you've already reached out to him and are now waffling, it may be you and not he who is the flake.


Kevin Slater

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Yeah, haven't reached out to him yet, but thanks for that. Having been screwed over (figuratively, not literally) recently, I'm looking for whatever info I can find before I waste my time and his talking.


RentMen says its gold status members are "Certified" and uses the language below to pimp that status. RB uses the word "Verified Escort" in descriptions of its enhanced membership. From your response, I'll take it that the terms and language are bullshit.


Be A Special RentMen Member

Gold Members are Certified RentMen Escorts and Masseurs. Clients take you more seriously and are assured you mean business because of your Gold Status.

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There are 2 tiers for rentmen, gold being the more expensive option but not by much. It runs about $40 a month.


Diamond ad's are available in most major cities and are up for auction every month and depending on the city can be pretty pricey. A platinum ad in most major cities is some where in the ball park of $200 and a gold $120. New York ads are very complicated to get and maintain and isn't a sign of someone being a low end escort if they can't get a premium slot. Often times it takes knowing someone or watching rentboy like a hawk to get a gold ad in new york and a platinum you have a better chance of winning the lottery. I would be leery about guys that don't pay for at least a gold status and look for someone reviewed. There are a few gems out there that have a classic rentboy ad but they are few and far between. A friend of mine told me when I started the tier of ad you choose says a lot about you, he said something to the effect of "Is your service gold or platinum? The tier you pick shows how much YOU value your service".


As for your dilemma I would talk with him for a bit and tell him your a bit nervous before meeting to see how engaging he is. If he is chatty and willing to put your mind at ease then I would say meet him. If your on the fence and he isn't very talkative then bail.

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There are 2 tiers for rentmen, gold being the more expensive option but not by much. It runs about $40 a month.


Diamond ad's are available in most major cities and are up for auction every month and depending on the city can be pretty pricey. A platinum ad in most major cities is some where in the ball park of $200 and a gold $120. New York ads are very complicated to get and maintain and isn't a sign of someone being a low end escort if they can't get a premium slot. Often times it takes knowing someone or watching rentboy like a hawk to get a gold ad in new york and a platinum you have a better chance of winning the lottery. I would be leery about guys that don't pay for at least a gold status and look for someone reviewed. There are a few gems out there that have a classic rentboy ad but they are few and far between. A friend of mine told me when I started the tier of ad you choose says a lot about you, he said something to the effect of "Is your service gold or platinum? The tier you pick shows how much YOU value your service".


As for your dilemma I would talk with him for a bit and tell him your a bit nervous before meeting to see how engaging he is. If he is chatty and willing to put your mind at ease then I would say meet him. If your on the fence and he isn't very talkative then bail.


Makes sense. I appreciate the help! Cheers.

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Makes sense. I appreciate the help! Cheers.


hey WhamIAm, it's Dave here.


I understand your curiosity as to the levels - especially as you're trying to make a decision about a hire - and even more so because you've had a negative experience with a hire in the past. you're seeking which tools will help you do so.


as my colleagues have pointed out, these levels are more about how well exposed our ads are. in general, if we pay more, we get a higher level.


isn't what you're seeking found on a reputable review site like Daddy's?

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I love when you use rhetorical questions, Dave. :-)[/color]


you know how I love to whisper rhetorical questions in your ear, Steven...


Steven, on a palm springs chaise lounge, is sunning himself at the pool. Dave comes up quietly, crouches down by his left ear, and says, "isn't what you're seeking found on a reputable review site like Daddy's?" Steven grabs Dave, pulling him close to his own well defined chest with one muscled arm, and reaches down with the other to rip off Dave's speedo. in a moment, they're rolling around on the lawn - two naked men enjoying each other's flesh -and all because of Daddy's...

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Hey, Dave!


Despite the rhetorical question ;-), I'll spout off an answer.


Daddy's is one great source, but my bad experience was with a guy who has numerous, positive reviews on Daddy's. Also was a winner of a number of Hookies, which I've concluded means absolutely crap in terms of indicating whether he's a decent guy. Afterwards, I figured out that searching and posting on this forum may be more likely to reveal a dark side not reflected in the reviews. Wish I'd done it before hiring him.


So, you're right, I'm looking for other tools. I've figured out the wonders of Google image searches and Googling phone numbers, and personal websites strike me as a huge safety net. Was just trying to figure out, based on the language used on the sites, whether the enhanced statuses meant that a guy has somehow been vetted. As I understand it from your and Chris W's helpful answers, no, but Chris makes what strikes me as a good point that a guy who is willing to spend a little or a lot more to get his ad featured is probably a lot more interested in long-term rep and repeat business than short-term cash. Flip side, it's a little bit of a time-killer, but better to find out losing an hour before hiring than two to three hours, a boat load of money and a little bit of dignity after the fact. Still a newbie, still learning. (Tho I appreciate your part in my education ;-))


In this case, the guy's a total mystery on-line other than his RM page. Probably would have shined him on despite the pretty pictures and description on RM, but he actually sent a "thanks for adding me" note when I put him on my buddy list, which I thought was actually kinda sweet (and, good marketing). Nothing unsettling came up on Google, so I'll likely give him a call and see whether I get a good or squicky vibe.


Yeah, I may be overthinking this. It's my nature (as you know)! Talk soon xxoo

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a guy who is willing to spend a little or a lot more to get his ad featured is probably a lot more interested in long-term rep and repeat business than short-term cash.


I like your nature ;)


um, while I think very highly of Chris W, I gotta say - the above point is full of conjecture.


the assumption is that the guy spending more money on ads wants repeat business. I know a number of working guys and girls who've needed quick cash and felt it worthwhile to spend money on that one special ad featuring them up front, to get many clients in a short time. that has nothing to do with the goals of long term rep and repeat business.


moreover, I'm not sure it really meets one of your goals, Wham. are you really seeking guys who want repeat business? from what I know of you, you want more than that...


having written all this, I do realize how hard it can be to find a good companion. there's probably a number of boxes you'd like to check off to make sure the guy's a good one for you. let me take a stab at what I think you - and many people - would seek:

- physically attractive

- sexually attractive

- having similar sexual interests

- personable

- emotional connection

- trustworthy

- reasonably priced

- sexually excitable

- decent with communication / appointment set up

- understands discretion


and then some other categories, which some people prize, others couldn't care less about:

- sense of humor

- interesting conversationalist

- skilled in intimate matters (can teach/coach)

- mutual respect

- have in call locale


I'm all about the vibe. trust your instinct!



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It can be a challenge (albeit a fun one) to find the right man for you. I respectfully offer you my best advice, based on my own personal experience:

Call Dave. You'll be glad you did.

You're welcome!


Thanks, namchebaz! Dave and I have spent some time together, and you were right, I was very, very glad!!!!:D

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Yeah, haven't reached out to him yet, but thanks for that. Having been screwed over (figuratively, not literally) recently, I'm looking for whatever info I can find before I waste my time and his talking.


RentMen says its gold status members are "Certified" and uses the language below to pimp that status. RB uses the word "Verified Escort" in descriptions of its enhanced membership. From your response, I'll take it that the terms and language are bullshit.


Be A Special RentMen Member

Gold Members are Certified RentMen Escorts and Masseurs. Clients take you more seriously and are assured you mean business because of your Gold Status.


Not knowing what you mean by "screwed over" it is hard to tell whether the well-reviewed multi-Hookies escort cheated you out of funds or you had a bad time due to bad or no chemistry. However, my best hires have been guys who were not previously reviewed and one of my lest enjoyable hires was at one time a "favorite child" on the Forum. At the end of the day, it comes down to whether you and the escort are a good match, barring criminal activity such as taking the fee and running or violence or some such.


One tool you could use is to post an information request in the Deli and invite respondents to send you a private message so as to avoid the appearance of writing a review in the Forum. I've received very valuable information that way.

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