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PNP?? What's your opinion on hiring PNP Escorts?

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An advance education and financial success does not guarantee kindness toward others, civility among men or a understanding about the human condition. Education and money cannot buy you sophistication and tolerance. It is, I believe to be an inherent part of our character. There are many that post here that lack both. The handful of members here who are attacked almost daily on a routine basis for there comments, are the ones that truly get it. They know the truth and can see through all the fancy phrases and quotes and lengthy words that are posted here. Because for all the so called education and money and 'position in life' that you believe permeates this forum, beneath it lies hate and fear and prejudice, right here in our own community. Being gay does not make you a better person automatically. That is something that must be earned. The fact that we have suffered, and continue to struggle does not mean that we do not project that hatred on to others. I see it everyday in the Black community. Where suffering and prejudice has been paramount, and yet when we fought in WEHO for gay rights on marriage, it was members of the Black community, pastors and community leaders who fought us the most. Hatred is hatred and stupidity is stupidity. And despite your optimisum, Phil the fact remains that we all aren't not going to get along let alone agree on anything, there a lot of stupid people in this world...and that is something that is not going to change.

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Disclaimer : My following comment has Nothing to do with the previous exchange between BigValley and Philmusc, but is merely in reply to BVB's last forum comment.


I find, generally the people that preach tolerance and acceptance the loudest REALLY mean tolerance and acceptance for THEIR viewpoint. As evidenced many times here alone, the comments that garner the most resistance and argument are the ones that sway from the populace opinion, yet these same posters are the ones that constantly preach "everyones voice should be heard and accepted" A contradiction to say the least. Hell will freeze over before you will ever get every human being to agree on anything. Alot of guys here are closeted or in denial of their sexuality, except for their hiring of escorts, and know absolutly nothing about the gay experience, yet they purport to be experts on the subject. I am NOT a follower, I am a leader. I speak my voice unafraid, but am always honest and truthful. If someone doesnt like the way I express my views, its their perrogative. Thats what makes us different. But at least I dont kiss anyones ass in an attempt to fit in or be accepted. Most people post what they think they SHOULD say to make others like and accept them, and not what they WANT to say. I will always OWN my comments. Others need to take responsibility and do the same. May not get you on too many christmas card lists, but who the fuck cares.....

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I guess, however, that when something strikes me as silly or mean-spirited (as happens here from time to time) I should just disengage, step back and move on.

I don't think it hurts to point out that something seems mean-spirited, but I don't think one necessarily has to put on one's mean-spirited hat and settle in for the long haul in order to do it.




For example, one might congratulate the mean-spirited poster on the depth of his bitterness or acknowledge the creativity and variety of his invective or merely the number of times he uses the phrase, "You Ladies", in a single post.


If one is in a hurry, a simple "HowRude!" may suffice.


And, often, even the merest glance will do the trick. http://www.maleescortreview.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif



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Soooo, you do or do not agree with me? If you agree, great...if not piss off. ( lol ) sorry jj just had to say that. And the people I was referring to in my comment about being attacked daily..well you were on of those people I had in mind...WEll that will no doubt earn me a few fans. Right!

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I don't think it hurts to point out that something seems mean-spirited, but I don't think one necessarily has to put on one's mean-spirited hat and settle in for the long haul in order to do it.


Similarly, it's possible to disagree with someone in a civil manner, without 'attacking', IMO.

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My point exactly - you don't have to agree with what I said or wrote, but you don't have to make me (or someone else ) feel like a douche bag or an asshole for holding a different opinion. Of course we will disagree on some things, but the style of disagreement says a lot about the poster. A little of live and let live (no matter how stupid it may seem!) might go a long way. Over the course of my life, I have learned that it is best to raise a point in terms that are not off-putting or make someone else defensive or shut down so that they don't really hear the validity of what you might be saying. I too work as a leader of sorts and I have learned the importance of measuring my words and not putting people off so that they don't listen. Maybe though the fun of the online experience is that that really doesn't matter here - better to think full speed ahead! Damn the torpedoes and let the chips fall where they may. Screw you, buddy, I don't give a flying f--k what you might think! But that really isn't me - I still think people are owed respect.

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Agreed, however your point assumes that the person you are addressing has the civility and intelligence and the open mindedness to at the very least listen to your point, quietly consider the good and bad points, then respond in a manner that brings dialog not confrontation. The difference in our positions, is that I do not believe that everyone automatically is owed respect, respect is something that is earned. There are those in this world and on this forum that do not want dialog or at least do not care whether or not there comments hurt, insult, or damage ones self confidence. When people like that post, and I realize that they are the kind of person who intentionally spew hatred just for the reason that they do not care what anyone else thinks, Then I respond in a manner that reflects that behavior. there are people in this world that will never become a civil part of society. You will never change there method of dealing with the world. Inherent hatred that runs to the core of someones sole cannot be altered. Phil I realize that you are a far more optimistic person than I am. I believe you assume, and I could be wrong, that there is good in everyone and that most people can be reasoned with. I have worked with the public my entire adult life, and have been cheated and lied to, and screwed out of vast sums of money by dozens of developers, people who I thought were my friends and yes even family members. They are just inherently horrible human beings, they will never change regardless of the dialog....as a species we are flawed....and that is the unfortunate truth. And to believe otherwise or at the very least recognize this imperfection and to believe that somehow, someway, you can reason with those kinds of people is I believe, a bit naive.

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The verbal abuse/attacks add no value to any discussion and seems to me to violate the terms of service (the relevant section is copied below). In these cases it should be reported and dealt with by moderators/administrators of the forum. While I am sure it is not always easy for them to determine if someone has crossed the line, they are the people who are charged with maintaining the standards and integrity of the forum.


A part of the goal for the forum, as stated in terms, is that "we recognize the inherent worth of all those who come here. We will always strive to treat each person with dignity and respect and without favoritism. In return, we ask only that members abide by these rules." If individuals posting do not share that noble pursuit and deviate (repeatedly and egregiously) from it in their posts, then it is the role of the moderators/administration to deal with it.





The primary rule that governs this forum is to conduct yourself in a way that respects the site and all of the people who come here. Within that context, you are free to express your opinions as you see fit, subject to the guidelines provided below.





1. Attacks against other people are not allowed. Personal attacks stifle discussion and create an atmosphere that discourages many people from joining us. We want all people to feel welcome here and welcome to state their opinions. Those who come here for advice or assistance should be treated with respect. You are free to criticize the opinions of other people at will. But please do not attack, insult or disparage others themselves; all are worthy of respect, even those with whom we disagree.

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1. Attacks against other people are not allowed. Personal attacks stifle discussion and create an atmosphere that discourages many people from joining us. We want all people to feel welcome here and welcome to state their opinions. Those who come here for advice or assistance should be treated with respect. You are free to criticize the opinions of other people at will. But please do not attack, insult or disparage others themselves; all are worthy of respect, even those with whom we disagree.


Well that OBVIOUSLY aint bein observed here ! :rolleyes:

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Similarly, it's possible to state one's opinion without constantly SCREAMING LOUDLY. Last time I checked the decibel wasn't an argument. ;)


Sit back, relax, we've got your point.[/color]


I use "caps" for emphasis. Its difficult for readers to get the correct spin on your comment without sometimes "emphasizing" certain words or phrases. And sometimes even then, they fail to get the point. Welcum to the Cyber world !

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I use "caps" for emphasis. Its difficult for readers to get the correct spin on your comment without sometimes "emphasizing" certain words or phrases. And sometimes even then, they fail to get the point. Welcum to the Cyber world !


You might consider changing from using "caps" (which is associated with shouting) to using "bold text" (which is associated more with emphasizing something).

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This comment should have been addressed to the poster who originally started the comments that were filled with prejudice and hate towards others. I am all for civility, But when someone shows disrespect toward other people it is difficult to sit back and just accept and allow such behavior. Perhaps next time you should point these infractions out to the moderator at the time they occur, instead of me, 18 hours later.

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This comment should have been addressed to the poster who originally started the comments that were filled with prejudice and hate towards others. I am all for civility, But when someone shows disrespect toward other people it is difficult to sit back and just accept and allow such behavior. Perhaps next time you should point these infractions out to the moderator at the time they occur, instead of me, 18 hours later.


The comment was not intended for anyone in particular but rather was meant to be a general reminder to everyone of the way for dealing with posters who violate terms of service, namely notifying the moderator, and of a fundamental concept in the terms of service about showing respect for others on the forum. As you brought up respect in your post, I felt it appropriate to reply to that post.


And what makes you think that I did not point out the infractions to the moderator at the time they occurred? In fact, I did report, in a timely manner, several posts on this thread (and another thread) that I felt were offensive and violated terms of service.

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sorry boys, but I like EVERYTHING big.....



Then you should move to Texas, San Antone might be a good start...



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  • 1 month later...

Personally I think what someone does in their own time is fine with me as long as its in moderation and not taken overboard during the session. Although I do drink I choose not to show up on someone else's dime inebriated. If the client ask if I would like a drink if I'm feeling in the mood i will partake, other times not. i have heard a lot of clients tell me though that a lot of escorts show up totally wacked out and i think that is pretty unprofessional. most times the client ends up paying them cause they feel bad and feel as if they are obligated to. IMO if the escort is not able to perform from the second he walks in then he should be shown the door with little to no money.

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  • 3 months later...

What does your bitchy attempt at outing Kevin for barebacking have to do with the subject of the thread? Nothing! Just shows what a bitchy queen you are.

Anyone who hires Kevin and has half a brain knows he has been in bareback porn, if I were to hire him that would be one of the reasons he's such a hot top in those bareback scenes and unless you have hired him who are you to say he does not discuss safe sex with his clients??

"ON PERSONAL & PRIVATE OCCASIONS OF HIS CHOOSING"! I thought the "Bitchy Queens" :mad: were all headed South for the Winter! Guess not!
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