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Foom -- Enough Already

Guest Zach DC
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Guest Zach DC

Fin Fang Foom, you have rambled on these past few weeks trying to rewrite history. Less than three weeks ago you held Rick in high regard.

You publicly announced what a great guy Rick was and proudly claimed he was a personal friend of yours. But now you have changed your

story. You claim Rick is on some crusade to reveal your true identity. You repeat over and over again that he is trying to “out” you.


And now you further claim nobody could possibly discover your true identity -- unless you choose to reveal it yourself. You're confident you've

shielded your identity from Rick and everyone at the message center. But this is in direct contrast to what you wrote two weeks ago. In the

"Sex After Escorting" thread, Rick tried to disassociate himself from you. He said he did not know you and asked you to leave him alone. But

did you leave him alone? No. You publicly taunted him. You boldly dared him to reveal who you are.


Your exact words were:

“And finally.…....to Rick Monroe. I am shocked you haven’t figured

out who I am yet. We even chatted a few days ago and I just chuckled

inside because I guess you’re clueless. I thought you would have

figured it out loooooooooooong ago.”


How could you be “shocked” that Rick didn't know your true identity -- but now act so confident Rick will never figure out who you really are?

Face it Foom, Rick isn’t “clueless.” He’s wise enough to ignore your taunts in this forum. Rick isn't on a crusade to reveal your true identity.

Just the opposite -- you revealed yourself to him. You did it in this public forum. You let EVERYONE discover your secret.


Your post “Fin Fang Foom Replies at Great Length” reveals so much. You blathered for 45 paragraphs. These are the ramblings of a bad liar.

You admit the post sounded bad. You admit it sounded like Jason Coxx wrote that post. You now explain that you write for Jason Coxx in this

forum. Yet, you're angered when others reach the opposite and obvious conclusion -- Jason Coxx writes as Fin Fang Foom.


Don't try to convince us who wrote that post. Just explain what was written. Today you act confident nobody could ever discover your true

identity. But just last week in the "Fin Fang Foom Replies" speech, you wrote:


“I felt it prudent to stay anonymous since so many people were having

hissy fits about me and I didn't want my phone ringing late at night with

irate calls. I didn't think that Rick would "out" me but I thought the safest

course would be to keep my mouth shut…”


Foom, how could "so many people" in this forum get your phone number? How could anyone get your number? Is it published online? Is your

phone number already on this website? If it isn’t published here, then you must have given Rick your number. Plain and simple, if you're afraid

Rick will reveal your phone number -- then Rick knows exactly who you are.


That post makes no sense signed by Fin Fan Foom -- you say with great confidence you're anonymous to Rick and everyone in this forum.

However, it makes perfect sense if Jason Coxx wrote that post -- his number is already published in the review section and on his website.

(Shouldn't that post read you didn't want JASON'S phone ringing all night with irate calls?)


You also said you would try to keep your mouth shut in the hopes that Rick would not “out” you. But you haven’t kept your mouth shut. The

more you speak, the more you reveal. You've already revealed your true identity. Now you reveal your bad character. You get angrier and

angrier, yet Rick wisely ignores your lies and insults.


This whole situation would not have escalated if you had chosen to speak simply and honestly to Rick about what you had done. Words like

“I’m really sorry, I made a mistake” could have put an end to this. And if you hadn't revealed your private conversations with Rick here in this

public, nobody else would ever have known you're identity.


Foom, take some positive steps. Start by admitting you aren't "shocked" that Rick HAS NOT figured out who you are -- Rick knows exactly who

you are. But Rick isn't trying to "out" you. Rick isn't the one with a "nasty side."


You chose to reveal your true identity. You chose to reveal how you treat those you called friends. Take responsibility for your words and

actions. Stop blaming others. Stop lying to everyone. Stop lying to yourself. And please, stop with all the anger. It's discomforting to hear you

speak with such contempt. It's disturbing to hear you speak of Rick this way.


Rick is a great guy. He's a sweet man. Surely, you must still know this to be true. So please, you gotta stop all this bad shit. And allow others

to welcome you back as a friend.


Zach DC

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It was nice enough to start the morning reading a post such as "Foom- Enough Already." Thanks Zach DC.

If I had written the post, I would have avoided giving foom more assertions to respond to and just said something like

"Foom- Enough Already. I'd rather have sex with a woman than another post from you.!":(

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You've made a strong case for tha fact that this hurtful stuff has gone on long enough, that FFF and Rick need to come to some kind of healthy closure regarding whatever lies behind them, and that the whole issue should be put to rest. This whole web of intrigue seems incredibly dull to me, but obviously the prurient interests of some indicate otherwise, by the sheer volume of folks who've followed the former thread dealing with it. Isn't there enough real drama and tragedy in the world to make this whole thing seem pretty pale by comparison? It is time for the main characters in this soap opera to make their peace and move on with their "real" lives.

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I agree wholeheartedly with everything you've said. This whole situation did get pretty ugly, but wouldn't have had gotten to this

point had FFF/JC not attacked other escorts the way he did. Plus, the

whole stalking thing was scary, despite how he tried to downplay it.


Hopefully this will be an opportunity for some self-reflection and




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Guest WetDream

The response to this post that I'm really looking forward to reading is one from Rick M. saying that he has received an apology from FFF.

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I don't check in here that often anymore because I'm sick of reading the same sort of catty, raging, pathetic Wizard-of-Oz-I-can-be-whoever-I-want-behind-my-computer-screen bullshit from people like this FFF/JC loser. I hate to continue stoking the fire from this flame, but...


Rick Munroe (the Nancy Reagan of escorts) a crystal addict? That is so bizarre, it's actually funny. Anyone who actually KNOWS Rick and Derek, knows this: they are good escorts (and good friends) because they are loyal, they are reliable, they are honest, they are grounded, they are fun, they are real and they are fellow pigs.


So Fing/Jason or whoeverthefuck you are, I agree with Zach and Jeff (and everyone else): enough already. You've exposed yourself, you've made a fool of yourself, you've damaged your/Jason's reputation with clients and your relationships with other escorts.


So give the anti-Rick and Derek postings a rest. They don't deserve it and you know it. Post anything else you want. Rant about how we (fellow) escorts are drug-addicted, steroid-raging, unemployable, lazy, overpaid, egotistical, uneducated losers. That is certainly your right, even if your motives are bizarre and confusing, at best. Just know this: you won't succeed in destroying anyone but yourself. We won't let you.



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Guest Esc_Tracker

I have been ask to repost this from the original thread as Hoo would like to see that thread die, and there is some concern the thoughts expressed here would get lost in the mass of posts anyway. For what it's worth:


"I don't really know how much credibility I enjoy among you, and the only ones who have posted on this thread that I have had any dealings with outside this board are Hoo and CTdick. But I feel called upon to make two observations.


"1. I too reading FFF's came to exactly the same conclusion as Bilbo. This guy is a stalker and doesn't realize it. Because he sees no harm in what he does, he thinks that any hurt or anxiety Rick has experienced is his own fault. This is so classically typical of a stalker's thinking that it just leapt off the page at me.


"FFF, the behaviour you have been describing is called "stalking". It is sinister, and people quite unsurprisingly find it scary and threatening. Just stop. You do not realize the pain you are causing and, if you do realize it and don't care, you are a really disturbed individual.


"2. FFF has very good cause not to reveal his identity to Rick at this time. The fact that he fears doing so is a good sign. It means he is beginning to confront the fact that his behaviour has been foolish and unconscionable. Things have come to a pass, however, that, until such time as he does reveal his identity, FFF will be stalking Rick each and every time he refers to him, no matter what the context, because of his past behaviour.


"So the optimal solution, though I am sure Rick will find it unsatisfactory, is for FFF to just stop talking about Rick, to stop contacting Rick or, ideally, to stop even thinking about Rick whether as FFF or any other persona until all this has died down and Rick can regain some peace of mind through the healing power of time. It could take years. But perhaps at that point, and only at that point, could FFF actually seek forgiveness by offering a sorrowful and genuinely heartfelt apology. FFF is still in denial and does not appear capable of this yet.


"If the stalking continues, and I repeat that, under the circumstances, any further attempt by FFF to contact or refer to Rick constitutes further stalking, then Hoo has no choice but to yank FFF off the board (I don't see much point in launching an investigation). If that doesn't work and FFF, or even someone like him, returns to the charge via another persona, then Hoo will unfortunately have to close the message board.


"Stalking is serious stuff boys, but the stalker is never able to see that. He may realize that he is in too deep, but if that's the case, he also realizes there is nothing he can do to make things right. So he tends to minimize the harm in his own mind and project reponsibility for a bad situation onto the victim.


"Rick, I don't know you, and I realize that this is not the game of peekaboo FFF has portrayed it as. He is not a sick person, just someone who has made so many mistakes one small step at a time that there is now no climbing down. If you really must know who FFF is now, you are going to have to convince him that he is forgiven. I don't think he is (forgiven), so stop pushing and let him stop his obnoxious behaviour on his own. I don't envy you, and understand the pain he has caused you foolishly or maliciously.


"If he continues, at least we will know which of the two it is.


"(A very saddened) Esc-Tracker:-( "

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Guest JON1265

I have watched (or read rather) this strange soap opera unfold from afar. Did I miss something?


Is FFF really Jason Coxx or is this just an educated guess on someone else's part?


The reason I say this - a while back (6 months maybe?) - someone posted a negative review about Jason (it was a very bizarre negative review) and he responded in a VERY witty and succint manner. I thought then that the review and response sounded like a set-up...I didn't post anything on it at the time because I was relatively new to posting (though not to the boards) and didn't want to raise some eyebrows as being a troublemaker.


I post quite a bit more (actually a lot more) at ATKOL....I enjoy these boards, but all this talk about FFF and Rick has truly creeped me out. I don't know Rick at all, and I know everyone on here thinks a lot of the guy - but if I am creeped out I can only imagine how he must feel.


But I still feel I missed a thread or post or something...


Anywhoo - I just wanted to weigh in with my comments - and to Rick: I don't know you and I don't think we ever even exchanged comments on this board - but I hope this mess has sorted itself out. Take care.



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