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Ass licking

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Guest TruthTeller

Pickwick desperately wants to lick assholes, but he's ashamed of his desires, fears them, and thinks they're bad and wrong. As a result of his fears, he has come to hate asslicking (because of the irresistable lure it has for him) and thus sees it as filthy, dangerous and wrong (while needing and craving it). (NOTE: This is similar to how he needs and craves escorts, hates himself for it, and thus sees escorts are filthy and depraved).


For this reason, he runs around trying to scare others away from it by insisting to the world that asslicking can give you Hepatitis C - a frequently fatal disease for which there is no effective treatment. To do so, he cites Dr. Howard Worman, whom he calls a "top liver man," and claims that a study published by Dr. Worman in the NEJM proves that you get HCV from asslicking.




"Sexual intercourse and anal sex with an infected partner are known to be important risk factors for transmission of HBV. Unlike hepatitis B, HCV does not appear to be readily transmitted by sex, either in heterosexuals or homosexuals.


Now you know the Truth (that's my function). SO GO LICK ALL THE ASSHOLES YOU WANT WITHOUT FEAR OF HCV, and leave Pickwick in his corner, cowering in fear of his own sexuality from threats that don't exist.

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No, your self-identified function is to continually make personal attacks on other people on this site. That's why you call yourself Truth Teller. And we all love you for it.

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Guest spendlove

I am not sure why the idiot who started this thread wants to go to such lengths to encourage people to lick the assholes of others, but it obviously isn't because of someone else's desire to do it but because of what goes on in his own head. He and some other people spent days yelling about where various sources are and whether they said various things. I found all the sources they talked about in thirty seconds by doing a simple Net search. There is a paper written by a leading doctor on a study that shows transmission by anal contact although not by actual rimming just as Pick claimed. The doctor's website says nothing about rimming and there is no indication that he ruled that out or in as a means of getting this virus. The CDC website page on hcv says that the risk of getting this virus through sexual activity is low, it does not say zero. Another study done of patients in Italy says the chances of transmitting the virus through sexual activity could be more than 30% although the type of sexual activity is not specified in the source I found. Considering that people who get hcv often end up having to take interferon indefinitely or even get a liver transplant, any risk should be taken seriously but some people are so stupid they will do anything for a brief thrill. I say let them.

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> The doctor's website says nothing about rimming and there

>is no indication that he ruled that out or in as a means of

>getting this virus. The CDC website page on hcv says that

>the risk of getting this virus through sexual activity is

>low, it does not say zero.

>Another study done of patients

>in Italy says the chances of transmitting the virus through

>sexual activity could be more than 30% although the type of

>sexual activity is not specified in the source I found.


So here we go again!


Okay, would you please define sexual activity for all of us? To begin, perhaps you can tell us whether your definition of sexual activity would entail kissing? Why or why not? And if it is, are you telling people to stop kissing so that they wouldn't get HCV?


Also, please provide the specific source of the Italian study you and Pickwick quoted. It's so convenient to quote this source without any "specific" and "useful" information. If you're so concerned about HCV transmission thru' sexual activity, then perhaps you'd STOP having sex altogether and recommend others to do the same!



>Considering that people who get hcv often end up having to

>take interferon indefinitely or even get a liver transplant,

>any risk should be taken seriously but some people are so

>stupid they will do anything for a brief thrill. I say let



Considering that people who sit in their home can end up dying when a car or plane crash into their home (the risk is never zero, right), ANY risk should be taken seriously but some people are so stupid they will do anything to stay at home. I say let them.




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Guest DCescortBOY

if you walk out on the street, there's always the POSSIBILITY that you might get hit by a bus!

FOR THE LOVE OF G_D!!!!!!!!!!!! everyone stay inside your homes for the rest of your lives!

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Guest regulation

I think I can save the usual participants some time and effort by posting their typical responses for them so that they won't have to do it themselves. Please don't bother to thank me. :-)


TruthTeller: I was calling the doctors connected with this study on anal transmission imbeciles just a couple of days ago, but now that I have figured out a way to spin their study so it supports my position I am urging everyone to make sexual decisions based on their advice. And anyone who doesn't agree with me (and some of those who do) is obviously a sexually repressed moron. And part of a conspiracy.


JT: Would you please kindly have the goodness to answer a few detailed questions for me so that I can ignore the answers and then reproach you for living in a world of deceit, while I on the other hand am totally honest with everyone in my life about the fact that I hire a lot of male whores. And stop blaming Canada!!


Tampa Yankee: I have to deplore the negativity and lack of civility on this board and I think Pickwick is one hell of a guy, but on the other hand I want to thank and encourage everyone who has been trashing him because I live vicariously through what you do. :-)


Donnie: Pickwick, Rod and several others are nothing but a bunch of smarmy, dirty cunts. And if any of them answers this post, that just goes to prove what self-hating, smarmy, cuntish faggots they really are!


Matt/Vancouver: Rimming is great if you enjoy it but what do I know because I'm just a slutty whore. :-)


Pickwick: <sigh> What I ACTUALLY said was . . . .


Regulation: I have spent so much time reading the junk posted by the rest of you bozos that I had to rush dressing for dinner last night and put my cummerbund on inside-out. Hopefully no one noticed. :-)

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Guest TruthTeller

>I think I can save the usual participants some time and

>effort by posting their typical responses for them so that

>they won't have to do it themselves.




Suntan: What are the risks of rimming?

Rick Munroe: Hep A & B, so get vaccinated!

Pickwick: You forgot about Hep C. No vaccination exists for it!

TT: You're spreading misinformation; C isn't spread by rimming.

Reg: WRONG - Look at the Worman study in the NEJM.

JT/TT: Worman doesn't have a study in the NEJM, and the study you mentioned has nothing to do with rimming.


Reg/Pick: We weren't talking about rimming. How dare you suggest that we implied that you can get Hep C from rimming. Stop twisting our words around. Go eat shit and get liver diseases and die while we laugh. And it's awful the way people get nasty around here, but what do you expect from a site filled with whores and whoremongers?


Reg/Pick/Spendlove/new screen names (in rating section): WE LOVE OURSELVES; WE'RE GREAT, SMART AND INVALUABLE.

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Brief summary of the "Rimming Thread"


Message # 15 by TT --- HCV cannot be transmitted by the anal-oral route.


Message # 19 by Reg --- As a DIRECT response to refute TT's assertion, Reg quoted a study by Normwn published in the New England Journal of Medicine. He started by saying about TT's assertion, "'Fraid you're out on a limb here"! Of course, what Reg did was sneakily trying to confuse people that anal and anal-oral transmission is the SAME.


Message # 32 by Pickwick --- He said he was aware of the Worman's paper and supported Reg's position. In another post, he also mentioned an Italian study to imply that HCV is transmissible by rimming (by not specifying in his post what sexual activity was examined in the study).


TT and I searched the NEJM and HepNet (Dr. Worman's) websites and discovered that the study repeatedly quoted by Reg and Pickwick (who claimed to be aware of the study):


(1) Was not conducted by Worman; AND

(2) Did not conclude that HCV is transmitted by the fecal-oral/anal-oral routes as well as rimming.


In other words, Reg and Pickwick lied.


What happened afterwards was in fact a routine used by Reg/Pickwick very consistently when they realize they have lost all their credibility in the discussion:


1. Try desparately backtrack and change their original position;

2. Claim that they never said this and that, and it is just people putting words in their mouths;

3. Sheepishly ignore the merits of the other side of the debate;

4. Viciously attack the other side;

5. Return with other's and/or new aliases (even TY notices that all of them have the same, boring one-dimenisonal personlity) to provide support to their sinking argument;

6. Distort the other side's position and repeat their rabid attacks again.


Well, there's really nothing new for Reg/Pickwick but I must say these spineless tactics are getting old.


Reg, I'm truly disappointed in you! I thought you were better than this. When you have to resort to attack me for hiring escorts (on an escort review site) in a supposedly scientific dabate about the risk of HCV transmission via rimming, I'm sure people would be able to judge for themselves the credibility of your argument.




(P.S. To suntan4: I regret to have responded to your rimming thread. I will make sure I'll never again address any of your questions regarding health issues in the future. Sorry for everything and thank you for putting up with my responses for so long!)

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Guest WetDream

RE: Nit picking


JT: While I agree wholeheartedly with you and TT here on the antics and tactics of the Pick/Reg combine, I do have one teeny tiney complaint about your post above:


"all of them have the same, boring one-dimenisonal personlity"


Surely you mean two dimensional, since their personalities are flat. Would that they were one dimensional and, therefore, invisible. Sorry, you pressed one of my pet peeve buttons. x(

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>JT: And stop blaming Canada!!


Reg, I think you may be suffering from amnesia. Actually I said "Blame Canada". Let me remind you by re-posting here one of my messages in the "Attack On America" Forum:


Blame Canada, of course! Why?

1. It was Canadian government department like the US Immigration and Naturalization Service that issued student visas and working permits to the 09/11 terrorits.


2. It was Canadian agencies such as the CIA and FBI that failed their intelligence gathering and internal security responsibilities in the US.


3. It was Canadian provinces like Florida that failed to detect and deport the terrorists who had lived, studied and worked in the US for years (up to 12 years!).


4. Finally, it was Canadian airport securities that failed to prevent the terrorists from boarding US planes at US airports.


Four months after the 09/11 tragedy, I'm still waiting to hear from the Canadian government what could have gone so wrong with its intelligence and security agencies such as CIA and FBI. So go ahead, blame Canada, why not?


As for your amnesia, perhaps Pickwick could help.



JT :)

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Guest spendlove



>Suntan: What are the risks of rimming?

>Rick Munroe: Hep A & B, so get vaccinated!

>Pickwick: You forgot about Hep C. No vaccination

>exists for it!

>TT: You're spreading misinformation; C isn't spread

>by rimming.

>Reg: WRONG - Look at the Worman study in the


>JT/TT: Worman doesn't have a study in the NEJM, and

>the study you mentioned has nothing to do with rimming.


You forgot post #12 in which you said hcv cannot under any circumstances be spread by oral anal contact. I guess that means not even if someone's mouth comes in contact with the blood of someone who has hcv. Right.


Anybody who wants to understand the dangers of rimming should read unicorn's post #95 in the thread on rimming. It makes a lot more sense than the crap posted by this guy and the other one who is always yelling about Canada.

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Guest spendlove

>Okay, would you please define sexual activity for all of us?

>To begin, perhaps you can tell us . . .


I would love to answer all of your questions except that I don't want to be on the receiving end of lectures and insults from a pretentious twit, which is what I got the last time I let you lure me into a discussion in the thread about escorts who show up late. Not this time. I found all those sources by doing one search on google and anyone else can do the same in a few seconds. If you still have questions about hcv transmission you can take them to your doctor or you can stick them up your flabby ass if somebody's tongue is not in the way.

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Guest TruthTeller

You forgot post #12 in which you said hcv cannot under any

>circumstances be spread by oral anal contact. I guess that

>means not even if someone's mouth comes in contact with the

>blood of someone who has hcv. Right.


This is the all-time dumbest post ever. Congratulations.


If you're kissing someone with HCV and you both have bleeding gums, their blood can enter your bloodstream and you can get HCV. Therefore, you can get HCV from kissing.


If you're walking down the street and a car swerves off the road onto the sidewalk and hits you and another pedestrian who has HCV, and some of his blood gushes into one of your wounds while you lay wounded on the sidewalk, you can get HCV. Therefore, you can get HCV from walking down the street.


If you're having sex with someone who has HCV and they cum onto the sheets and you have a scab that is slightly open and you roll over onto the cum, the HCV can enter your bloodstream. Therefore, you can get HCV from the safest of sexual acts that entails ejaculation.


Virtually every activity entails SOME risk of virutally everything. There's barely a virus around that you couldn't construe some hypothetical way of contracting for every activity, even the most innocuous, and then say "X virus can be transmitted through Y."


The question is always whether it's a meaningful risk, i.e., one with sufficient liklihood to be rationally recognized as a risk and act in accordance with. If you're now taking refuge in "if he has an internal bleeding hemmohroid and you have a bleeding gum, then you can get HCV from rimming," that's a sign of how far you've had to retreat.


AND - any acknowledgement yet at all that you lied about Worman having a study in the NEJM and/or that he claims that rimming transmits HCV? Or are you hoping that by hiding behind Unicorn (whose post actually NEGATES what you've said), that your lies will be forgotten?

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Guest TruthTeller

>I found all

>those sources by doing one search on google and anyone else

>can do the same in a few seconds.


You (i.e. Pickwick/Regulation) are really the most repugnant liar ever. You said there was a paper by Worman in the New England Journal of Medicine regarding a study reporting on the transmission of HCV through colonoscopies. THERE IS NO SUCH PAPER BY WORMAN, in the NEJM or anywhere else.


And instead of just admitting that you were in error, which would have been fine, you contiuously claim that you found this paper on google in 30 seconds when you know full fucking well it doesn't exist. JT repeatedly asked you/Pickwick/Regulation for the cite for the Worman paper on this topic, and you won't provide it, because it doesn't exist. For you to keep repeating that you found it, without providing any cite (which doesn't exist), is really sick beyond words.

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Guest Tampa Yankee



What the hell does this mean???


>5. Return with other's and/or new aliases (even TY notices

>that all of them have the same, boring one-dimenisonal

>personlity) to provide support to their sinking argument;


I know I'm slow but you don't have to point it out to the whole world!! :-)


TY(now renting space in his empty head -- first cum first served)



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>What the hell does this mean???


>>5. Return with other's and/or new aliases (even TY notices

>>that all of them have the same, boring one-dimenisonal

>>personlity) to provide support to their sinking argument;


>I know I'm slow but you don't have to point it out to the

>whole world!! :-)


Hi TY,


Actually that is a compliment. Just want to show everyone how SMART you are.


BTW, since I'm here, I may as well apologize to and thank Ethan for tolerating my spelling error, "personlity".



JT :+

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>>Okay, would you please define sexual activity for all of us?

>>To begin, perhaps you can tell us . . .


>I would love to answer all of your questions


Really? Deeds speak louder than words.



>except that I

>don't want to be on the receiving end of lectures and

>insults from a pretentious twit, which is what I got the

>last time I let you lure me into a discussion in the thread

>about escorts who show up late.


Pretentious twit? Thanks for your self-revealation. Like Reg, you must be getting old and suffer amnesia. Please try to focus on this discussion which is about the scientific evidence for HCV transmission via rimming and anal-oral/fecal-oral routes.



>I found all

>those sources by doing one search on google and anyone else

>can do the same in a few seconds.


Good for you. Claim whatever you want. No one who has followed the rimming thread, read the colonoscopy paper and visit the CDC , AMA, APHA, as well as other reputable scientific/medicial institutional websites would believe your baseless claim that rimming ia a risk factor for HCV transmission.



>If you still have

>questions about hcv transmission you can take them to your



Sorry to disappoint you. But in reality, many physicians or medical students actually consult me about infectious disease transmission.



>or you can stick them up your flabby ass if

>somebody's tongue is not in the way.


Once again, you're telling us too much abouy yourself. More information than we need to know.


You're another weakest link, goodbye!




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HIV transmission by mosquito bites!


As long as we're talking about risk of transmission of infectious diseases, let's talk about HIV.


Is HIV transmissible by mosquito bites? I guess everyone knows HIV is a bloodborne pathogen. However, if you look up any reputable medical/scientific institutional websites or ask your doctors, they would tell you that HIV is not transmitted by mosquito bites. Why? Because HIV does not surivive inside the mosquito well. They will be inactivated soon following ingestion via the blood meal.


Of course, someone can always conjure up a scenario where HIV is transmissible by mosquito bite. For example, if you lock up one uninfected person with 100 infected people who have very high viral loads in their blood in a very small room heavily infested with frmale mosquitoes for a month, perhaps some of the mosquitoes might have their mouthparts contaminated enough that they transmit HIV to the uninfected person during their blood meals.


But we must ask ourselves honestly, how real is that risk? How likely you will find yourself in that situation? If you do, are there things you can do to prevent transmission or minimize the risk. Unfortunately, when people (especially those who feel that their "reputation" on the MC is more important than providing others with accuarte information) start talking about risk of disease transmission without a good understanding of the prevalence and incidence of the disease, the properties of the infectious agents, risk factors, and transmission probability, we must be cautious and diligent so that we won't be misled and misinformed!




(P.S. If a person is telling the truth, does it matter whether he yells about Canada or the US? Perhaps, I guess, for those who have a narrow mind).

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>Anybody who wants to understand the dangers of rimming

>should read unicorn's post #95 in the thread on rimming.


Sure, go ahead! If you do, you'll discover that Unicorn does NOT find the colonoscopy paper in the NEJM (by the way, NOT published by Worman --- a claim repeatedly lied about by Spendlove, Pickwick and Reg) provides any evidence that rimming is a risk factor for HCV transmission. If you compare the following excerpts, you'll find Unicorn's and my interpretation of the colonscopy study results compatible.



Excerpt from post # 29 (by JT) of the “Rimming” thread:


3. Even if the transmission of HCV between the two patients did occur due to the exposure to contaminated equipment, there are other possible interpretations of the results, e.g.

(b) the instrument was contaminated with HCV from one patient (the source of the virus) but the viruses could have come from body fluids containing the virus (e.g. blood). It's not uncommon that certain medical procedures can damage the tissue to the extent that induces bleeding. In other words, the viruses did not originate from the fecal material;

© the transmission of HCV through such medical procedure is considered parenteral route (not fecal-oral route).



Excerpt from post # 95 (by Unicorn) of the “Rimming” thread:


My take on the transmission between the colonoscopy patients is that it is easily explained through blood transmission either through poorly disinfected equipment, or the re-use of the medication syringes as described in the article. I can assure you that the colonoscope causes bleeding often if not usually. There is no reason to invoke fecal-oral transmission here.


And yes Spendlove, it's true that we make a lot more sense than the crap posted by you, Pickwick and Reg!




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Guest regulation

>you left me out! :-(


You're right and I'm sorry. Please consider this an addendum.


DCescortBOY: I'm afraid your post simply cannot have any credibility since it does not contain a complete bibliography of sources organized in the manner recommended by Strunk & White's "Manual of Style." And there are several spelling errors also. Finally, I suspect you are an anti-Semite, so that proves you are wrong.


WetDream: I and my other screen names really resent the way these threads on rimming have distracted people from MY latest thread, which is titled "What's your Favorite Color?" Why would people want to talk about trivial health issues when we could be talking about an important subject like that? I just don't understand it!

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Guest regulation

Spendy, you have to understand that when you get into an argument with TT he's going to do one of several things:


(a) accuse you of being me or someone else, despite the fact that he himself has been accused of being me and half a dozen other posters in the past;


(b) insist that whatever you say is a lie whether he has any idea of its factual basis or not;


© cast aspersions on your intelligence, your sanity or both; and


(d) all of the above.


So far as I can tell, your first post in this thread is accurate. There is a study on transmission of hcv by anal contact (colonoscopy) published in the NEJM. Howard Worman is a well known liver specialist who wrote a paper on it. I believe he has his own website on this and related subjects. There is a plethora of articles dealing with sexual transmission of hcv that can be found in a couple of minutes with any decent search engine. I don't always use google because its results are determined by the link popularity of pages but it often works.


You said two fairly sensible things in your posts. First, if you have questions about the safety of rimming consult your own physician. Second, if you must consult a message board you couldn't do better than unicorn's post in the other thread. Kudos. And please try to develop more of an individual style so that I will be able to mock you effectively in the future. :-)

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