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Gaiety Review - September 23

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Hello All,

This review should be up in "The Gaiety" section tomorrow. I am posting it here as well to keep in line with what NYO has been doing in posting it here to foster feedback.




Greetings! Welcome to This Week at the Gaiety. For my second time I will be your guest reviewer. I am your Valley Dweller to the North. Feel free to email me at ValleyDwellerNorth@Hotmail.Com . I would like to thank our New York Observer for asking me to do the review while he is away having fun this weekend. Ever since he gave himself the Best Underwear Award he is out of control and now on a countrywide Hanes Across America Tour. NYO, I do expect a signed pair please. Seriously, as always, we are all so appreciative of what you do week after week. Thank you for your great reviews and, most of all, your dedication.


I would like to thank all of you for the wonderful emails, feedback and suggestions you sent me from my last review. I promise this review won’t be longer than War and Peace. My last review should have been broken down into chapters. I was also asked to describe the “dicks” and “assess” in more detail. I will try. I have been watching a lot of the Antiques Road Show so I have more adjectives to use.


Now, I received one email where the sender thanked me for the review and told me he “got off” reading it. Oh my. I have nothing against anyone choking the chicken, romancing the bone, petting the one eyed snake until it vomits or spanking the monkey. However, if you really want to treat your “special friend” to a little slap and tickle try these male “eye candy” web sites. So my friends, put the splash guard on your keyboard and enjoy.





Before I begin the review I want to state that I plan to be the same kind, compassionate and caring individual I was in my last review. However, September 18 to 23 was, and still is, The Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week here in NYC. Though I am neither a fashion maven nor a template to emulate for evening attire I will identify those performers that offended and are ensemble-challenged in honor of Fashion Week. There is still time to catch some of the last events of Fashion Week. Click http://www.ny.com/nyc-cgi-bin/frame?url=http://www.7thonsixth.com/&frame=/frame/events.html to find out more about Fashion Week and the remaining events.


As always, these are my views. They reflect ME and no one else, including NYO. He likes bare feet and I love sexy, hot foot ware. I like Pina Coladas and he likes getting caught in the rain. Different takes on the same guys adds some spice and variety. I asked for input from readers in “The Lounge” so those tid-bits will be in quotes and indicated as such. Overall it was a fun show. The Saturday 6:15 was much more fun and vocal than the Friday 6:15 show. I guess people were tired from work. I know I was. My review this week reflects what I saw at the 6:15 on Friday and the 6:15 and the 9:15 on Saturday. I liked the mix this show had as we had representation from Canada, a little bit of Chicago and a WHOLE LOT OF SOUTH AMERICA. I was happy.


Now for the NYO Award Show!


Best Show (1st Song): Eric

Best Show (2nd Song): Giovanni

Fan Favorite: Tie - Ben and Giovanni

Most Improved: Victor (and you will see why)

Best Dancer: Giovanni

Boy Next Door: Ryan

Biggest Dick: Victor, then Ronnie, and then Marlone

Best Erection: Tony

Best Butt: Robert

Best Body: Tie: Giovanni and Robert

Best Smile: Ronnie

Best Eye Contact: tie - Marlone and Eric


And now for some VDN Awards!


Sexiest Footwear: Victor

Hottest Legs: Robert

Nicest Nipples: Ryan

Shoulders I’d Love To Sink My Hands Into: Giovanni

Most Friendly Guy In The Apollo Lounge: Marlone but it was hard to tell because they were all in and out this week at lighting speed.


And finally, I present to you, the “Worth Getting Kicked Out For” Award. This award goes to the performer who I would risk being kicked out of the Gaiety because I would LOVE to lunge myself at him while he is on the stage and man handle him until security subdued me. I have to say that there are always at least 3 to 4 performers where I must hang on to my seat. I proudly give this award to: Eric




1) Vito - Vito is always a pleasure to watch. He is a very light brown skinned Latino Boy who is always light on his feet. I can best describe his dancing as Lord of the Dance meets Telemundo. He is at least 6 feet tall if not more and he is very defined with having the most musculature in his chest. His cock is long with a nice proportioned sack. He is one of the few dancers that won’t tie his cock to retain shape. Friday night he wore black jeans, a burgundy button down shirt and some old Avia sneakers. He looked as if he was going to clean a garage. However, he made up for that by wearing one of his trademark Superman t-shirts on Saturday at the 9:15. The Superman emblem was in silver and the shirt was black. Delicious. He can fly by my house and rescue my pussy from a tree any time. Vito, with very short black hair brushed to the front, is always a crowd pleaser and a pleasure to chat with in the lounge.


2) Robert Balint (Falcon Video Exclusive) - Sometimes it is performer’s moves, dance style (dancing is so different from moving) or mannerisms that will make us watch a performer with great pleasure. I truly loved Robert’s mannerisms. Just under 6 feet tall this hairless (except for his pits), very muscular cutie really looks like he is having a good time on stage. Though his dancing is not really spectacular and his moves are not legendary his makes up for his mobility with unique eye contact with the audience. With every move and touch of his body he will look at the audience as if to make sure we are paying attention. We are! He has very short blond hair and cute smile. His is perfectly proportioned. However, his ass is perfection. His thighs are also parts of his body I would like around my head. Both of his songs seem perfect for him. Toya’s “Don’t Make Me” is a great fit for him. However, when he comes out naked and hard without a cock tie on and you hear Sting’s “Desert Rose” it is a wonderful sensory experience. He never stops moving and he is a constant flow of sensual motion touching every inch of his body. I must offer a clothing tip. If you are going to wear white mesh pants that are see through DO NOT wear black underwear. When I saw him I thought he had an accident.


3) Ronnie - On Friday night I had to restrain my friend “P” from leaving his seat and going ON the stage. Ronnie is totally handsome in a real manly way. His skin, a gorgeous chocolate brown, is flawless and his hair is tight and perfectly curly. However, when he smiles you have no choice but to submit. You have no choice to smile when he smiles at you. He blinding white teeth, pinchable cheeks and sexy brown eyes make you stare. He has to be 6 feet tall and his cock is huge and thick. He comes out for his first number in all leather and metal. He wears this chain-link jock and you can hear the metal strain as it tries to retain all of his manhood. His chaps are totally kick ass and his vest is cool.


4) Sebastian - Though there has been some discussion in “The Deli” and “In The Lounge” about what he may be saying about “us” in his native tongue I feel it may not be true. I have talked to Sebastian (well, I have tried but it seems his English has worsened since we talked last) and I don’t think he would say such things. A mutual friend who knows him better also feels he would not say these comments. However, this is just my opinion and I was not present when the alleged words were spoken. Sebastian always looks good with his hair spiked to the heavens and his West Coast beech goer style of dressing. His Atom shoes (which seem to be quite popular with many of his fellow countrymen) are unique and he accessorizes well with unique necklaces and belt buckles. His Chinese writing tattoos on his left rib cage (I believe the writing says “Valley Dweller North I love you”) are very sexy. He is in constant motion from the moment he is on stage and he loves to show off his bubble ass during his first song. I also loved how he took of his skintight light blue shirt, dropped his blue pants below his ass and then puts his “AIX” belt back on. I find a man wearing nothing but a belt very sexy. Then again I love watching “Two Fat Ladies” even though one has sadly died. When he comes out naked and hard with his big erect dick with no bungee cord on it you find yourself wanting more when he is done.


5) Jay - I am glad he changed out of his Pippy Longstocking outfit he had on last weekend. Never have I asked myself in such an abrupt way of anyone, “What the FUCK is he wearing?” It was nice to see him this weekend looking more pleasant in blue jeans and a white peasant shirt. A patron told me “He looks like he should be dancing in a Disney Parade”. We all have different tastes and Jay is not my cup of tea. However, he gives 100% on stage and does not stop moving. His whole routine is well planned and thought out. He has great eye contact and he wants to please the audience. He is tall and he has the build of professional tennis player. He is not at all muscular but not a slouch. His cock is average size and he rarely touches it during his 2nd song, as he is engrossed in his dancing. He has dirty blonde hair and a smooth body.


6) Eric - He is ONE FINE BROTHER! He may be a deeper shade of brown than Ronnie is. Though he is not that tall that really does not matter. He is totally ripped with juicy muscles all over his body. His ass is rock hard and plump, yet to scale with his body. His smile has a total boyish charm. His cock has a mind of his own. When he comes out for his second number his long cock, that is much darker than the rest of his body, seems to have a mind of its own and it is literally pointing directly to his left. I wanted to help it find direction. His is an impeccable dresser. He always wears the finest black pants and a snazzy top. He really knows how to move and he does a lot of robotic type moving that he pulls off quite well. Saturday night, at the 6:15, he tested the limits on how close he could get to people during his second number. He was practically lying down on people. A reliable source told me Eric will no longer be dancing. If so, that is sad. We wish him the best of luck in his new endeavors.


7) Tony - Tony is of average height with short dirty blonde hair that is either semi-spiked or brushed to the front. He always seems to be wearing pants and shirts that are one size to small for him. On me that would not work. On him it is totally sexy. His body is smooth, toned but not over done and his skin is without blemish. His mouth always seems to be open enough to let a fly in but his has a tongue piercing. From what I was told, it adds to the pleasure of spending some alone time with him. He is very mysterious on stage. I tried to figure out what it is he is communicating with his face while on stage. He doesn’t emit a lot of emotion. He seems to be aloof and, at the same time, ready to go into a controlled rage. I find that alluring. His cock can best be described at totally juicy with a perfect round sack to match. AND PATRONS - if you do not like someone it is rude for 9 PEOPLE TO LEAVE AT ONCE the moment the lights come on and you see who it is. At least wait for the break between the performer’s two songs. When I hear the performer’s name announced and if I don’t want to see the performance I get out of my seat and move quickly. If I am trapped like a deer in headlights and I can’t get out before the lights come on I employ something called POLITENESS and wait. I like how Tony collects his tips and leaves the stage in a very matter of fact way. He is cool. Saturday night he was wearing pants that looked as if they came from an Osmond’s closet. I believe it was Marie’s.


8) Giovanni - He is the PERFECT combination of intelligence, good looks and true dancing talent. You can see him in the first five minutes of Aerosmith’s video “Girls of Summer”. Giovanni is a true master at his craft of dancing. His uses all the current dance moves that are out there in a way that is both smooth and captivating. It seems, at times, he is moving on air and he makes it all look so effortless. That is the true hallmark of an excellent dancer. I liked his short, black hair much better this time around than they way it was when he performed at the Gaiety his last time. It seemed more controlled and neat with less hair product in it making it look more natural and sensual. Though he is not overtly tall he is a body perfect. His legs and arms and muscular without over doing it. His ass is big and solid, much like his cock. His chest is something you want to sleep on for a long time. His lips are totally smoochable. His facial features looked as if the Mediterranean gods crafted them. He had the right amount of facial hair, as it was sexy without being overdone. The audience always loves him, as well they should, as he is always the best dancer when he is there. I loved the foot tease he does with patrons close to the stage. With his foot he will tap them on their shoulder and then he will outline their torso with his foot. He used to stand on ALL the seats until he was scolded by security. I think Sister Denise thinks she is running a church and we should all be in our seats nice and still and the performers should remain on the stage. Well, LIGHTEN UP SISTER and let Giovanni loose! He looked REALLY hot in his brown jeans and his white shirt.


9) Ben - Even though Ben had a fever Friday night and he danced without a theme he still gave it his all. He came back with a healthy vengeance Saturday dressed as a sailor and eventually revealing a red, velvet thong (he said someone stole his purple body thong!). Friday he looked like an extra from “Chips”. Am I dating myself again? He had on sunglasses that were almost bigger than his head and his hair was very Greg Brady. He wore a black tank top, blue jeans and he was sporting a five o’clock shadow. Though all of these separately may sound horrid it all looked GREAT on him together. Having an average muscular body and an ass that can’t stop shaking Ben always gets the crowd involved and smiling. He loves to entertain. I was one seat away from the stage and Ben walked across the empty seat separating us just to ask me a question. I also saw him do two floorshows this weekend. He likes to get off the stage from time to time now. At the end of the 9:15 show on Saturday during the finale he and Giovanni seemed to be having an ass shaking competition. I know who won in my book but I am not sharing that since I truly love them both.


10) Victor - Victor is about 6 feet tall. His head is completely shaven. His skin is a combination between light brown and olive. He is very muscular, especially in his arms. His most noticeable feature, especially when erect, is his huge cock. It has to be at least 12 inches. It is also very thick and veiny. His cock is the size of a small child’s arm. Victor came out for the 6:15 Friday show in black chaps, a black vest, a band with spikes on one arm and he was wearing a red cock sock / g-string combo. Oh, he was also carrying an AX. The music that was playing was a song from Rammstein, ( http://www.rammstein.com/ ). Rammstein is a German based speed metal type band. When Victor was yielding his ax and the in-German lyrics were blaring many people felt quite uncomfortable and scared. My friend sitting one row in front of me backed up so much he was practically in my seat. I thought for sure the ax was fake. However, when the ax made contact with the stage twice I saw a little piece of stage pop up and I saw the stage get scratched by the ax. The ax was REAL. When Victor’s first act was done and the lights went down all of the patrons reacted in many different ways. Some laughed. Some ran. Some needed refreshments. Some needed hugs. I ran right to the DJ booth to confirm it actually was Rammstein. He came out for song two with a smile, a huge hard on and a much better demeanor as he had a scowl on for his whole first number. He was planning not to do the ax routine again because he sensed the reaction from the audience. However, a patron told Denise that Victor was being “satanic”. OH PLEASE. Axes and Satan do not go together. If anything, his act was somewhat militant and a bit on the S & M side. It wasn’t necessarily my cup of tea but he tried something different and I give him credit for that. Now, he REALLY made up for it by going TOTALLY audience interaction crazy the rest of the weekend. He stood on tops of chairs and on armrests. He would go in 2 or 3 seats in some rows. He was taking off the glasses of some patrons with his dick! The audience loved it. He was also charming them with his smile. At one point there was an elderly patron (he had to be at least 213) who just simply motioned Victor to step over him and dangle his huge cock for someone else as this patron knew he would not be able to handle the experience. The whole place was in an uproar. He also ripped a piece of tinsel off the curtain (Victor basically tried to destroy the stage this weekend) and dangled it on his tree, I mean cock, and then gave it to one patron. On a music note, Rammstein was replaced with Sono’s “2,000 Guns”. A better choice than 2,000 axes.

** Victor, knowing that I was doing the review this week, wanted me to convey a sincere message to everyone. He apologizes if his ax act offended anyone. He stated his intent was not to offend or scare anyone. He did not want to make anyone feel uncomfortable and he is sorry.** Victor, thank you for that and you get an “A” for effort for trying to do something different. Victor also stated his brother dances with a hammer. My, what an industrial family. And I LOVED his Caterpillar work boots! KICK ASS!


11) Ryan - Watching him is a guilty pleasure. It is my pleasure to be reviewing him again. He is average height, VERY white (pale to be more specific), short blonde hair cut in a military style (buzz cut) and his cock is very meaty and thick but I do believe I have never seen him erect. His ass has no firmness what so ever. Every step and movement he makes can be seen in ripples in his ass. It is truly a fluffy, fun ass. However, his sex appeal is truly high (at least for me). As he is moving to the music (he is a mover and not a dancer) he is continually pouting and rarely looking at anyone. He seems to be on another world or deep in thought. He looks as if he is in the privacy of his home moving to music and he knows no one is watching. He is in complete rapture and peace. I feel as if we should not be watching as if we are intruding. It is somewhat voyeuristic. I do not know if he does this on purpose but he is one performer I have not, and will refuse to, talk to him. I like a mystery and I like the fact he is making me think and stare at him at the same time. I may be talking to him soon anyway as I hear he may be actually doing more DJ work at the Gaiety. Maybe I will just slip him notes to ask about music and he can write back and slip the note through the bank teller type window. He always wears basic blue jeans and some none descript top. I do believe he is the only performer that dresses in layers as he always has some type of undershirt on.


12) Leo - Leo is a small framed, dark brown skinned Latino that is fun to watch. He is well built in his chest and the rest of his body is of average size. His ass is small and grabable and his cock is also a nice, average size. He looks like the typical, handsome pool boy on those movies that, well, have handsome pool boys. I felt sorry for him this week as the shows were running quite long and it seemed his set was the one that always got cut short. He does have a cute smile, which he uses a lot when he makes a lot of individual eye contact with patrons. Someday I want to ask him about the scars on his right leg. I LOVE scars and the stories that go with them. There are 2 round scars on his lover right leg, right side and there are 2 identical scars on his lower right left, left side but an inch higher. It looks as if he was impaled with something that went right through his leg at an angle. I hope the next time he gets to perform his sets won’t be cut short.


13) Marlone - Marlone is Harry Potter meets Fire Island. For his first number we wore silver pants, (that I believe had battery power) a Wonder Woman type belt buckle and a red t-shirt sporting the word “DICK” (Detroit Industrial Clothing Kartel). He then comes to the stage via the lounge dressed in a sparkly flowing cape making him look like a wizard, a magician or a Liberace stage extra (you pick). He was also carrying a book (I could not see the title) with pictures of nude men on it. He used the book to simulate he was getting hard and then the cape comes off. He brown skin is delectable. His cock, with several piercings, is big and he likes to do a self-suck from time to time. He is always a showman and fun to watch. He and Ben, during the finale, always slap each other’s asses, run after one another, etc. The last time I did that with a friend I was asked to leave the family barbecue. The song “Un World Mysteriouse” from the artist Dimitri From Paris was a perfect fit for Marlone’s second number.







DICK (Detroit Industrial Clothing Kartel) http://www.dickclothing.com/

Marco seemed to have started this rage and now Marlone and Ben have followed suite. Ben had on underwear that said “Dick Nob” and Marlone was sporting a red tank top that said “DICK”. I guess it is fashion. I guess it looks good. What the hell do I know. I use to wear “Underroos”! Does anyone remember those? http://www.yesterdayland.com/popopedia/memories/show_mem.php?ID=FA1438&page=2



The shoes and sneakers really SUCKED this week. I think that sums it up for me in that category.



I can’t stop raving about RED ( http://www.eastsideboys.com - located on 305 East 53rd Street between 1st and 2nd Avenues). You can see the mini review I did by checking in the archive of the “lounge” here on male4male (look for subject line “"My time at REDs, Stella's & Gaiety - 9/7 - NYC"). What is good about this place is that they take the money from customers and PUT SOME OF IT BACK INTO THE BUSINESS. Denise needs to learn this lesson. The Gaiety death-by-sodium snack bar needs to go and a new punch needs to be made. The Gaiety bathroom also needs some work. I know these things do not concern her, as there is no danger of the Gaiety closing due to lack of business. However, when you go to RED you get a smile from the admissions man, the bar tender, the manager on duty, the happy bar waiter - EVERYONE! The bathrooms are clean. The lap dance lounge is clean. The ambiance is really nice. The pool lounge is fun. I guess I wouldn’t sound so picky if I only went to the Gaiety once a month or so. Now that I find myself at the Gaiety 2 to 3 times every weekend I am ready to call The Learning Channel’s Trading Places (click http://tlc.discovery.com/fansites/tradingspaces/tradingspaces.html to find out more about this fun show) and have a Gaiety makeover. Not too long ago some seats and carpeting were redone. Why not go all the way and really spruce the place up. Anyway, you can get a lap dance at RED from almost any type of guy you like as they certainly do have a mixture. Last weekend I found heaven and his name is Antonio. I will be returning to heaven next weekend. RED is a fun way to end an evening at the Gaiety if you only want to spend $5.00 to get in and $20.00 for some fun and quick slap and tickle in the semi-private room.



Stella’s Bar is an adventure. On any given Friday there seems to be more hustlers than customers in the place. The basement show is fun. Though the dancers do not go totally nude it is a very entertaining show. There is a lot of creativity, cool dance moves, nice interaction with the MC and customers are allowed to come up and tip and touch. Since I am not rude (another nice way to say horny happy pig) I basically allowed every go-go boy to rub up against me. Some do a little rub rub and some show it all (discreetly of course). The basement show is true New York with a lot of fun, gritty attitude. If you like it raw, real and a tad warm the basement show is a cool way to finish a Gaiety evening. The show starts somewhere between Midnight and 2:00AM. It was also nice to see some Gaiety boys milling about as well. If you want a quick drink and want to be entertained by the show that is Stella’s itself then this is a unique place to end your Gaiety evening.



September 23 brings the start of autumn. This summer was great for me and there was a lot of great music. Here are my ten top picks of songs I heard at the Gaiety this summer. If you want a cool file-sharing program go to http://www.winmx.com . I have used all the others and this is my favorite. Their new version is nice and easy.


10) Tina Cousins - Pray

9) Tina Ann - In My Dreams (Don Bishop Mix)

8) Sheryl Crow - Soak Up The Sun (Victor Calderone And Mac Quayle Club Mix)

7) Sono - 2,000 Guns (there are tons of remixes of this song)

6) Slacker - Looky Thing (a1 Eye Eye)

5) India Arie - Brown Skin

4) Delerium - Wisdom

3) Psychedlic Waltons with Roisin Murphy - Wonderland (S-Man Dark Tribe Mix)

2) Paul Oakenfold - Southern Sun (DJ Tiesto Remix)


and the number one song is (and it is a TIE)


1) Celine Dion - A New Day Has Come (Mike Rizzo Club Mix) and Sarah Brightman - You Take My Breath Away



1) “A” - It was very nice to meet you! I am glad you liked your first visit to the Gaiety. It isn’t every day I get to meet a VERY handsome plastic surgeon from England. I am glad we have a date for the 6:15 Friday show next weekend.


2) “P” - Thank you for those Vicki Mints! I never knew Victoria Secret sold chocolate mints in the shape of lips! FABULOUS! And thank you for your support when my Italian lover paged me and I had to call him back and tell him I was cheating on him by going the Gaiety. I needed help getting up off of the floor near the payphone so I am glad you were there. Denise’s cat almost attacked me. That is one mean pussy! Mr. Italian did forgave me and we will make up for it during my birthday blow out next weekend. A hot Englishman and a hot Italian in one weekend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!


3) “T” - You are one sexy boy coming up from North Carolina to tease us Yankees! Though this was your first time to the Gaiety you did give the patrons something to look at between acts. I will take your advice and try Swinging Richard’s (

http://www.gayguides.com/atlanta/strip.html ) if I am ever down in Atlanta.


4) Cooper - You make “The Lounge” here on male4malescorts fun and worthwhile. As always, thanks for your support, kindness and “mystery”. Who the hell are you? I think I was hot on your trail Saturday. Was that you stalking me near the pretzels?


5) “H” - Thank you SO MUCH for the laughs, especially the heart attack false alarm. Your face was both cute and PRICELESS when you said, “Maybe Denise is Cooper!?” I am still laughing at the one. You are so pleasant and warm. Thank you for keeping me company and not telling me I looked like a geek with my micro tape recorder.


6) Female “G” and Crew - EVERYONE loved your laser light nipples, bubble guns, funny glasses and HOMEMADE BANNERS during the Saturday 9:15 show. So many of the dancers liked the excitement you brought to the show and the bubbles made the stage cleaner than it ever was. THANK YOU female “G” for being a true, new friend.


7) Male “G” - Without you I would have no one to blame my gas on. When are we going to the Monster again?


8) Kyle the Apollo Lounge Manager - I LOVED your homemade oils. They made me smell much better.


9) Security Man - You should have KICKED THE ASS of that very rude man at the 9:15.


10) NYO - How you do this week after week is beyond me. We all thank you.


Well, email with your questions, comments or random thoughts. I thank you all for your support both via email and via the Apollo lounge. I am not sure who will be new next week. I wanted to ask Denise but she turned “up” her glass booth. I know October will be fun as Dave will be here October 14 and Rene will be here the week after that (see my August 19 review for both of them: http://www.male4malescorts.com/gaiety/gaiety08-19-02.html ). Mark Dalton will also be in NYC the whole month of October.


Have a great week! Paix et Bonheur!


Valley Dweller North


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TO: S I R - V D N,




This week's Gaiety Review is EXCELLENT.


As good as your last review was, it is obvious that you've grown from that experience. This week's review shows a comfortable ("up close and personal") look at each dancer. Your writing style indicates much more freedom in expressing your views and opinions. I liked your take charge attitude, it came across splendidly. Well done buddy! You've shown us who you really are...


I only attended Fri. nights early show, so that wasn't me "stalking" you at the punch bowl. :p I guess you have another "fan"...

Can't believe you still don't know who I am. I say "hello" every time I see you. Since I hate games, lol, I'll keep you guessing, and please stop calling out "COOPER" in the "Apollo Lounge", it's really embarrassing to me. lol.


You handled the review on "Victor the ax man" perfectly. There was one comment I thought you had heard but I guess you missed it. When Victor completed his "ax" number, a patron shouted out "HE MUST BE A BOTTOM!!!"...Regarding some "input" on Tony from Florida, he told me he had to go out and buy some socks, reason being, patrons were buying them right off his feet! I guess this is one way of getting around paying $200 for a private. :+





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Dearest VDN:




You've demonstrated once again your kindness, professionalism and GREAT sense of humor in doing the reviews. I'm still laughing at your many funny comments. Thanks!


It was a great weekend and I'm already looking forward for the next one. It will be fun. :9


To NYO: Thank you so very much for having chosen such a great guy to fill in during your short absence. We're also glad you're back in business. :D


Once again congratulations VDN


Enjoy your week,




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>TO: S I R - V D N,




>This week's Gaiety Review is EXCELLENT.


I am humbled and touched. Thank you. It means a lot to know people appreciate it. I am glad you liked it so much. Your feedback and support both helps and guides me.


>I only attended Fri. nights early show, so that wasn't me

>"stalking" you at the punch bowl. :p I guess you have

>another "fan"...


Well, I was hit in the head with something Saturday night. It was crowded in the lounge so I do not know if it was a performer, Denise or a new "fan". LOL. It have been just my parole officer.


>Can't believe you still don't know who I am. I say "hello"

>every time I see you. Since I hate games, lol, I'll keep you

>guessing, and please stop calling out "COOPER" in the

>"Apollo Lounge", it's really embarrassing to me. lol.


ROFLMAO - I feel like such an ASS. I say hello to you everytime I see you? I hope I am nice to you. Do I touch you in a bad place? Do I have my raw sexuality in check when we converse? This is like "Where is Waldo". I am going to make a t-shirt that says "COOPER!"


>You handled the review on "Victor the ax man" perfectly.

>There was one comment I thought you had heard but I guess

>you missed it. When Victor completed his "ax" number, a

>patron shouted out "HE MUST BE A BOTTOM!!!"...Regarding some


OH MY - I missed that one. I was too busy trying to confirm the music he was using and giving therapy to the patron in front of me as he was in shock.


>"input" on Tony from Florida, he told me he had to go out

>and buy some socks, reason being, patrons were buying them

>right off his feet! I guess this is one way of getting

>around paying $200 for a private. :+


WOW! I have heard so much about him from so many people this weekend. He truly DOES IT ALL.


PEACE and, as always, THANKS!




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Greetings Luso,


>Dearest VDN:




>You've demonstrated once again your kindness,

>professionalism and GREAT sense of humor in doing the

>reviews. I'm still laughing at your many funny comments.



I really appreciate your kind words. Thank you. I am STILL laughing at your two gems Saturday night. Your delivery with both comments had great timing and wonderful facial expressions. Thanks for the laughs.


>It was a great weekend and I'm already looking forward for

>the next one. It will be fun. :9


RED - HERE WE COME! You will get a belated lap dance.


>To NYO: Thank you so very much for having chosen such a

>great guy to fill in during your short absence. We're also

>glad you're back in business. :D


DITTO! I am truly amazed on how he does it without note taking, etc. Thank goodness for my micro cassette recorder. NYO - WELCOME BACK.


Have a wonderful week and see you Friday!





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Hello R1


>Bravo! Very entertaining review.

>Only one sugestion: Why don't you include a pic or a link of

>each dancer, in order to know how does he look and who is

>each one?


Thank you for reading and the feedback. I thought of that as I do have some of their pics, etc. I ran it by some people and we all agreed it would not be the best thing. Though some of these performers are on other web sites or they have their own sites they like to keep what they do at the Gaiety "seperated". However, there are some performers who want their pics up. If I do a review again I will ask if any of them would like their pic up. I will take the pic and put it right in the review.


NYO - has this come up in the past? If so, what is your take on this?



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Great job VDN. You can fill in for me ANYTIME (maybe on a regular basis). Sounds like I missed a lot of interesting acts.


Rumors I have heard for the upcoming week:










Thanks for filling in for me so ably. Wow, you can get dates out of this? HMMM, maybe there IS hope? :)

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>Great job VDN. You can fill in for me ANYTIME (maybe on a

>regular basis). Sounds like I missed a lot of interesting



Thank you for the compliment and the trust you have put in me to fill in for you while you were away.


>Rumors I have heard for the upcoming week:




Simon - when was he here last and would I remember?




Chris - big Chris - shaved head?








Zack - is he the one from South Africa ( http://www.trophystud.com/ )




The one who was here a last week?


>Thanks for filling in for me so ably. Wow, you can get

>dates out of this? HMMM, maybe there IS hope? :)


Well, there is hope if you don't mind being shameless and loud. Obviously I am minding it less and less. It also helped that there was a pregnant woman and a professional female boxer next to me holding bubble guns and lights on their nipples.


Seriosuly, welcome back!






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Gaiety Marlone is Today's Coverboy


FYI - Today's Coverboy is Gaiety's Marlone


>13) Marlone - Marlone is Harry Potter meets Fire Island.

>For his first number we wore silver pants, (that I believe

>had battery power) a Wonder Woman type belt buckle and a red

>t-shirt sporting the word “DICK” (Detroit Industrial

>Clothing Kartel). He then comes to the stage via the lounge

>dressed in a sparkly flowing cape making him look like a

>wizard, a magician or a Liberace stage extra (you pick). He

>was also carrying a book (I could not see the title) with

>pictures of nude men on it. He used the book to simulate he

>was getting hard and then the cape comes off. He brown skin

>is delectable. His cock, with several piercings, is big and

>he likes to do a self-suck from time to time. He is always

>a showman and fun to watch. He and Ben, during the finale,

>always slap each other’s asses, run after one another, etc.

>The last time I did that with a friend I was asked to leave

>the family barbecue. The song “Un World Mysteriouse” from

>the artist Dimitri From Paris was a perfect fit for

>Marlone’s second number.

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Simon, yes, he's been there before. Big muscular "blond" from Argentina. Was announced as Mr Argentina. Reportedly VERY nice time.


Chris, no, not the one you describe. The boyish looking one, very seductive.


Ricky, cute boy, probably last appeared with Chris. They both work in Florida.


Zack, yes, the one you describe.


Ray, yes, also the one you describe.

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Hey V D N ,

In addition to your thorough review of each dancer, you also included a Top 10 Count Down of the Gaiety's Greatest Hits! You are certainly a versatile man!


If "Ryan" is the new DJ at the Gaiety, he was taking a lot of heat from the dancers. I gather that some dancers request certain songs for their stage show, while others take what he gives them. This caused quite a problem as dancers were complaining that their first song was too slow and their second song was too fast.


"Simon" danced to a song that sounded something like "Jamie Got a Gun". He had his pelvic thrusts coordinated with each bang! However, for the later show, he had another song which lacked the same "bang/thrust". Just shows how important music is for a dancer's routine.


Thanks again V D N, not only for the outstanding review, but for pointing out the important role music plays at the Gaiety...Now if we could only get them to turn it down a bit!


.................... "COOPER" .............

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Hello Cooper!


>Hey V D N ,

>In addition to your thorough review of each dancer, you also

>included a Top 10 Count Down of the Gaiety's Greatest Hits!

>You are certainly a versatile man!


Music is not only my passion but a missed profession. I do DJ for parties, events, etc. for friends and work. It is something I always wanted to do more of. my family is very musical.



>If "Ryan" is the new DJ at the Gaiety, he was taking a lot

>of heat from the dancers. I gather that some dancers request

>certain songs for their stage show, while others take what

>he gives them. This caused quite a problem as dancers were

>complaining that their first song was too slow and their

>second song was too fast.


I am not sure of how much DJing he has done or how much he will do. I do know he did some already as the main DJ may not be there as much in the near future. I know that many songs are picked for them and it seems some performers, like Dalton, etc. get to say what they want. I guess it depends on their D. Q. (Diva Quotent).


>"Simon" danced to a song that sounded something like "Jamie

>Got a Gun". He had his pelvic thrusts coordinated with each

>bang! However, for the later show, he had another song which

>lacked the same "bang/thrust". Just shows how important

>music is for a dancer's routine.


Without a doubt! And there are songs that will make me think of a certain performer every time I hear it.


>Thanks again V D N, not only for the outstanding review, but

>for pointing out the important role music plays at the

>Gaiety...Now if we could only get them to turn it down a



Music is very powerful and moving. For some people it is simply background. For me, it is a passion and a true love. I play several instruments and I use to compose when I had the time. I would lofe to DJ at the Gaiety as I feel I could find music that would reflect each performer's personalities, etc. I know there are certain music types Denise won't allow to be played.


At times it can be loud. I know at the earlier shows they have to turn it down because the theatre below the Gaiety complains. I do know the bass can be turned up a bit as I like to feel my music in addition to hearing it. Loudness with too much treble is not nice.






PS - I am getting my "Where is Cooper" shirt made for Friday


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Hello V D N,


Today is Sept. 25th, the eve of your special day. Hope your week is starting to look up.


You are truly one gifted and talented guy. Where do you find the time for all your passions? Thanks for sharing your knowledge on music, you would make the perfect Gaiety DJ.


So what's this about a shirt with "COOPER" on it? I can't wait to see it, what color did you choose? Don't forget to bring extras along for Denise, Doris, DJ, the dancers, the staff, and all the patrons!!! :+


I'll see you Friday night but will be leaving early with "Johnny". (Don't want to keep him up too late!).


............... *COOPER*.................

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Greetings Cooper!!!


>Hello V D N,


>Today is Sept. 25th, the eve of your special day. Hope your

>week is starting to look up.


YOU REMEMBERED! Then again I dropped hints like anvils. The week is getting better, thank you, as I am now in smart ass mode and people are either loving me or hating me at the work place. It makes the week go faster. How is your week?


>You are truly one gifted and talented guy. Where do you find

>the time for all your passions? Thanks for sharing your

>knowledge on music, you would make the perfect Gaiety DJ.


Thank you for the compliment!!! I don't find the time. I wish I had more for music. I am in the process of getting more serious about DJ work and I hope it all pans out.


>So what's this about a shirt with "COOPER" on it? I can't

>wait to see it, what color did you choose? Don't forget to

>bring extras along for Denise, Doris, DJ, the dancers, the

>staff, and all the patrons!!! :+


Well, I have to wear something to find you even though you say you know who I am. I have no idea who you are. I really thought I was on the trail Saturday night with the man that was FOLLOWING ME all through the Gaiety. However, you said you were only there Friday. will I feel like a fool when, and if, I ever meet you as you say we do say hello to one another all the time?


>I'll see you Friday night but will be leaving early with

>"Johnny". (Don't want to keep him up too late!).


LOL - TIRE HIM OUT!!!!! I hope you have a good time. I am kind of excited to see Zack in person (without his face blurred like it is on his web site).



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A question for N Y O, V D N, & L U S O,


I'd like to hear your opinions on dancers who mimic the words to their songs while on stage. :p Do you think it has any impact on their overall look?....I saw one dancer this week doing it and I found it distracting. Don't know why it bothered me, but it did. I even went as far as giving him a generous tip and asked him to stop it!

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H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y B U D D Y!





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Hope it's a good one. Enjoy.


Zack was not in the lineup last night, not sure where he went. New boy, couldn't hear the DJ mumble his name (of course I was expecting Giovanni to be first and out comes a new guy).


Project overcoat was still in effect. EWWWW.

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>Zack was not in the lineup last night, not sure where he



OK, V D N,

Don't despair, Zack is still in NYC. Check out his info under "Escort Travels". He'll be in NYC till the end of the month and he must be staying near the Gaiety. Believe me, you will like this guy. :9 Make him your b-day gift!.... Will the bad weather in NYC prevent you from going to the Gaiety on Friday?.... Again, ENJOY THE DAY!

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I am touched (in a private place) by your birthday wish. THANK YOU!


I wish the Gaiety did something like Denny's where on your birthday you get to eat free (now there is a loaded comment).




v d n





>H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y B U D D Y!








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>Hope it's a good one. Enjoy.


Thank you SO MUCH for the thoughtfulness. It has been a good one and it has made up for the nasty Mon, Tues, and Wed I had.


>Zack was not in the lineup last night, not sure where he

>went. New boy, couldn't hear the DJ mumble his name (of

>course I was expecting Giovanni to be first and out comes a

>new guy).


WILL I EVER GET TO SEE THIS ZACK!?!?!?!?! The last time he was there I was not and now that I was going to be there he is not. I guess I will have to look at his blurred out face on his web site.


>Project overcoat was still in effect. EWWWW.


That sounds nasty.





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Well, there is one performer from who I won't mention by name (Kevin) who looks like he is chewing a PORK CHOP while he is trying to sing songs he does not know. I do a good impression of it and if you want to see it ask me.


>A question for N Y O, V D N, & L U S O,


>I'd like to hear your opinions on dancers who mimic the

>words to their songs while on stage. :p Do you think it has

>any impact on their overall look?....I saw one dancer this

>week doing it and I found it distracting. Don't know why it

>bothered me, but it did. I even went as far as giving him a

>generous tip and asked him to stop it!

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Thank you for your kind, French words! VERY nice of you! I will see you this weekend.






>Hi Mon Cher Ami, VDN!!


>I just want to say "BONNE FETE!" I wish you the happiest

>Birthday ever.You are a VERY special person!Thank you for

>the shout out in your review and for the touching words.


> Ton Amie pour toujours,

> Female "G"

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>OK, V D N,

>Don't despair, Zack is still in NYC. Check out his info

>under "Escort Travels". He'll be in NYC till the end of the

>month and he must be staying near the Gaiety. Believe me,

>you will like this guy. :9 Make him your b-day gift!....


I will take your advice for sure. THANK YOU!


>Will the bad weather in NYC prevent you from going to the

>Gaiety on Friday?.... Again, ENJOY THE DAY!


I blow harder than any tropical storm!!! I shall be there Friday night ready to buy some birthday gifts!






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