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Orlando Gay Rights Amendment

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It's finally warming up here in Orlando.(thirty degree nights weren't what I expected lol) This afternoon is the city council's second reading on a gay rights proposal. Last time, there was a five & a half hour debate before it passed according to the local news. If it passes, only churches & privates clubs can discriminate(gotta luv 'em) Folks seem to be fired up about the matter. We'll see.





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Yep, it looks like Orlando is continuing its trend into the 21st century. Of course you can go 50 miles from O-town and go back to the 19th. Hopefully the people of Orlando have realized that intolerance is bad for business.


John, what no detailed report on the thrill rides at Disney/Universal? grin



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Oh sorry,


I have a season pass to Universal so I've pretty much covered everything there. I did go to Disney-MGM & ride Tower Of Terror & the Aerosmith coaster. My partner & I agreed that if it were maybe a KISS rollercoaster they probably could have made it more scary LOL but the first loop in the dark makes you swallow hard(just something about riding to "Dude, Looks Like A Lady" piped in kinda kills the thrill) & it has great speed. We loved the Tower of Terror! My BF is a big Twilight Zone fan. On the fourth time, we had an eight year old girl & her mother beside us. As we suddenly dropped, the little girl went way down in her seat & screamed bloody murder. She was throwing down some miniature Jamie Lee Curtis on us! LOL As we bounced several times, she nearly tore my partner's clothes off grabbing for dear life. Today, we may tackle Kracken at SeaWorld. We've been looking at it for the last few days out our window but winds here in the afternoon have been kinda cold to say the least.





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