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Guest Derek Ross
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Guest Derek Ross

Wow...This blows my mind. Are we just supposed to accept the implied notion that gay = pedofile? Unfortunately, the naivete of this method of thought all too often frighteningly infects our society (that was a mouthful). Anyway, I could never be taken as a pedofile...I like men, not boys. :p

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Statistics have proven again and again that most pedophiles are "heterosexual". I believe that it is equivalent to the act of rape - more an issue of power over another individual and that this is what the big "turn on is". I also don't know why these people don't realize that there are gay kids also who need even more help understanding about what is going on in their lives and that gay people are natural born not converted "straights". I know that I was only attracted to men since I was seven before I even knew what sex was.

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(Washington (AP) A handful of Republican congressmembers have asked President Bush to pressure Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America to abandon a policy requiring its mentoring programs not to discriminate against gays and lesbians.


Bush is an honorary co-chair of the organization.


"Many of these kids are emotionally fragile and desperate for attention from an adult of their own gender," the congressmembers wrote. "As a general rule of thumb, Big Brothers doesn't match up adult men with teenage girls. Obviously that would set up a risky situation that could lead to sexual abuse."


The letter was signed by the following Republican House members: Tom Tancredo and Bob Schaffer (CO), Chris Smith (NJ), Joseph Pitts (PA), Ernest Istook and John Sullivan (OK), Brian Kerns and John Hostettler (IN), and Jim Ryun (KS).

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